Fan Fiction

Pehle nafrat phir dosti aur pyar (Episode 11)

Sry guys tmrw or day after tmrw I will endu this becoz for 2 months I won’t get net connection iam so sry and I will start a new ff when I get net connection hope u guys like this episode

It’s morning
Yuv wakes and remember everything happened trnw
Yuv pov
I shouldnt talk to Suhani like this but how can I leave Suhani y can’t u understand that I love u , I love u more than anything
Muskurane ki wajah plays…
Yuv checked room and he couldn’t find suhani he got puzzeeled , he saw a letter in table
He read that

Dear yuvraj,
First of all iam sry for coming to ur life , for shouting at u , and now iam going from here I can’t let u see u in pain I got to know about i
Ur’s and somya’s relation don’t worry if u need divorce u can call advocate and come to me I will be there in Bangalore and I wish u all the best for ur future , I know it will be difficult for u to think about me as u hate me but pls try to consider me as a friend and u asked me right whom I love I LOVE U I love u Mr sadu and ur my love u R my life and sry to mummy Papa for not saying truth to u and dadi maa bhabhieees and bhayyas I will miss u guys so much
And at last once again I love u yuvi

Suhani ( it was written with her blood)
Yuv eyes was filled with tears

Someone knocked to the door
It was Krishna and somu
KR: first of all sry for doing that to u
Yuv wa puzzeeled
Somu: vu, u know him as suhani’s best friend but within 2,3 days he will be my hus
Yuv: what????
Somu: actually v understood that u and Suhani love each other but didn’t confess so it was our plan so i n pain u guys will confess ur live right??
KR: ok bayya how was ur last night and where is my princess
Yuv showed that letter to them
Kri: yuv come fast v have to find her it is necessary

Pratima dadi and whole family started praying

Yuv took his vintage car and drove fastly
He remembered their romantic moments
Bin tere plays …
He checked somany places

In railway station he showed her photo to one lady
Lady: she is in that train pls go fast now that train will go from here
Train started moving Suhani was standing near the door with tears
Yuv ran fastly and holded and jumped out of the train
Suhani cried hard and hugged him
Suh: pls let me go u be with that perosn whom u love
Yuv: u can go but pls be with me for 1 hour
Sub: no iam going
Yuv holded her hands and lifted her
Suh: leave me yuv
One man came and asked : what’s going on here?? Y r disturbing this girl
Yuv: excuse Mr she is my wife do u have any problems if I lift my wife
That man didn’t say anything
He kept her in the car and said today I will film that girl’s maang whom I love
Suh: I know who she is , now pls let me go
Yuv: no I need to do that infront of u

They reached the temple
Yuv: come
Suh: no
Yuv: ok no problem I can lift u , mere bahoon me sane ku bahoth shokke hena time
He lifted her and went to temple

Yuv : today iam going to fill that girl’s maang whom I love
He took sindoor and filled suhani’s maang she got shocked
Suh: yuv but u love …
Yuv: I love u my jkr and how can u think that I love some other girl , u R my love
Suh hugged him hardly he kissed her on her face eyes and was about to kiss her lips

Suddenly someone clapped
Whole birla and shivasthav family was there
SSharad coughed : guru this is temple don’t forget both of them got shy.
PDA: suh beta pls come back to our home
They hugged each other yuv was staring at Suhani continuously
Everyone leaved suh was about to leave yuv holded her hand and made her closer to him
Suh hugged him and said : I love u , yuv remain silent
Auh: y u R not saying I live u too??
Yuv: I have my own style to say I love u buy for that we have to reach our bedroom.
Auh: chup kar besharam
Yuv: see how our relation ship is going , PEHLE NAFRAT
Suh: holding his nose PHIR DOSTI
Both together said : AUR PYAR…
They hugged aand yuv lifted her

Guys should I end this or one more episode for their romance and suhaagraat

And pls add ur comments with ur comments only I will write a new episode hope u guys liked it…


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