Thank u so much for giving me this much response to my last part. I am overwhelmed to see your response. So I have decided now onwards I am never writing anything . This epilogue also I don’t want to write but some readers demand I couldn’t resist myself to give it to them. But seriously I don’t know what have I written? Because first my mood-off to see your less comments and then before when I had started it I didn’t think to give you an epilogue. So I have know idea how is it? So sorry if you won’t like it . Just bear me only this part because to see your comments i am feeling like i am not that much good in writing. So now onwards i won’t disturb you by my stories. So for last time bear me. So now i am stopping my bakbak and giving you the epilogue of this Ts.
She is perfect with her im-perfection:-
Sanskar ‘s pov
6 month has passed now, Swara and I both are living together. We are happy for each other. But I am happy more than her. U all think why? So the reason is in her memory loss also she doesn’t forget me. She has remembered me in her memory loss also. I am blessed to having her as my life partner. I don’t know when she will fine but I will wait for her. I know people are feeling bad for me . Sometimes I also feel bad not for Swara’s condition but for our love , for our dreams which we had seen together. I want her love , care like before. I want to be make her mine , I want to be love with her and mostly I want to be father of her child . I know it will sound to be selfish. But this not only my dream. This is both of ours dream. Which has shattered now. But I will wait for her till my last breath. And I know she would fine very soon for me because she can’t see me like helpless. Everyone think she is lucky to having me but no I am the luckiest person to having her .
But now I am tensed for her because from last week I am getting threatened calls for leave the drug dealer kalia. But I can’t leave him because he is dangerous for Kolkata. And I can’t also afford to lose Swara. So for this only I have tight the security on my house. But see today I am late for this case only. After 10days its final hearing would occur on court. So I was preparing his file. Now see I am late. Now I am worrying for Swara because last 20 minutes I am trying her phone but she doesn’t receive my phone. Now I am hell tensed and worried about her. I rushed hurriedly my police van towards my home. When I reached my home I took a breath and ran towards the door. But when I entered the main gate I saw all officers are injured very badly. I couldn’t think anything else and ran to the entrance of the house. But here everything was seeing dark. Now my heart was choking for the unknown fear, ” if anything happened with her. I couldn’t move further steps. Till my career I never feel helpless like this. I slowly moved towards the switch board to be switch on the lights. When I on the lights what I saw in front of my eyes my breath had stopped this time. My Swara, my soul lied there like a lifeless body. And from her head bloods are flowing continuously. Someone has beaten her from her back side . Immediately I ran towards her and took her in hospital.
In hospital after 8hours , Sanskar has sitted on a chair near Swara’s bed . His one hand hold her palm near her lips. Other hand he was patting her hairs very carefully and kissed her holding palms repeatedly. All the times tears were flowing from his eyes.
Sanskar pov
Now I am worried for Swara. Now 8 hours have been pass but till now she is unconscious. According to doctor if she wouldn’t get sense in 24 hours then next moment she will go to coma. So here I am waiting when she will get awake. This is her 2nd time attacked by her back side. First time she lost her memory but she had recognised me but if this time she will forget me also. No! I can’t leave without her. Now I am hell worried for her and I can say to about our relation. Now I can’t see her like this . So I came out of the room and sat on a chair . I covered my face with the help of my both hands because I don’t want anyone see me like this. I don’t know when nurse entered the chamber but I had come my sense when I saw she called doctor for an emergency. I rushed towards the chamber but she didn’t allow me. So now I have waited here for doctor. After 20 minutes he had come out the room. I ran near him for asking about her condition. But what did I listen I couldn’t believe my ears . Yes I couldn’t believe my ears because now my Swara is fine. She has remembered everything. She is remember me. I can’t wait more for meet with her. Immediately I entered the room she is here. She has sitted on bed leaning her face on her knees . I went near her and stood beside her bed. When I hold her arms she looked at me with her teary eyes. Ohh god! I can’t see her like this. I hugged her immediately.
Swara: Sanskar, my dad.( crying very badly)
Sanskar:( patting her hairs) sshh swara don’t take any stress it harmful for your health. Everything will be fine.
Swara: How won’t I take any stress Sanskar. He killed my father. He would be punished for his deeds. Sanskar he should be punished.
Sanskar: Calm down Swara plz calm down he has punished for his all deeds . I have given his punishment u listen I ha…( when parted from hug to see her she has senseless for taking so much stress. He slept her properly on bed and leaved from there.
After one week
Today Swara will discharge from hospital. I am very happy because today she will return to our home after one week . But in actual sense she will return her home after 8 month.But I am worried about her health because this whole week she doesn’t talk with anybody. I know she is sad and missing her dad. But after reach in home she will be fine. I had done all the formality and we moved from hospital. Whole the journey she kept quite. But I know how to make her happy? When I turned my car the opposite direction from our house root she asked me , “where are we going? ” But I didn’t give her any answer. After sometime I stopped my car and came outside. I opened her side door and forwarded my hand. And she hold it . Then we entered our destination. When she read the sign board , she looked me surprisingly. I just gave her my cute smile( I know all of u think cute smile then I am telling when I smile my jaan tell me its the cutest smile ?. ) ya now we both have stood in front of a orphanage . All of you think why i bring her here then my jaan loves kids. When she near with them she forget all her worries. So i have brought here to forget her past. We met with the care taker of this orphanage. Then we leaved to meeting with the kids. They were playing near the play ground. We went near them and gave them chocolates ? which I had brought when I was returning from hospital. Then we sat on a bench which present under a tree. And all children sat in a queue in indian style on the ground. When we were talking with them a small 5 year girl came near mine and kissed my both cheeks and sat on my lap. Swara is jealous to see this.
Little girl: U r very handsome. See u r looking like my super hero . Can I call you my super hero.( said very cutely on her childish voice)
When Sanskar was saying yes Swara cuts her words : No. U can’t call her super hero. She is only my super hero.
The girl looked surprisingly and looked towards Sanskar who was smiling all the time to seeing her jaan jealousy towards a little kid. Now she is also looking like a kid. Her red nose and angry pout I want to eat it now.
Little girl:( to swara) you are a big girl. Only little girls are having super hero. ( looking towards Sanskar) right super hero.
Before Sanskar replied anything Swara dragged the girl from sanskar ‘s lap and sitting on his lap: She is my super hero . You all are heard she is only my super hero. She erased the kiss on her dupatta and kissed again on his both cheeks .
Till now Sanskar holding his laugh but seeing her possessiveness towards a little kid he burst out laughing. All children are also laughing on Swara which irritated her more. So she leaved from there.
After half one hour they reached their mansion without any talk Swara entered their room. And took her clothes and went to washroom for changing. After sometime she came out and Sanskar went for changing.
Swara sat on bed and thought her past days mainly last week when she had gained her memory. How did Sanskar take care her in hospital? How the nurse told her how much she is lucky to having a husband like him? She told me how he was crying for me, how he was taking care of me?
Swara’ s pov
When I had got on my sense I was remembering everything . My uncle who killed my father for property . And she tried to kill me but I don’t know how I came here? And my Sanskar where is he? He is fine or my uncle has done anything with him. Then I heard door open sound and when I saw him I feel like I had got my life again . He ran towards me hugged me tightly. This time I need him and his embrace. He caressed my hairs and said he has given punishment to my uncle. I am happy not happy now I am proud of my choice. After sometime I was senseless on his arms. I stayed a whole week on hospital and all the time I kept silent. I know he feeled very bad to seeing me like this. I can’t do anything because I have lost my dad my super hero of my life. When I discharged from hospital he was taking me a orphanage center. He knows me more than myself. He knows that I forget my all worries when I stay with kids. So he has brought me here. How sweet na he is? But in orphanage what did I see my anger peek on my head? A 5 years girl came near him and kissed his both cheek and sat on his lap. And then called him ” super hero” . How could she call him her super hero. She is only my super hero. I have only rights to kissed his cheeks and sitted on his lap. So I dragged her from his lap and sat on her lap. All of them laughed on me. I know I am possessive about him but I can’t help on it. I can’t share him with any one. I love him very much. And I know he also loves me like this . He has proved his love in this months and now it is my turn. Now I will prove my love . Today I will give his all rights on me. Today I will make him forever.
When she was thinking Sanskar came out from washroom and saw Swara was thinking something very deeply. He went towards her and sat beside her on bed. He kept his hand on her hand and said: What happened jaan? If you angry on my behaviour in orphanage then I am sorry( hold his both ears)
Swara( in mind) how cute he is looking? See he doesn’t do anything but saying sorry. I love you Sanskar. I love you more.( to sanskar) freed his hands on his ears and said I am not angry on you Sanskar but I am happy to taking me there. I love you Sanskar
Sanskar: ( heard her confession hugged her tightly) I love you more jaan. Now see its late u take rest . When he turned to leave she hold his wrist and dragged him to near her. For this sudden force Sanskar lied on Swara while Swara lied beneath him.
Swara: Sanskar. Today I want you( sanskar looked her surprisingly) make me yours.
Sanskar: ( cupped her face and said) you know swara, you r not fine. So I can’t do this with you now. For these things we have lots of times ( while trying to stand)
Swara: ( hugging him tightly and said): I know you are tensed for my health but I am fine. Today I want you sanskar. Plz make me yours in every sense.
Sanskar feel some wet on his arms he parted from hug and see swara is crying silently. I can’t see her like this. I also want this. I also want to love with her. I wants to make her mine but her health don’t give me permission to do these things with her. But it is also true that I can’t see her to be beg for these things which has only her rights .
Sanskar:( cupped her face) are you sure jaan
Swara: Double sure my ACP sir( encircled her arms on his neck.)
Sanskar: Swara, don’t call me ACP plz. I am feeling Li…
Swara: ( did sanskar ‘s mimic ) like I am talking with my juniors.
Both are looking each other and burst out laughing . Then both were staring each other and all time a smile kept on their face. Sanskar kissed his head to showing his care, love towards her and then saw her pink lips who was inviting him to kiss it. With a nano he captured her rosy lips with his rough lips. When they breathed out they were breaking their kiss.
Sanskar: I love you jaan
Swara: I love you more my super hero
Then Sanskar covered them with a blanket and switched off the light( after that I also don’t know what happen between them?. )Outside moon and stars are witness their love and blessing them for their future.
So I don’t know how is it? If you don’t like it then also i can’t help you for it. So now I am signing off from writing. A big good byy kiss to all of my readers from my side.
u are a good writter there are many silebt readers like me is the cause of less comments pls come back
with more ff love
Thanks dr
Seems undoubtedly u are a good writer there are many silent readers for u also so pls com back with more ff love
Amazing dear!!
Thanks dr
Awwwwww thats sooooo sweet dear
Swasan r meant to be together no mayyer what??????
Thanks dr and swasan are really meant together
Semma sis u again rocked …..swara jelous of 5 year old child ?????…..?????????????for your epi and pls continue writing many stories without worrying about the comment .if I said anything wrong sorry?
Thanks dr for ur love and specially ur chocolates and icecream. I will be missed them. Don’t be sorry yaar. It’s ok. And this is my final decision yaar I will never come back on tu. Again thank u?
Asha I don’t know what happened but ur message has been deleted. And I don’t send msg on ur a/ c. If u see this msg then contact with me and u can ask me any type of questions. Don’t be so formal dr. I have waited for ur question.
Awesome dear. Plzzzdon’t stop writing
Thanks dr. And about writing it’s final dear I will never come back to tu. When I take some decision mostly i follow it. Again thank u
I think your really good, keep it up and don’t think negative. Always think positive . I like the way you wrote the story it’s good.
Thanks dr for ur love
Awesome ?? and sorry to not comment on last part..
Thanks dr and don’t be sorry. It’s ok for me
Awesome dear
Swara jealous of a little girl??
Thanks d
Awesome ??
Thanks dr
My sweetu diiii calm down!!!!!!!
U know u shouldn’t doubt on it own talent……u r a ssssuuuuupppppeeeeerrrrrbbbbbbb…?????writer ……………..
U r a rockerrrrrrr…………………
And dare not to stop writing it warning for u……..???
And this part it’s just aaaawwwweeeessssoooommmmeeee………………….??????
Thanx for the epilogue
Keep writing and rocking…………..
Thanks dr for a big comment and about writing it’s my final decision. I will never come back to tu now onwards. I am not doubting my capabilities it’s only readers who gave me a title ” I am a bad writer” . Thanks again
Thanks dr
awesome..this is exam time..dats why may be u got less
Thanks dr
Wow loved it
Thanks dr
Awesome and don’t stop writing
Thanks dr
Thanks dr. But it’s my final decision. So I can’t help it.
awesome and bcs of xams time all r not able to comment…
Thanks dr but it is my final decision and I want all of u respect it. Thanks again
Thanks dr
awesome loved this ff.. the last part and this one now so couldn’t comment earlier.
Don’t get disheartened by few comments..
Keep writing..