Categories: Pavitra Bhagya

Pavitra Bhagya 13th March 2020 Written Episode Update: Reyansh does not let Pranati take Jugnu with her

Pavitra Bhagya 13th March 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Pranati looks away sadly but Reyansh hugs her out of excitement. Its been so long! What are you doing here dressed as a bride? Jung gets tensed seeing Pranati. She is a problem! Pranati tells Reyansh she wont let him take that girl with him. He asks her what has happened. You look very different.

Gattu tells Jugnu that Pranati had come looking for her in the orphanage. Jugnu shares that she is the same lady who had handed her to the Matron. She must be in need of a maid!

Reyansh connects the dots noticing her bridal dress. Was that you in the fire? Are you trying to go in some fancy dress competition? She says marriage is no less than a fancy dress competition. He is impressed that she still remembers it. People often don’t forget the incidents that happen in their lives. You are also

an accident which I could never forget! Pranati asks him if he is done talking. I have come to take Jugnu. Jugnu locks the car’s door as Pranati inches closer. Pranati unlocks the door and requests her to step out of the car. Jugnu hides behind Reyansh. He asks her why she is looking for Jugnu. I have been searching for her since long! Pranati asks him if he knows anything about Jugnu. How would you know anything when you are never in senses to know about yourself! He asks her what she wants from Jugnu. Pranati fumbles as she says she is our daughter.

Flashback shows Pranati walking up to Reyansh when he was playing basketball. She looks at him emotionally but he is acting naughty. He asks her why she is so scared. She tries to tell him but he clearly tells her he isn’t interested in marriage or commitment right now. I don’t have the maturity to be a husband. She shares that she is pregnant. Without a second thought, he tells her to abort the baby. She calls it their baby. He asks her why she is acting like she is from 70s. I am not ready to be a husband but you are making me a father! She asks him if she is at fault. He calms her down. Let’s rectify our mistake. Don’t be sentimental or angry. How will we manage this? This baby will know nothing. She reasons that there is a small life inside her. He says my life is right in front of me. There is no space of a baby in it. She reminds him of their future together. He agrees for it but also adds that she should keep him out of things if she will choose to keep this baby. Count me out of your life. She cries. Reyansh hugs her. Don’t get emotional. I don’t like it. Tell me the expenses of abortion. I will pay for it. Flashback ends.

Reyansh asks Pranati what she is saying. Why are you enquiring about this girl? Give me the number of their parents if you do. I need to speak to her. Pranati shares that she doesn’t know who her parents are. She is a small girl. I just want to take her responsibility. She asks Jugnu to come to her but Jugnu hides behind Reyansh. I wont come with you. Stop your emotional drama. Pranati tries to explain that she wont do anything. I just want you to be with me. Reyansh tries to make her understand but Pranati shouts at him. She wont go with you. It will be what I say! You don’t grow up just by growing a beard! He asks her if she is still a fossil or a historical monument. Talk about present. Jugnu isn’t eager to go with you then why you are so persistent. Why are you roaming around in this bridal outfit! Your husband has no idea what he is about to get into! Get married and have babies to calm the Mother India inside you. Pranati tries to touch Jugnu but Reyansh holds her hand. Jugnu runs back inside the car. Reyansh tells Pranati not to force anything. She tells him the same. Don’t touch me. He asks her if this is what she really wants.

Sumitra ji taunts Pranati’s mother over Pranati’s disappearance. What could be more important for her than her wedding? Why did she say yes to Archit when she wanted to disappear? Is she trying to fool us? Archit tries to quieten her but in vain. We agreed to your wish but no one is telling us anything here. Pranati’s mother says we left nothing amiss. Archit tells his mother to calm down. She is my wife. His mother reminds him they aren’t married yet. It does not seem like she is even remotely interested. The bride is missing. She has eloped! He counters her but she keeps taunting Pranati. Couldn’t we get another date after what happened today? You are so desperate! Pranati’s mother assures her she will be back. Sumitra ji says she will but this proves it that Archit is eager to marry her. Pranati does not seem even remotely interested. Pranati’s mother walks away teary eyed followed by Archit.

Pranati’s mother mentally apologizes to Pranati. I made a very big mistake. Archit asks her what happened. I am sure Pranati is worried about something but she isn’t sharing it. She is very intelligent but her absence on her wedding day is a serious matter. There must be a very big reason behind it. Tell me where she has gone and why. She keeps quiet. He requests her again. I can rectify things if she has a problem with my family or if she does not want to marry me. Please tell me. She decides to tell him everything when he receives a call. He leaves to bring Pranati. I wont come without her. Pranati’s mother wonders what is going on. Pranati should marry Archit only.

Reyansh tells Pranati his days are still good that he would want to touch her. can you not understand? Leave the child alone. She says I will go with Jugnu at any cost. She advances towards the car but Reyansh stands in her way. She tells him they have nothing now. I only want to take Jugnu with me. Please understand. Jugnu refuses to go with her. Reyansh explains the same thing to her. Pranati assures Jugnu she will take good care of her. I wont trouble you at all. You will be safe with me. Reyansh pulls Pranati aside.

Precap: Sumitra ji refuses to let her son marry Pranati but Archit still supports Pranati. I love her. I wont let anything come between us. Pranati thinks of her past. She announces that she does not wish to marry and returns Sumitra her bangle. This wedding cannot happen!

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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