Categories: Parineeti

Parineeti 30th December 2024 Written Episode Update: Gurvindar claims to have done this for Sanju

Parineeti 30th December 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1

Gurvindar tells everyone that Ambika was part of this plan and helped her. Ambika says she has lost her mind, why would I want my daughter to marry a man she doesn’t like? Gurvindar says you kept provoking me against Neeti and suggesting this. Ambika says did I ask you to get my daughter married to him? what’s the proof? Gurvindar says you said that Neeti doesn’t deserve Sanju and your daughter is way better than her, she is richer and perfect for him. Ambika says I said that but I never said to destroy Neeti’s life and don’t get her married to Sanju. I said your son is crazy about my daughter but that doesn’t mean I meant he should marry her, we all know he has been in love with her and not Neeti so the marriage seemed wrong but the culprit

here is Sanju, he married Pari and then Neeti and then went back to Pari, then Pari died so he decided to marry Neeti now. I wasn’t wrong that now he is eyeing Parvati. The main player is just Gurvindar in all this and her son is wrong too. Rakesh says Sanju is such a cheap man that no girl would want to marry him. Pari says I never want to marry a person who cheated on 2 girls. Sanju shouts enough, I loved Pari and still love her so this is wrong. The police arrive there. Sanju says I called them as Rakesh attacked me and tried to marry his bride so what should be done with him? Rakesh runs from there. Neeti tells Gurvindar to talk to her. 

Neeti comes to Gurvindar and shouts why did she do this? you knew this marriage meant life to me so why did you do this? you are still the selfish and greedy woman that you were before, you are using your son for your gain. What would you get from Parvati? she shouts at her but Gurvindar stops her and says I did it for my family. Neeti is about to break the family photo but Gurvindar says this is my family photo. Neeti says it has Pari in it, was Pari part of your family? why did you help me in killing her then? Gurvindar says you can say anything to me, I have done a lot for you but I won’t let you break my family for this. Neeti says I was part of your family so why did you do this? Sukwindar shouts at her that they were wrong to trust her. Pami says she did a sin, she destroyed 3 lives. She lost respect for everyone. Bebe asks why did she do this? what was the gain? you are trying to blame Ambika but you are responsible for all this. Gurvindar says I did all this because I had my reasons. She tells Sukwindar that she supported Neeti always, you wanted me to do what you wanted but if I didn’t do it then I am a cheap woman? she tells Pami that you always wanted me to put Sanju first so I did that and now you are blaming me. I am a good mother and I did what was right for my son. I convinced him to do this marriage, you should appreciate me for doing this. Didn’t you want Parvati to become our DIL? Gurvindar tells Bebe that she blamed Ambika because she said that Sanju loves Parvati so I got him married to her. Neeti never respected me so why should have I supported her? Neeti looks on. 

The episode ends. 

Update Credit to: Atiba

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