Categories: Patiala Babes

Patiala Babes 8th January 2020 Written Episode Update: Neil Needs A Leave

Patiala Babes 8th January 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Neil continues to sleep on cart with his belongings. Early morning, milkman brings milk and seeing door locked thinks even Neil left house and he has to bear losses. He then sees Neil and asks what is he doing here, insists to buy milk. Neil says he doesn’t have a room now and can’t buy milk. Milkman fixes gas and stove and boils milk for him and asks what next. Neil says he needs to search a new house. Milkman says let us see what has new year in store for him.

Minine dries her hair after bathe and listens to astrology on FM radio. Arya insists her dry her hair. Minnie dries Arya’s hair while Rani dries her hair. Arya hears astrologer telling that this new year they may find their love of life and taunts Minnie. Minnie says she is wrong and argues. Astrologer further

says one may find a better deal in business and need to coordinate with staff well. Minnie says Neil is difficult to handle. Arya says if she speaks to him properly, he will. Their argument continues. Minnie asks what is month of birth. Arya says July. Minnie says it means Leo, says she is done and asks Rani to get clothes for Arya. Rani switches off radio. Arya scolds her and switches on radio ago. She hears astrologer telling Leo people can overcome their enemies if they stop being arrogant. Arya thinks Montu is gone now. Astrologer says their love life will also go well and prince will meet them. Arya feels shy.

While having breakfast, Arya insists to attend new year party. Minnie says kids are not allowed. Arya says mummy papa used to take her for party. Minnie asks Rani. Rani says Arya’s parents used to take her to temple even after Arya’s resistance. Arya says she is lying. Minnie asks to accept truth and says she is going to restaurant and asks Rani to inform grandparents to come and stay with Arya. Arya complains that whole world parties but she is stopped. Minnie says she is going to restaurant for work and not party. Arya argues. Their nok jhok continues. Minnie says she will send special new year dishes to Arya.

Kammo opens her beauty parlor while Khatri pesters her for money. Neil pulls his cart with belongings in front of shop and asks Khatri to get him a room. Kammo forcefully takes Neil into parlor and says she will do his complementary facial. Khatri asks why for free. Kammo flirts with Neil. Khatri gets jealous. Neil says he doesn’t want facial and just needs room. Khatri takes him out and says if he needs room, he needs to pay 15000 rs, 7500 room rent and 7500 his commission. Neil asks how will he arrange 15000 rs by evening. Khatri says he can help only if he gets money. Neil murmurs he is kamina/rogue. Khatri says it is pure business. Kammo asks if he is done. Khatri says yes.

Minnie reaches restaurant and explains work to staff. Geeta says she will fix restaurant is closed board. Minnie asks where are other staff members. Neil enters with his cart. Minnie asks what is all this. He says until he returns, cart will stay here. Minnie asks where is he going when there is party tonight. Neil says he needs a leave. Minnie asks how can he say that when there is party tonight. Their argument ensues. Neil says only food, clothes, and shelter matter to him; he is homeless and his house owner kicked him out of house. Minnie asks what about the advance she paid. He says it went to pay old rent and owner kicked him out like one throws fly out of milk. Minnie asks if he couldn’t resist, how can he be so dumb. Neil says he is dumb as he is law abiding citizen and doesn’t want to break rules. She says she feels sorry for him but cannot give him leave. He says in that case, he resigns. Minnie says he knows party cannot happen without him as only he knows to prepare continental dishes. He says he knows. She asks then why is he blackmailing. He says he is requesting. Minnie asks him to go to kitchen and prepare dishes while she finds room for him. He says he doesn’t want her favor. She shouts he is not. Geeta asks her to calm down. Minnie calms down and pleads him.

Precap: Arya over phone asks Neil not to start party until she comes there. Minnie asks what is going on. He says she should search house for him and he will get into kitchen. Minnie says please go.

Update Credit to: MA

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