Shocker ?
SHOT 16 …
The Episode starts with Kunj starting to read twinkle diary …

I am twinkle…uhmmm twinkle Kunj sarna I had no one to share my feelings write now so I am penning it down…I just came out of a bitter zone a month back I was in “COMA” he reads ..

Twinkle wrote twinkle Kunj sarna at that time ? That means she remembers everything Kunj murmured shocked ..he was eager to read further …

He was going to read ahead when got her called panicked he picked up the call ..

He..llo twinkle ..Kunj said
Papa Arohi chided from the other side ..Kunj sighed of relief ..

What happen doll ??? Kunj asked her ..
You should have stayed with us na Arohi said ..

Hehe you stay na with everyone I’ll come tomorrow Kunj said while she was sneezing ..

See Arohi please take this tonic twinkle was trying to give her while she was making twinklee dance on her tunes Kunj giggled hearing it ..

Arohi listen to Mumma have that baby Kunj said while she stopped and twinkle feed her a spoon of bitter tonic ..

Done she told Kunj ..
That’s like my doll Kunj added..

Bye Kunj take care twinkle took the phone from her..

You too Kunj replied cutting the call quickly …while twinkle felt weird but then she let it go ..

Both Arohi and Ishani was in her room while Yuvi too joined her ..
Haha back to mummy panda zone he teased her ..

Yeah Yuvi see her na twinkle whispered him back ..
Went on you what I should see he giggled while murmuring her ..

Bua I’ll go to papa Ishani said ..
They had anything ??? Yuvi asked ..

Haan Avni is bringing milk for them twinkle said ..soon Avni enters …with two glasses of milk ..

Here she is twinkle said and gave respective glasses to both Ishani and Arohi ..

Not again Arohi added while Yuvni giggled seeing her ..
Haan Bua Ishani too added after her ..

Twinkle bhai asked me to send Ishani back to his room as he is missing his lovely princess Avni said ..

Oh Ishani then completely finish it and you can go or else I won’t let you go twinkle told while Ishani gulped in quickly …

Hitler Kahi ki Yuvi murmured while Avni giggled and twinklee passed him death glare …

Avni and Ishani went while Arohi and twiraj were left in the room..

Chalo baby doll I’ll leave as well you handle your baby panda Yuvi said while twinkle sighed ..

I’ll see when you will have your babies twinkle replied sarcastically ..

Achawwww ? Yuvi murmured he pulled her hairs and ran from her room ..while twinkle sat with Arohi in her lap ..

My doll is very good girl right twinkle said while Arohi nodded in yes ..chalo I’ll tell you a story she added and started telling her in the mean time feeding her milk from her glass as well …while Arohi listening to it slept in her embrace twinkle hugged her tightly …
@sarna mansion ::
Kunj was first disturbed by Arohi and then followed by Ashi finally he kept his phone aside taking the diary back …

Ab no more disturbance he speaks and opened it again ..

Yeah I am just back from coma may be a month ago … initially it was difficult for me to remember everything as being unconscious for so long even my body needs to adjust with the outside environment …while akash concluded to everyone else that I may have a partial memory loss …

I remember the last moment when I and Kunj were on the isolated road and don’t know when the truck hitted me …I just remembered feeling so wet by my blood hissing in pain where I couldn’t think anything rather than going to hell ..hehe ?nah nah heaven …

That pain was too difficult to handle and the last moment breathing conciously in his arms and then closing for eyes for a long period slumber …

I just asked him for one thing which was that he will take care of Arohi and he did …he really did took care of her very well though I couldn’t respond them back in these months but maa and papa ?they daily used to come to my room talked to me for hours even after knowing that I won’t respond ..

They told me how they saw my Arohi and Kunj and Gurudwara and how Kunj was taking care of her not even that he gave Arohi that proper manners …they were excited to meet her but couldn’t as they were so many clashes between the families …

Somewhere I am feeling myself responsible for this …????? Am I really ..

Let me make this clear I never tried to clear anyone’s confusion on my gaining memory back or my mind which took time to adjust everything back …

After gaining conciousness everyone was so happy their happiness i cant describe the most happiest was maa and papa and they were trying from so so long …I didn’t remember even them ..

Even after getting normal I used to faint anywhere one day Avni and Meher bhabhi took me out for shopping …and then they went to try some clothes and I fainted there from no one view ..but then they searched me and took me to hospital again …

Papa after that day Strictly told that I shouldn’t go outside the house even for a shorter distance ..these days I can’t describe I felt so much pain in my head as if someone hitting the hammer continuously on the same place and I used to cry silently curling myself in a corner where no one knew my sufferings more as I have gave them enough problems …

And that was the exact reason why I couldn’t tell anyone about remembering everything ..because it was not I properly recovered there was still chances that I will not be able to survive and I didn’t wanted to give anyone else again the sorrow ??

I kept myself caging in room for many days due to that unbearable pain i was so engrossed and so dependent on the medicines to get rid of this pain temporarily for sometime …and that moment when I thought that I’ll not make it back to my normal life again Yuvi came back ..

He too saw me and was shocked seeing my condition he was the one stopping me from taking my medicines ..

“Twinkle you can’t be so so dependent on this you can tell me anything you want I am always there for you ” those were not just the words but he proved it as well ..

And then he started staying with me most of the time either in lawn whole nights talking about different things distracting me from pain or talking about how it took him to much time to create a base to set up his business or different different things …he left everything after coming here just for me he used to stay with me and then he was the first one to conclude that I REMEMBER EVERYTHING …

Shut up and dare you think you can steal our eyes from me I know that you remember everything every bit of your past but not coming out of the shell due to your insecurities twinkle ..~yuvi

And this day was enough I hugged him and cried in his embrace telling him how badly I am missing Kunj missing Arohi and missing offcourse my Ashi who I don’t even know how and where is she …

He advised me today to meet them but I refused once I meet Arohi I won’t be able to detach myself from her ..I so believe that she may have forgotten me till now and Kunj I trust him that he will take care of her and he will not let her feel my absence …

I deeply regret that day when I didn’t trusted him and that led to this accident and this month’s missing from my life’s diary ..may be I should have trusted him once but taht time also I was not in my zone …I lost Ashi and I know somewhere my words left a great impact on Kunj which I never wanted to say intentionally but it was all my fears ..fears of Kunj going away from me and Arohi …and then my fears turned into a worst nightmare ???

I dropped the topic of seeing Arohi even once …and somehow Yuvi was irritated by my behaviour ..but then also he understood and didn’t disclose to anyone anything …one day I was sitting in my room as usual when he barged in it …

Guess what I did today he told me and I looked at him confused ..
Wait he said and passed me a document ..

Partnership between A.T and ARSHI I read the documents ..
Haan so what ? I asked him ..

Duffer he told me and showed the owner name I was so shocked KUNJ SARNA I read ..

Exactly baby doll now I am going to work with one of the most amazing business man and as well as my besties hot husband he told me ..but I just caressed them name ARSHI which means my Arohi and Ashi Kunj really kept his words and built a company on their name ?I so so love him babaji …

But unfortunately Kunj and Yuvi couldn’t meet as their most of the interactions were carried on either on phone or by their PA’s so they didn’t meet ?

Xx-xyz-xyza ..
Hello diary I am back ? but today I have lost of gossspips to share you know..

what ???? Today I saw a different kind of emotion may be a pain in Yuvi and Avni eyes I didn’t noticed it before but today I did it ..not only me infact Abeer bhai too noticed it …there was a utmost silence between Yuvi and Avni as we saw them they used to fight with each other alottt but now they were still fighting but we concluded from their behaviour that it was fake …I and bhai talked regarding it and I decided to talk with Yuvi as well ..

Is there anything between you and Avni ??? I asked Yuvi while he fell short of words suddenly and his silence confirmed everything ..

What is it ??? I asked him though I failed to realise his pain but at the end of the day I too get to know that he is going through something worst as well …

Again he kept his silence pace which was making me highly frustrated and guess what I used the most powerful weapon of this universe ???

Nothing twinkle there is nothing he tired to lied me ..
Okay I need to apply I took his palm and kept on my head SWEAR ON ME that’s it my work done ..

He quickly took off his hand and started narrating how he and avni were in relationship how they came close when Avni got to know about Ashi missing even she was sad she wanted to come back but couldn’t due to her project and even papa restricted her from coming back knowing my condition he didn’t wanted anyone to stress me ..

Yuvi was the one handling Avni there who went calm ..the duo started opening up to each other and eventually they fell in love with each other …he also told me how he confessed to her with the fear but to his shock she accepted and confessed back her love for them ..he told me how they were damn happy with their newly feelings but then avni project ended and even her college as well she told Yuvi that she will go back to India and talk to papa first and he agreed and dropped off till the airport where they shared their last loveable hug …after that he told that Avni neither picked his calls nor messaged him ..he got to know about my accident from papa after so many days so instead of asking anything to Avni he decided to give her space ..and that’s how the distance increased between them…

But this conversation was not only going on between me and him but there was papa maa bhai too listening to him they were shocked as well ..seeing them in lawn even me and Yuvi were shocked ..

While papa asked Yuvi does he still love Avni to which he nodded in yes ..

Should I talk to avni then ?? She won’t oppose my decision I’ll tell her that I choose you for her papa told him excitedly ..

Nahi papa pls Yuvi told him and we all were shocked …
Why ?? Everyone asked him ..

After coming back here I talked to Avni and she told that she didn’t love me Yuvi told us a silence fell over ..and I don’t want to force her for anything Yuvi added ..

But I can’t let this opportunity to make you my son in law I’ll twist Avni ears and she will accept you maa told jokingly trying to ease the situation ..we all laughed ..

But then bhai how he could have stopped man he came with his silly idea of my and Yuvi affair so that Avni could be jealous and we all joined hands to unite them ..isn’t it exciting ??? ?

And the plan started Yuvi and me behaving like a lovey dovey couple and everyone praising our Jodi ? though we all used to examine Avni facial expression and our plan was working ?…
Another day to my messed up life this drizzling weather and the breeze hah what else anyone need ..but today I am just missing Kunj alottt more than alottt ?dont know how he is what he may be doing

And When It Comes To You My Feelings For You Will Never Change ..
Even If We Get Miles Apart I’ll Be Still Yours
Even If You Don’t Remain Mine ???

Yeah….my feelings for you will never change for him I was is and will always be in love with him …no matter whatever the situation whatever the circumstances I love him unconditionally ..? I so so wanted to meet them but my insecurities and my guilt of not trusting him is pushing me back from going ahead …
Another thing we did today was to recreate yuvi and Avni confession scene Avni did watched us from the room balcony and then she left the house frustrated we all celebrated as our plan was working ?
Another day for me today Ishani got to know about some camp and she was on her toes to go there anyhow but bhai couldn’t go there because of bhabhi ..I agreed to take Ishani as it was making me pissed as well that I am staying at home only I need to breathe outside as well ..and this trip will be a refreshment for me …

Finally I am here with Ishani but to my utter shocked …Kunj is also here that too with my cutie pie who was sleeping beside me right now I couldn’t do anything except staring her beautiful face ..that peaceful face which is giving me peace as well I so wanted to hug her tightly …today in morning I met Kunj I bumped into him and there was an unknown silence between us neither I nor he initiated the conversation ..but then he did it he simply said I ..I tried like remembering him I was so soaked up in my emotions and then he further introduced himself as my college crush I decided to play along from there only ..after 2 minutes Arohi came running to him the moment stopped for me after seeing her…to be honest it’s the best day of my life today …

I was trying to be as much as away as I don’t wanted to get detach again with her ..we enjoyed their alottt my cutipie is so cute literally Kunj did her good upbringing …
It’s the last day of our camp I am going to miss them badly only I know how I am doing this my single change in expression and Kunj will know the truth I have to be careful here me Arohi also had a allergy with dry fruits I was sad seeing her state but then Kunj confronted me and I hugged him not thinking about anything …then we made cards ..and that Arohi line I miss you Mumma brought tears in my eyes even in Kunj he was sitting silently I decided to cheer him up and we danced happily enjoying and very next day we left but were in touch …

I used to talk with Arohi everyday and then Kunj send her to TM everyone behaved formally but I know they are also controlling on their emotions …don’t know how the days passed soon with Arohi …

Back to making Avni jealous plan next step was roka and we had mine and Yuvi fake roka still know don’t how she didn’t opposed anything and Yuvi was literally sad over it and I cheered him up ..

Next day I met Kunj at Yuvi company where Yuvi too joined us as we were making Avni jealous he decided to do make Kunj jealous as well and introduced me as his fiance …we left from there ..

But Kunj anger oh my god he took Arohi back ..Yuvi apologize to me but I was feeling so sad that Arohi that and I didn’t even met her it again started paining me badly ..I was scared of this scared of getting attached to her and I took my meds and again reached hospital ? …

But Kunj he send Arohi there i was so happy seeing her back …she was like a antidote to my pain

I wanted to tell everyone everything but then again stopped ? ..
Hah diary so many days right yeah I was busy and didn’t got time to pen anything today Kunj proposed me and I agreed to it I couldn’t see Arohi like that ..

I now realise the thing that she needs me as well I can’t let my baby suffer more though I’ll think how to tell Kunj later first I need to be with them ..
I told papa I know he is in confusion right now but I want him to agree
wholeheartedly even we told Avni that it was just fake drama of us ..she was shocked as well..

Papa agreed to get me marry again to Kunj I need to tell him everything …hope that babaji has written something good for us ? ….

I wish that everything gets fine sooner and Kunj will understand me ❣❣ sayonara ?

That was the last thing Kunj read in her diary his eyes was filled with tears …he was hell happy that twinkle remember everything babaji filled his one wished aside he was just waiting for twinkle to get fine which she is now …

I love you too twinkle though I never confessed but i really do but now the leftover work is to bring your Ashi back in your life ..

I wanted to give you suprise on Arohi and Ashi 1 bday but the time situation was not appropriate that time but on this bday your Ashi will be back to you …Kunj spoke …

He sees outside and saw its morning it took him whole night to read her diary ..he decided to visit Gurudwara ..he changed quickly and went …

The weather was quiet composed he was the happiest today ?

Thank you so much babaji I realise one thing today you won’t let anyone prayers go down you will give me surely what they want but at the right time I am so so thankful to you ? Kunj prayed ..
London :::
Samaira and arhaan put Ashi to sleep while arhaan covered her with duvet ..

Finally she slept samaira said while arhaan giggled ..
Yeah he added ..both sat on the bed ..

Arhaan samaira spoke lowly…
Yes he asked looking at her ..

Don’t you feel angry with me ?? That I am making you wait so long samaira asked ..while arhaan hold her both the hands in his ..

Nahi I don’t it’s not like you are making me wait even I wanted to have wedding a little late arhaan added ..

But not this much late it’s literally more than 2 years since we are engaged samaira said ..

Yeah I know but rather than husband wifey quarells I enjoyed more with you like a boyfriend he winked at her while she smiled…

I don’t know what I did to get blessed by you samaira said tearfully ..
Yeah even I agree to this ?he joked
while they both laughed ..she hugged him while he was caressing her hairs ..

Thank you so much arhaan for always being their with me and because of you and Samar we had Ashi back with us samaira said ..

Huhuh she is my doll as well not only of Kunj okay arhaan said while samaira giggled …
3 days later :::
It was 3 days twinkle and Arohi was back at sarna mansion but still Arohi health was night fine she was having high fever and twinj was behind her more twinkle was behind her she wasn’t leaving Arohi for a second and Kunj was completing with formalities with ashi physiotherapy for bringing her back here …

Twinkle went in her room where Arohi was sleeping she caressed her face and covered her completely ..

How’s she ??? Usha asked coming in ..
Fine mummy ji but still somewhat fever is here twinkle said worried..

Don’t worry twinkle it happens she will get fine sooner Usha said ..
Han twinkle added Usha left from their while twinkle was with Arohi ..she went downstairs and made lunch ..

Till that time Arohi woke up twinkle lifted her and brought her down ..both of them spending time…Kunj too joined them ..

I think someone forgot me after getting her Mumma uhmm Kunj said ..
Who ? Arohi said cutely ..

Acha bachu Kunj tickled her while she laughed ..twinj smiled seeing her bebe and Manusha was happy ..

Meerun with Elena and Aryan was coming to stay with them while the rest were excited …they welcomed them happily …

Arohi was getting fine too being with her cousins ..Abeer kept a dinner as after so much time they all were together …

Twinkle got Arohi dressed up beautifully while she ran to Meera room twinkle too wore a beautiful saree she was searching for matching jewellery while Kunj walked into the room wearing pants with bare chest he smirked looking at twinkle…and moved towards her ..

She turned and saw Kunj she gulped in seeing him so close to her ..
K..u..nj she said ..

Yes ..he replied coming more closer to her such that he back hit the closet …their faces inches apart and heart beats doubled ..twinkle closed her eyes absorbing the moment while Kunj was smirking seeing his effect on her after so many days even when he didn’t even touched her ..

He smiled ..and opened the another closet taking out a white shirt while twinkle opened her eyes to find him standing near the dressing table wearing his shirt ..

What happened twinkle ? He asked mischeviously ..

Huh ha…ppen what will happe..n she asked stuttering ..

Wo I took another shirt inside so I was just taking my shirt you know he justified himself enough though he did it intentionally ..

Yeah yeah twinkle said ..
But what you weere doing their ? Kunj asked..

Wo searching for matching jewellery she said again opening the closet ..
Wait Kunj said ..he walked over to his closet and took out a box ..

Wear this he said while she opened the box to find a beautiful pendant ..

Wow it’s so pretty twinkle added .
I know Kunj smiled…twinkle turned around without saying anything and side her hairs while Kunj looked on he smiled for a second and adorned her neck ..both looking at each other through Mirror..

Mumma papa Arohi said coming with Elena ..
Everyone left she said ..

Haan we will go as well Kunj said holding their hands taking them out while twinkle too joined them ..

Meerun met Taneja’s they all were happy back again …
Meera was teasing Abeer showing him ahaan which they both missed ..while she was seeing Elena and Aryan who was well grown up …

Arohi bday is coming any plans ? Meera asked ..twinkle Kunj Yuvi Avni Meher Abeer Varun Meera siting together while Ishani Arohi Elena and Aryan playing together ..

Yeah this time I’ll do everything you all just enjoy Kunj told them ..

Yeah and I’ll help you Abeer winked at Kunj and both of them smiled ..
Few days passed meera was staying at sm Arohi Elena and Aryan enjoying like anything Varun went to attend a meeting to Delhi while Kunj was planning to go London ..

Yeah I have spoke to doctor and he told I can bring Ashi back just need to be little careful Kunj told samaira ..

That’s superb bhai but why you want to come I and arhaan will bring ashi .. even mine parents will be happy along with ashi’s samaira told Kunj ..

Yeah nice idea papa and mummy will be really happy to see you as well Kunj told ..

While it was decided that arhaan and samaira will come back with Ashi here ..Kunj booked their tickets and was eagerly waiting even Abeer too knew about Ashi as Kunj shower him earlier ..

He was too happy knowing that she will be back and again their life will be complete like before ..
Soon it was their bday party was kept on the day before their bday actually Kunj decided to suprise everyone like that and then next day celebrate their bday happily …

But Kunj should have kept party tomorrow Usha said ..
Are mummy let it be na we will enjoy today as well as tomorrow Meera said excitedly ..

Everyone was dressed up it was a family event only Taneja family Yuvi and sarna family ..everyone was at sarna mansion waiting for the clock to stuck 12 …the whole mansion was dark by then ..

Kunj switch on the lights na twinkle said ..
Twinkle it’s a suprise yaar he added continuously looking at the clock ..

But it’s Arohi bday not ours why are you keeping it hidden from us let us see the decorations once …twinkle added..

Oye Siyappa queen wait for sometime he added..
As the clock stuck 12 the lights came and everyone was suprised seeing the decorations ..

Happy birthday Arohi and Ashi ???

Everyone read the ballons while they were confused over it ..
Ahem ahem Kunj coughed gaining their attention ..

Come in please Kunj shouted loudly looking at the door while everyone followed his gaze …

Samaira and arhaan walked in with Ashi in their middle holding their hands ..
She was looking beautiful in her top and jeans with her teddy backpack ?..

Everyone was shocked for a moment seeing her they all turned their gaze towards Arohi who was standing wearing a beautiful fairy gown ..

Both Arohi and Ashi face resembles but they differs in their facial features Arohi was chubby cheeks with long hairs till her ears big eyes and cute petal lips where as Ashi was slim with her straight face wascute lips buttoned eyes sharp nose like Kunj ..

Twinkle was the most shocked seeing her …while the rest was just looking at Arohi and Ashi respectively .. twinklee gaze was just fixed at her ..

Kunj smiled walking ahead while Ashi went to Kunj and hold his hand …
Come here Kunj Said..

Who’s she ? Kunj asked taking her to twinkle ..

Mumma Ashi spoke cutely while twinkle eyes filled with tears she was numb to react Kunj smiled…taking her ahead ..

She ??? He asked..
Bebe she told he was taking her to everyone ..

Dadu dadi nanu Nani mama Mami Bua Varun uncle she told about everyone while arhmaira and Kunj was smiling ..

And she ? Kunj asked taking her to Avni ..
Maasi Ashi added kunj smiled..

And she ? Kunj asked taking her to Arohi ..
Arohi she said …

See Arohi I brought your sister Kunj told her while she looked at him ..

Papa Ashi Arohi said ..
Yes Ashi Kunj replied pecking their foreheads leaving Ashi hand ..while she looked at twinkle and took baby steps towards her ..

Mumma I missed you Ashi spoke while twinkle sat on her knees with tear filled eyes and hugged her tightly ..
To be continued ?
So how’s the episode ????
Sorry for the late as this week was really hectic for me apologies ❣..
Finally Ashi is back just the revelation from Kunj side left ..
How’s twinkle diary ??? Who is right twinkle or Kunj ???
Thanks to all who commented on the last thank you soooooo much love you all for being so patient ?…
Ignore errors no proof read ..
See yashu di posting it ???
Bye Allahafiz ?


Secret admirer ???? lover of SIDMIN ..and many more like akdha mehbeer.. Cute si writer love to write and read ... Love my tei family ?????????...

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