Manu did not know that it would be the biggest and worst turning point of her life. That day changed her life totally.. Dev came with a mangalsutra and tied it around Manu’s neck. Everyone was shell shocked at this while Rithu was smirking. Karthik holded with collar and shouted, “what the hell did you do idiot? Do you know the meaning of marriage, love, sentiments and respect? I am feeling ashamed that i had been your friends when your family left you.. i am pretty sure they left you because of your possessive sickness… how dare you?” saying this Karthik started to beat Dev black and blue. Riya was trying to stop them. Manu was about to fall down while Ashwin holded her. When Manu opened her eyes, she could see herself surrounded by Ashwin, Karthik, Rithu and Riya in a hospital. Ashwin said, “i am sorry for what happened da.. don’t worry.. you are my chota bheem nah? You should be as strong as him.. i am here for you.. i won’t let any injustice to happen with you.. we will make a complaint.. you just say the cops what happened as this happened against your wish and you are not major yet hence this will be considered as child marriage.. shall i call them?” The word which came from Manu was, “where is my husband?” All were shocked at her insensible question.
Ashwin shouted, “who is your husband Manu? Marriage should happen with elder’s blessings and it has many procedures and rituals.. you just had completed your 12th standard.. i had seen your aspiring dreams of becoming doctor in your burning eyes.. please don’t give up like this and don’t take wrong decisions.. i know you value the relationship more than us.. but this is not the one you deserve… this mangalsutra in your neck has no meaning.. remove it away and make your next step of studying medicine.. come on get up..”
Manu said, “no achu..though dev did wrong with me, his intentions are not wrong.. i respect this mangalsutra.. i know he will allow me to study further.. i will talk to him..”
Now Riya said, “Manu.. please try to understand us.. it is not the way you should get married.. i know how you wished to get married since your childhood.. he can’t fill the empty space in your heart.. please Manu open your eyes and see what has happened with you… Dev has married you without even your concern.. he has not done right.. we are feeling ashamed to be his friend.. we did not know when he turned so wild.. please forget this for god’s sake.. we are here for you and we will support you..”
Manu replied, “why don’t you understand Riya? I am married.. how can i throw away my mangalsutra? This is my life and i have to accept it..”
Karthik shouted ENOUGH!!!!
A deep silence occured..
Karthik said, “if my lambu is strong with her decision, then i will support her.. don’t worry da i will support you… i have promised you that whatever may the situation be, i will be on your side.. and now i should keep my promise up.. i will support your decision.. come on lambu.. get ready..”
Ashwin shouted, “Karthik.. are you mad? You have promised her and thats fine.. but you are showing her a wrong path..”
Karthik said, “i will travel along with her in her pathway.. i won’t let anything to affect her.. and listen dev has a very big family of his brothers and sister in laws.. they will take care of her.. my lambu knows how to manage with her bittu’s support… you just can’t tell her to remove off the mangalsutra which is so auspicious..” Manu looked at him blankly and said, “thanks for understanding me bittu… i will make dev understand..” Ashwin and Riya had no words to speak the just wished her.. Rithu who was standing far thought how she instigated Dev from day 1 that Karthik and Manu’s friendship would make him to loose Manu forever. She also thought how she manipulated Manu to accept Dev for Karthik’s sake. She gave a dirty victory look. Just then dev came to visit Manu after nursing his wounds. He holded Manu’s hand to take her to his home. No one stopped them. Before going she just hugged Karthik and cried silently. Rithu was pissed off seeing this but dev took it normally.
When Manu entered Dev’s home, she could see guests there. They both went in and they got noticed by them. A middle aged lady came to Manu and said, “i am so sorry for what happened with you.. it was all dev’s fault and i am also happy that you accepted this relationship.. i am sure you will make dev good.. and we request you to complete your studies.. it is not necessary to drop your studies.. dev is away from his family so i think you will get him up soon..” manu just faked her smile and nodded. Back to back everyone came to her and apologized her for dev’s behaviour. Manu was touched with this. She decided to accept this relationship not only for Karthik’s sake but also for her newly found relationship. They showed her the room where she was supposed to stay. When she entered, dev smiled at her and she smiled back. He politely said, “Manu i am really sorry.. actually i am obsessed with you.. i desparately wanted you.. thats why i was forced to take such a step.. i know you would have hurt.. but don’t worry i will give you enough freedom and time..” Manu did not know how to react so she just nodded her head.
Day by day Manu started to like her new caring family though she did not accept dev. It was a week before Manu’s entrance examination, when she was preparing for it,,,,,,,,,,,,
Precap: end of the flashback…
Actually I am very sorry dearzz… yesterday while submitting the previous episode, i was bit sad… out of frustration, i thought of ending it.. i am really really sorry everyone… and today is my elder bro’s bday so i am back to my happy mood wandering around the streets… and thank you so much everyone who encouraged me to continue my ff… love you alllllllllllll……………… feeling blessed……………………..
I hate this rithu because of her manu is in trouble how can she do like that yaar
Yes dear… but she will realize her mistakes soon and will feel sorry for her…
Really their friendship is superb yaar .Dev’s relatives r sweet n nice people.Enjoy with ur family. I wish ur brother a very Happy n cheerful birthday. He’ll be very happy because he had a sweet sister like u.
Thank u sooo much dhi… i will surely convey your wishes… next part will be posted soon….
At presnt, does karthi knw dat rithu was behind evrythng dat hapnd with manu/maya. And wats going to hapen. . . Pls updt nxt part dr. . .pls. . . Say ma b’day regards to ur bro. . . K
Thank u so much for your wishes liya… i will surely convey your wishes to my brother… next part wil be posted soon dear…
Hey Ishu , I’m really sorry for yesterday’s comment as I wrote Princess’ name instead of urs. Don’t know where my mind was? And am happy that u r back to cheery mood now. Be like this only, always……:-) and also wish ur brother a very happy b’day from my side too. Waiting for next update. Enjoy and keep writing. Take care

Chill dear… thats ok… i will convey your wishes… next part has been submitted dear… the next episode will have a twist… hope you will like that too…. take care….
Nice dea..
Thank u dea faima….
This episode was a surprise.. Manu’s marriage… Want to know wat happens nxt. Update nxt part so soooooon. Plz plzzzzz.
And b’day wishes to ur brother..
Next part has been posted ana dear…. you will like that too…. and thank you for your wishes dear.. i will convey to my brother…
it is awesome. …I hate rithu I feel like to slap her…
Yeah sara dear… she deserves a slap from karthik ashwin manu and of course rish… next part has been posted dear…
Awesome episode ishu dearrrr, rithu is really very bad…without knowing the pure relationship between karthik n manu she ruined her life…seems like manu accepted her fate but then how dev became monster that will be interesting to read…thx for continuing…wish your bro a very happy bday from me too….he is very blessed to have sweeeeeet sister like you…take care ishu, love you loads