Categories: Patiala Babes

Patiala Babes 13th May 2019 Written Episode Update: Minnie meets Biji and Papaji

Patiala Babes 13th May 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Micky tells Hanuman that Minnie is his friend and asks him what Babes is to him? Hanuman is quiet. Micky tells him to tell when their relation gets defined. He leaves. Hanuman thinks Micky’s question indeed makes sense.

Next day, Hanuman is still thinking about Micky’s question. He tries to clear his confusion with Lala. Lala says landlord and renter. Hanuman thinks how come he didn’t figure that out. Minnie and Babita are going to temple. Lala tells Minnie that she never goes, then why today. Babita says she’ll see God and they will also do their practice. Lala asks what practice? Babita says she’s learning to drive scooty. Few days ago she had to take Hanuman’s help and sit on his bike with him. Hanuman doesn’t like hearing that and taunts which landlord

makes their tenant sit on his bike. Babita asks why he’s saying like that. Hanuman says they were just talking about their relation. Babita says it’s not like that, she just doesn’t like to trouble others and would like to be independent. They leave.

Hanuman is lost in thoughts again and his confusion starts again.

Biji tells Lovely and Sukhi that Papaji wants to meet Minnie, but won’t say it. Lovely and Sukhi ask Papaji to not behave rudely with Minnie else she will go in depression. Biji, Papaji get ready to leave. Sukhi and Lovely also have to go to clinic. Sukhi says they should go after having breakfast as Meeta is in kitchen since morning. Biji says they will get late then. They all are leaving when Meeta comes and asks them to have breakfast. They make excuse about Papaji’s important health appointment. Meeta asks whether they will be back by lunch time. Papaji says it will take time. She gets sad. Ashok comes and tells Meeta to pack his lunch as he has a meeting. He sees so many items in breakfast and asks Meeta if anything special. Meeta says her parents are coming from London and she thought to give everyone a surprise. Meeta asks Ashok to stay back as it won’t look good if no one is at home. He says meeting is important. Everyone leaves. Meeta gets sad.

Babita and Minnie are in temple. Minnie asks Babita why she brought her there. Babita asks they need reason for that? She says they finished praying, so they should leave now. Babita tries to hold her there. She says she will go and get sweets. She calls Papaji, Biji but their phones are not reachable. She calls home and leave voicemail that her and Minnie are waiting in temple.

Meeta’s parents come home. Meeta gets emotional meeting them. She hugs her mother. Her mother asks her to apologize to her father. Meeta cries and falls down to his feet. He forgives her. They sit down to talk. Her parents asks about family members. Meeta says Ashok had an important meeting and rest of the members went for Papaji’s appointment. She clarifies that they didn’t know about her parents coming as she thought to give surprise. Her mother asks whether they like her and have accepted her? She says they accepted that is why they agreed for marriage. She says she will call them. She checks voicemail and everyone hears Babita’s message.

Babita is still holding Minnie in temple. She shows a tree where you tie a cloth and pray for parents’ happiness. Babita prays for Papaji and Biji. Minnie says she’ll do the same and she prays for Babita only. After that, Minnie asks whether they should leave now. Babita wonders why Biji and Papaji didn’t come yet. They get ready to leave. Just then Biji and Papaji come in front of them. Minnie asks don’t they go in different temple? Biji says yes, but this one is special temple. Papaji turns his face away. Minnie asks what happened. He doesn’t respond. Babita asks Biji. Biji says since they left, he’s sad only. Minnie feels bad, but shows attitude. Biji continues that Ashok and Lovely don’t have time for them, they only had hopes from Minnie. But now even Minnie said that she’s not their granddaughter. Minnie melts down and says she didn’t say that. Dadu had said it. Biji asks whether she will tie cloth for her Dadu?

Precap: Hanuman gives a ladle to Babita saying he had kept some of the stuff stored. It’ll be helpful to her.

Update Credit to: Simmy

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