Fan Fiction

Perfect Love Story – Twinj (Episode 2)

Episode 2

Hello everyone, welcome back

Precap: The guy outside turns out to be kunj. Twinj cute fights. Twinkle and Usha lay the dinner out on the table.

So the episode starts with Twinkle going to get Kunj.

Twinkle goes and slowly opens the door to see what Kunj is doing. When she looks in the room is perfectly clean like it was before, but Kunj is not seen anywhere. Twinkle steps into the room and calls out Kunj but she gets no answer. She starts to look around the room at all the pictures of Kunj and his family. Suddenly she hears a door opening and the rooms temperature gets high. Twinkle turns around to see who it is, she is shocked to see Kunj in only a towel .

Twinkle: aaaaaaaaa

Kunj: aaaaaaaaaa

Twinkle quickly closes her eyes and turns around

Kunj: Can’t you knock and come in

Twinkle: I did but you were in the washroom. I even called you out but you know na some people are deaf and they couldn’t hear.

Kunj: Who are you calling deaf ha.

Twinkle: You. Who else is in this room other than me because I can hear 100% right.

Kunj: ugh stop irritating me.

Twinkle: (turns around pointing her finger) you stop

Twinkle realises that she turned around and puts her hand on her eyes and faces her back to him. Kunj smiles at her childish behaviour. He slowly moves towards her. Kunj comes and stands in front of her.

Kunj: You can open your eyes now.

Twinkle slowly opens her eyes. She sees that he was lying.

Twinkle: You liar.

Kunj slowly comes closer to her. She gets nervous and moves back until she reaches the cupboard. Now she has nowhere to go.

Twinkle: K…Ku…Kun…Kunj what are you doing.

She closes her eyes of fear as he moves his face closer to her. Twinkles hands are on his chest and his hands are on her waist. Kunj goes right past her face to her ear.

Kunj: People lie, actions don’t. Saying this he lets go of her.

She opens her eyes and takes her hands of his chest.

Twinkle: Ummm vo

Kunj: What?

Twinkle runs from there. Before leaving she turns around and says that dinner is ready.

Later Kunj comes downstairs with a guy and there is an old man in front of them.

Usha introduces Twinkle to Manohar and Uv. Twinkle seeks blessings from Manohar.

Twinkle: Hi UV

UV: Hi bhabhi. Twinkle looks on confused. He elbows Kunj standing next to him. Oops sorry Twinkle. (Actually Kunj told him everything before dinner)

Everyone sit to have dinner. Sarna family shares some cute moments together. Twinkle gets teary eyed and Kunj notices that because he was watching her the entire time.

Kunj: anything wrong Twinkle

Twinkle: no nothing

Now everyone is looking at Twinkle. Usha who was sitting next to her asks what happened.

Twinkle: it’s nice seeing your family together.

Manohar: Is everything okay.

Twinkle: My dad died when I was 7 years old and till then my mom had been taking care of me and my sister (on hearing sister UV leaned in more so he could listen to what she is saying) Mahi, but 2 years ago my mom passed and now me and Mahi take care of each other.

UV: Can you tell me what kind of a girl Mahi is. Kunj who is next to him steps on his foot hard and signs no.

UV: actually nevermind

Everyone finished dinner and the servants clean up. Twinkle thinks it’s getting too late and she should leave.

Twinkle: Aunty I think I should leave.

Usha and Manohar: Please stay it feels good with you around.

Twinkle: No aunty I will go. Mahi is alone at home.

Usha: How will you go. You’re car broke down. Wait I will tell Kunj.

Usha: Kunj

Kunj: yes mom

Usha: Can You please drop Twinkle home.

Kunj: sure mom

Kunj and Twinkle leave.

Precap: The Car Ride Home.

How was it guys?
Tell me if you have any ideas?
First day of school tomorrow so I decided I will post an episode. Don’t know when I will be able to.

I got some emails of people asking me where I live and what grade I’m in so I will answer some questions:

What grade are you in? I am going to be in 9th grade so a freshmen in high school
What school do you go to? Mona Shore High School
Where do you live? I live in Michigan
What things do you like to do? I like to post some episode of my ff, COFFEE, look through old twinj episode and picture, and many more.



I'm not addicted to coffee, but we're just in a committed relationship.

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