Fan Fiction

she is perfect with her imperfection swasan ts part-2 last part

Thanks everyone for your appreciation and love for this Ts. I am hoping this time also I won’t disappoint you. But plz to see the end won’t throw eggs and chappls on me. Because l am having a very beautiful face?. So now I am stopping my bakbak and starting the last part of my story .

She is perfect with her im- perfection:-


Flash back continue:-

One week has passed and in this one week marriage’s all arrangements have done on right time.All rituals also had done in proper time.

Before marriage day Swara’s uncle was talking with Mr Berma on his phone.

Swara’s uncle: Berma u got the wheal papers.

Mr Berma: Sir I searched sir’s whole
Chamber but I couldn’t find it till now.

Swara’s uncle:- I don’t paid u to listen ur rubbish talk. I want wheal papers before tomorrow. U got it and ended the call. ( monologue) Sekher for you only my all dreams are scattered. And you are enjoying your daughter ‘s marriage. This property only mine. I am the owner of this Gododia empire. I have wasted my full life for its established. For this only I am not married till now. And you had decided to give all property to your son in law. But it can’t happen. I won’t do this. So Mr Sekher Gododia ready for all the
consequences who has created by only you. So now ready for it. ( laughed loudly)

At night everyone was resting on their respected room. A man entered the Gododia house . Anyone can’t see him because firstly for the darkness and secondly he covered himself totally with a blanket. He was searching something but due to darkness he couldn’t see anything. At this time he saw a girl was going to kitchen for water. He went towards her very quietly and closed her mouth from behind. The girl was surprised for the immediate action by someone but when she came to her sense she struggled to free herself from the grip but the man turned her towards him. When she saw the man her eyes were wide to see the person in front of him . He gave her his famous mischievous smile to the girl.

Girl: are here in this time

Sanskar: Yes my Shona baby I am only here. You are expecting someone else( raised his eyebrows)humm

Swara: But if anyone will see u then what will they think about you?

Sanskar:( encircled his arms on her neck) don’t worry baby now everyone has been sleeping. So I don’t think anyone having any sleeping problems on their sleeps.

Swara: But Sansk…..( she couldn’t completely her words because Sanskar kept his finger on her pink ?)

Sanskar: Sssshhhhh. Don’t say anything. I want to see you before our marriage. So for this only I have came here. If you don’t want it then ok I am going now.( when he turned to leave from there Swara hold his wrist and hugged him from back side)

Swara: Don’t go. I am sorry if I have hurted you.

Sanskar: ( turned his face towards Swara and cupped her face very lovingly . Swara just stared his eyes where she was only seeing love for her. When sanskar was gazing her pink lips Swara shyly bow down her face. Sanskar picked up her chin wanting to permission to kiss it. Swara shyly nodded her head and closed her eyes. When Sanskar about to kissed her lips they heard some noises from upper rooms. They both looked each other.

Swara: ( tensely looked towards Sanskar and said ) sanskar the sound is coming from dad’s room. Lets go and we will check it. When she moved to go Sanskar hold her wrist and said

Sanskar: U don’t need to go. I am going and will see what has happened there? You just stay here then I will be back after some time and he leaved from there.

Half an hour left till now Sanskar doesn’t come. Swara is very tensed now. She is restless after every passing seconds. At last she decided to be checked what is the matter. She went upstairs very quietly. She was sweating badly because due to her nervousness . When she reached outside of her dad’s room took a deep breath and peeped inside the room while unlocked the door. She couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw the scene in front of her eyes. Her father her super hero who protects her every bad eyes has lied on pull of bloods. Yes his father is died and his body was covered on full of bloods. She couldn’t think how to react now. So she just ran towards his father and took his head on her lap.

Swara:dad!dad please open your eyes dad. I can’t live without you. Dad u know na I don’t like this type of joke. Please stop this joke now( crying very badly holding his father’s face) when some one attacked her head from behind. When she turned to see the man she got her life’s biggest shock. In her whole life she can’t believe that her uncle has killed his dad and now killed her. Yes the killer is her uncle only.She fainted there . When her uncle was going to stab her he got a call on his phone.

Swara’s uncle: Hello. Berma why have u called me at this time.

Mr Berma: Sir I had found the wheal papers.

Swara’s uncle: Ok good. Now I am keeping the phone. Because now I would finish this Gododia’s chapter permanently.

Mr Berma: But sir don’t harm Shona baby

Swara’s uncle: What? Now you will order me what I will do or not?

Mr Berma: Sorry sir but as the wheal, if anything has been happening with Shona baby before her 21 birthday then all property would be transferred to the charity organization.

Swara’s uncle: What? Ok now byy

Then he burned the whole room on fire.
And he shifted Swara to the hospital. For this only he thought that Sanskar and Sekher died on this fire. After one day of this incident Swara came back to her sense but she had lost her memory which was benefited to her uncle. Swara had remembered Sanskar because before faint she only took his name.

Uncle’s pov end

Another place two men are stood opposite side of the window.

Mr. Sengupta: Sanskar I know how u r feeling now to see Swara like this. But trust me everything will perfect very soon. U know I am feeling proud for my friend ‘s decision. You are a gem Sanskar. He had taken right decision for Swara.

Sanskar: No uncle I am not perfect for Swara. I couldn’t save her and dad from that b*****d. I don’t forgive my self.( he covers his face on his palm and crying very badly .

Sengupta: ( hugged him immediately) No my son this is not your fault. If I would not reached here on time then today u r not here with us.

Flash back start

After Swara’s uncle leaved the place Sengupta reached there for discussing something about wheal papers. When he reached he saw Sekher ‘s room was burning and there sekher lied lifelessly. When he was leaving to call people he saw Sanskar lied at a corner of the room but he was breathing. He immediately entered the room taking him out side the room. He immediately admitted him at hospital . After 2 days he got his sense and had known the truth of his Shona has lost her memory. He had broken down this time but he had strong for his Shona only. And this time he promised himself he would give the punishment to Sekher dad’s murderer.

Flash back end.

Sengupta : U know Sanskar Sekher had changed his wheal the day before of Swara’s marriage . Now as the wheal u r the property holder. But that b*****d thinking that the property will transfer Swara’s name on her 21birthday and he will kill her.

Sanskar: Thanks uncle. Thanks for everything. Without you I wouldn’t take my revenge. And thanks to make a false wheal.

Mr. Sengupta: Its ok beta. Mein ye sab meri beti ke liye kiya. Swara is not only Sekher’s daughter she is also like my daughter. And I have some responsibility towards her. Sanskar just looked Sengupta and gave a small smile.

On birthday ?

Swara’s uncle gave 2 days leave all the workers on their works. As per his plan after leaving everyone he would kill Swara and give all blame to Sanskar. But he doesn’t know today a strom has waited for him.

Swara’s room she has slept very quietly on her bed. When he saw Swara he smirked at her. He went near her . When he placed a pillow on her face a strong hand hold his hand and turned towards him. He surprised to see the man in front of him.

Swara’s uncle:( in stammered voice) sanskar

Sanskar: Yes I am sanskar, Sanskar Maheswari ACP of Kolkata. U r under arrest Mr Mehta.

Swara’s uncle: U r mad then how is it possible all of sudden?

Sanskar:( clapped his hand while laughing ) I am not a mad infact Mein kabhi pagal hua hi nehin Tha. Its all our plan. So now u would get your punishment to kill my dad and make my jaan like this .(said to inspector) Inspector, arrest him and give him third degree torture . He should also get to know about the treatment in uncle’s house. What say uncle ji. U r ready to go for a holiday. Inspector arrested him and took him from there.

Sanskar went near to Swara who has slept in a very deep sleep on the effect of medicines. He sat beside her on the bed and caressing her hairs.

Sengupta put his hand on Sanskar’s shoulder and said: Sanskar u fulfilled ur promise but don’t waste your life for Swara. We don’t know when she will fine. Doctor also wouldn’t tell that. You r a police officer Sanskar. You have some responsibility towards the public. You can’t manage both the things at a time. You know Swara’s condition. She needs more time, love and care which is impossible for you to give her . So leave her with her condition and you move on in your life.

Sanskar:( hold her palm very carefully and kissed on it when few drops tear flowed from his eyes) uncle just now you told me na I will just move on my life. So she is my life. Without her I can’t live. She is my soul my breath . She is my everything. Tell me uncle how can a person live without his soul, breath. I know I have some duty and responsibility towards my public but believe me this can’t effect my love towards her. I would manage everything if she will with me. I love her. I love her so much. I know everyone is thinking she is imperfect for me. But believe me uncle “she is perfect for me with her im-perfection ” . He kissed her forehead which showing his love and affection towards her.

Sengupta: I am proud of you my son. I am really proud of you. Now I am feeling swara will fine very soon . Ur love will cure her . May god bless you child and both are live happy life. And he moved from the room.

Sanskar stared her lovingly and took her on his tight embarrass where Swara cuddle more on him in her sleep which brought a big smile on his face. Both slept on each other embarrass while hugging tightly. And outside the room the moon and stars are seeing their love for each other. And waited a new morning what is bringing for them .


I know its a sad ending but I think you will like it. So now I am crossing my fingers to be see ur response on this part. Here anyone can help me how will I find my stories link on telly update.


I am a fun loving girl and love kids very much. For me they are the pure soul and trustworthy

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