Categories: Pashminna

Pashminna 23rd November 2023 Written Episode Update: Raghav gets upset with Pashminna

Pashminna 23rd November 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Raghav asking Manager to give his ring. Manager goes. Nusrath bhai asks Raghav to come and says Preeti is a good hearted woman. Kaju asks Pashminna why she didn’t tell her that she loves Paras. She says Kailash Pashminna asks her to have badam and says she loves Mr. Kaul. She says Paras is just my friend and I have no intention to marry him. She thinks to find out who has done this. Avinash comes to Atul and tells that he has some work with him. He says Raghav needs you, and tells that he is in your house in Kashmir. Atul gets emotional hearing this. Dadi comes there and says yes, Raghav went to our house. Atul gets emotional. Dadi says if you want to get back that house, then you have to sign on the documents. Avinash says you have to sign in conscious state. Atul throws

his wine glass. Dadi tells Avinash that he was right. Avinash says we shall give the good news to Raghav. Pashminna tells Preeti that Paras is just her friend and she dont know that he feels this for her. Preeti asks are you sure? She says I didnt agree and said that I will agree after asking you. Pashminna asks Kaju if she is happy. Kaju is happy. Preeti says Kailash said that you loves him. Pashminna says no. She reminds her that she has given her liberty to choose her life partner. Preeti asks her to say. Pashminna says she will tell when the right time comes. Amrin asks Kaju. Kaju asks her not to worry about what people says.

Raghav thinks why he is caught between Paras and Pashminna and asks himself, why do he care? He thinks Pashminna should have given me a hint atleast, and thinks he doesn’t care. Ruhaan calls him. Raghav asks how do you know that your brother is calling you? Ruhaan says there is a surprise for you. Raghav asks what? Ruhaan says he will tell him later. Raghav asks about Ayesha? Ruhaan says she must be in the meeting. Raghav sends voice message to Ayesha, and says he wants to tell everything to his best friend and not to his fiancé. Ayesha is at the airport to go to Kashmir, but her flight gets delayed by morning. She sends voice message to him, and says his bestie is coming tomorrow.

Pashminna gets ready. Preeti says Raghav has come. Pashminna says Kaul Saheb has come, and thinks she will faint today as her heart is beating fast. She thinks she will not apologize to him. Pashminna introduces Kaju to Raghav. Kaju says her name is Fatima. Preeti comes there and saks if he liked Bakarkhani. Raghav says no. Pashminna says she forgot to give him. She asks him to have kahwa. Raghav says you have forgotten something. Pashminna asks him to apologize to her. Raghav ignores her. Preeti comes and gives clothes to Raghav, and tells about the festival, they used to celebrate today. She says you are our Detraj (God). Pashminna says you are saying anything. Raghav goes to wear the clothes. Pashminna says he is not listening to me, and says he shall apologize to me. Raghav comes there wearing the clothes gifted by preeti and asks her if God forgives the liars also. Pashminna says first they shall know what is their mistake? She asks Shambu ji why he sent this arrogant guy for her. He asks about the room. She says they open this room for this day, they clean the room and then do puja. He sneezes. Pashminna gives her dupatta to wipe his nose. He takes out his handkerchief. She thinks to find out what happened to him.

Precap: Pashminna tells Raghav that Kaju and her goes to every houses whose residents had left them. She says we go there and do puja and keep the bhog. She says they did puja in his house too. She says may be you will do puja in your own house next year. Raghav gets emotional. He gets his ring from the hotel staff. Pashminna comes there.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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