Categories: Patiala Babes

Patiala Babes 4th October 2019 Written Episode Update: Nayeem Bi Is Heartbroken

Patiala Babes 4th October 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Minnie with Preet and Mickey returns home after Mickey’s doctor’s appointment singing songs. Biji asks if the got Mickey’s bandage. Minnie says yes, he was running around like a kid. Mickey says it’s paining a lot. Biji says she has medicine for his pain, ice-cream. Mickey says he is not a kid. Dadaji asks which flavour he likes, Minnie used to insist for an ice cream after each doctor’s appointment, even they have ice-cream after their doctor visit. They both walk out to get ice-cream. Preet tells Minnie that her grandparents are so cool. Minnie says even her Babes and HS are also cool and young at heart, they accepted Mickey in their home. Mickey says he doesn’t know as he felt Babes didn’t like him staying here. Minnie says he has misunderstood.


tells NB that she didn’t like Minnie’s closeness to Preet’s boyfriend Mickey and is concerner after Kammo commented that Minnie may become second Mita. NB says she should trust her daughter and there was something like that Minnie would have informed already to her as Minnie doesn’t hide anything from her mother. She gets Rukhsana’s call that Irfan is calling her to Khatri’s office, asks Babita to inform HS to reach Khatri’s office, and reaches there with Babita. She scolds Khatri for trying to sell her house and make her homeless. Irfan says he is taking her home and will take good care of her. NB says she is a queen in her house and doesn’t want to vacate her house. Irfan says she is only 1/8th owner and he will go to court if she doesn’t agree. NB shatters more hearing that. Babita tries to interfere, but Irfan warns her not to as they are respectable people. NB scolds him and he misbehaves with her more. HS walks in and asks how can he misbehave with his mother. Irfan asks him also not to interfere in their family issues. NB says she is ready to fight in court and walks away. Khatri suggests him to be rude to his mother and get the the work done peacefully. NB returns home and cries hugging Imran. Imran asks Rukhsana what happened to daadi. Babita says daadi is unwell. HS consoles her saying he doesn’t have a mother and one who he has is not valuing her. NB says she is his mother and asks him to find a good lawyer. Their emotional bonding continues

Babita returns home and panics reminiscing Khatri and Kammo’s taunts. She sees Minnie running behind Mickey to apply ink on his face and holding his collar, remembers she holding HS’ collar and shout to stop it. Minnie asks what happened. Babita starts argument and says she doesn’t want Minnie to snatch Mickey from Preet. Minnie is shocked and asks what does she mean. Preet supports Minnie saying she is Mickey’s girlfriend and Minnie is his soul mate and their friendship is very pure. She walks away holding Mickey’s hand.

Precap: Minnie confronts Babita that she and HS couldn’t keep their friendship and are confused, but Mickey and her friendship is pure. Babita angrily slaps her.

Update Credit to: MA

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