Categories: Fan Fiction Original

A perfect and an imperfect (Episode 10)

Hai guys… here comes Maya alias Manu’s past… as the coming episode is about the past, i will use the name Manu(Manish) for Maya… don’t get confused dears… and there will not be Rish for few episodes…

Father starts to tell Rish about Maya alias Manu’s past…
It was before around 24 years. It was a night with heavy rain. Father heard some baby crying. He went out to see a baby girl crying covered with a pink blanket. He was shocked seeing that. He immediately took her and came in. He saw a note with her which said, “her name is Manisha Yadav.. her life is in danger because her dad’s business enemies are after her… by the time the baby reaches your hands, i am sure her parents would not be alive… please take care good care of her”… father was further shocked seeing that. He called his servant to bring milk for the baby. He started feeding her with his own hands. After drinking milk, the baby started to laugh. Father made her to sleep in a cradle. Days pass on and a small girl of 5 years old was seen fighting with other kids for pushing away her friend while playing. Other kids decided not to share chocolate with her and they straightly went to father and complained about her. Father called, “Manu come here…” the girl who was fighting for her friend turns out to be Manu.. Father said, “my dear child… you should not fight with anyone… fighting is a sin… god will punish the wrong ones… you have to love everyone…”

Manu said, “father… you always say to love everyone… what is mean by love?”
Father said, “you are fighting for your friend nah? That is love… what jesus has on you all is love…”

Manu asked, “so you don’t love us huh?”
Father laughed and said, “jesus has sent me to love you all”
Manu asked, “so what will happen if we fight? Does jesus stop loving us?”
Father said, “no beti… jesus will never stop loving you… but if you don’t do any mistake, he will give you so much love so that you can share that love among your friends…”
Manu said, “ok father… i will not fight with anyone… i will share love with my friends” she went to other kids and asked, “hereafter i won’t fight with you… will you all be my friends?”
All kids agreed and went along with Manu to play…
Father prayed to lord, “Manu understood what i meant… at the age of 5, she has started to fight for her friend.. she is so good at heart… where are her parents? Please get her parents to her…”

Some years passed… now Manu is a school girl of 5th standard…
Manu came to church with all her uniform stained.. her hair was so messy.. it clearly showed that she fought with someone…
Father: manu… what happened today? You promised me that you won’t fight with anyone…
Manu: what will i do father? They are asking about my parents…
Father: you have to tell them that jesus is your parent
Manu: i told them that.. but they said that one can not born without a mother… everyone calls me an orphan… What is mean by orphan? And what is mean by mother? How does it look?
Father does not know what to answer her… he said, “look beti… you are too small… jesus is your mother… you are a child of god…”
Manu was not satisfied with his answer.. she just wiped her tears and went to her room… father went to jesus and prayed, “why do you put me in such a situation? I am not able to answer her… please lord bless her… day by day she is asking numerous and unanswerable questions… please make her to get her answers soon.. let her prayers be answered…”

Years passed by…. now Manu is in her 11th standard…
Father: may god bless you my child.. i am so happy that you got a scholarship to do your higher secondary in the best school…
Manu: its all only because of your blessings father… i have seen Jesus in your form… today is my first day… i want you to bless me…
Father: my blessings are always with you beti… all the best… Jesus will always be with you…
Manu: thank you father…
Father: don’t fight in your new school over any issues… be a good girl..
Manu: ok father… but i won’t promise you…
Father: at least try your level best…
Manu: ok father…
At her school..
“Oyy come here” someone called her… and she went there..
Boy: Are you new to this school?
Manu: yes… even you are new to this school huh?
The group angrily stared at her…

Boy: how dare you to speak like this to your seniors?
Manu: ohh you are doing 12th standard huh? Thats cool…
A girl from the group: this is not the way you should speak to seniors… you should respect us and you should do everything what we say…
Manu: but principal mam did not tell me anything about this.. she just told me to concentrate on my studies and score good marks…
All started to laugh at her
Manu: why are you all laughing at me? Are you mad? I think i did not crack a joke…
The boy holded her hand with anger and asked, “how dare you to speak like this with us? We are the rockers of this school…”
Manu: so what? Everyone may get afraid of you… but not me… why should i get afraid? You are after all my seniors…

Boy now raised his hands but Manu holded his hands and said, “don’t you dare to mess with me… you got it Mr.Senior?”
All students started to gather around them… but now Manu pleaded him to leave her… a lady voice shouted, “whats happening here?”
Manu stared at the senior and said, “mam nothing mam… i was asking the way to my classroom…”
Principal mam said, “ok ok.. everyone go to your classes… why is here a crowd? Come on move fast and get ready for your assembly…”
The senior looked at her but she said, “leave my way Mr.Senior… its my first day… i should not get late…” saying this, she went…
In her classroom, nearby girl started to speak, “Hai i am Rithanya… you can call me Rithu…” Manu said, “Hai i am Manisha.. you can call me Manu..”
The classes began…
And during lunch break,
Rockers gang came to their classroom… all stood up to give respect… seniors asked them to give intro… one by one came front and gave intro… its Manu’s turn now… she went and said, “Hai I am Manisha.. and I am from Mumbai…”

Just then Rithu came from library and shouted, “Karthik… haiiii.. how come you are in my classroom? Your dad said that there will not be any ragging problem if someone becomes friend with rockers…”
Karthik glared at Manu and said, “yeah Rithanya.. but someone does not know the meaning of respect…” Manu decided to stay silent… Karthik continued, “it seems someone’s parents did not teach the value of respecting elders… parents should teach their children how to behave well with others.. parents should watch the children’s activity how they are behaving… they should not be arrogant…”

Manu lost her temper now…
She started to shout, “stop it Mr.Senior… there is a limit for everything… I am silent now… but it does not mean that I bow my heads in front of you… i can go against you.. but your respect will degrade if I do it in class since you are my senior… i would have complained about you in the morning… but i didn’t do that because my parents have taught me not to fight with others… and look… what do you know about my family? My parents take a very good care of me… no one would have got such a parents… and i am very proud to say that i am their daughter… and what do you know about them? They still treat me like a kid… they still feed me with their own hands… i still sleep on my mom’s lap… don’t you dare to say a word about my parents… else mind it” she left the classroom with tears… everone in the classroom including Karthik and his gang left speechless. Manu went and started to run fastly around the playground… at once someone stopped her but she was still crying miserably…

Precap: Karthik came to know about Manu that she has nobody..

Thank you so much all my dears for your great support… though i don’t write good as others, this is my first fictional story and I am trying to give my best… Your comments make me to improve myself… Happy sunday and have a good day… love u all…


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