Categories: Parineeti

Parineeti 3rd August 2023 Written Episode Update: Sanju brings dai maa home

Parineeti 3rd August 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Pari cries. Pami and Sanju console her. They ask her what happened? Rakesh’s mom says Pari is responsible for all of this. Alavat says why is this family ready to insult us. I never supported Rakesh in wrong. we’ve a name in the society. Rakesh made some mistakes when he was young but I never supported her. There’s a limit to everything. Why is this Sanju so mad at Pari’s wedding. How are they related? Sanju misbehaved with my wife. I respect women. Why is Sanju so interested in Pari and her life? sanju says stop it. Ask me directly. Alavat says I don’t need to talk to you. My family’s name has been defamed. All of this is happening because you have interest in Pari. What right do you have to come between Pari and Rakesh. They love each other. Tao ji says

there’s no love. You know why this wedding is happening. It’s all your son’s demad. Alavat says shut up. Should I tell the truth. Sanju says what truth? What have we hidden? Alavat says let elders talk. Sanju says young people have to interfere with elders are wrong. Alavat says how dare you talk to me like that. I am going to be the CM for this state. Sanju says I hope no one votes for you. He says don’t dare to question my politics. Pami says what about our family? We won’t let you ruin our family.

Alavat’s wife says what respect are you talking about? If we wanted we could defame you so easily. Pari is pregnant before marriage. she’s the one who could defame you. Media comes there. Sanju says let me tell the truth. Rakesh’s mom slaps him. Sanju says you can slapp me again. You can’t ruin Pari’s character though. I won’t let anyone speak about her dignity. She says what dignity? She’s pregnant with Rakesh’s child before wedding. My son is good that he’s still marrying her and saving her name. He could leave her like that. But we didn’t bring him up like that. He knows how important a girl’s dignity is.

She says what dignity does a girl have who’s pregnant before wedding. Pari says enough. I’ve done nothing. I can’t let you defame me and my family like this. I stayed silent for so long. This child isn’t Rakesh’s. Rakesh’s mom says you think you’d say and we’d believe? This wedding is happening because you’re pregnant only. Alavat says let me talk. She says it’s about my son’s wedding. I won’t let anyone ruin his wedding. Sanju says so you all think this wedding is happening because Pari is pregnant with Rakesh’s child? She says yes. He’s repenting and hence marrying Pari. He loves his child a lot. Sanju says oh really? Then ask him why he planned the abortion of his to be child? He took Pari for abortion. Ask him. Alavat says don’t lie. Sanju says I’ve the proof. He calls dai maa in. sanju recalls when he saw her in the car. She asked for money to tell the truth. Pari recalls her. She’s scared. Sanju says this file shows all the transactions that happened between Rakesh and Dai maa for abortion. Dai maa says Rakesh brought me Pari for her abortion. He paid me what I asked. I started preparing her abortion. Rakesh says what are you saying? sanju must have paid you. Disgusting women like you can say anything for money. Dai maa says you are disgusting. I will show you your worth. She says this drive has all the proofs. Our basement has cameras. There are many people like Rakesh. Sanju asks Monty to play it.

Rakesh says mom says to Rakesh if you didn’t make her pregnant how is she pregnant then? She asks Pami you all agreed to get her married because she’s pregnant. No one likes my son. This Pari doesn’t like my son either. Sanju says you’re right. We all hate him. Pari is pregnant with surrogacy with Neeti and my child.

Episode ends

Precap: Rajiv proves Pari is carrying his and Neeti’s baby. Rakesh makes Pari sit beneath and chandelier and shoots it and its about to fall over Pari.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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