Fan Fiction

Perfect Love Story – Twinj (Episode 4)

Episode 4

I am sooooooo SORRY guys. It’s been a long time (7 months) since I haven’t updated. I got caught up in school and life is just horrible. I will try and update frequently. So… let’s get started. Many of you may not know what has happened in the previous episodes so I will start with a little summary.

So far we have met Twinkle, Kunj, Yuvi, Usha, Manohar. We have heard about Mahi but we haven’t met her yet.
Twinkle’s car breaks down right outside Sarna Mansion. She talks to Usha and Usha tells her to stay the night. Usha thinks that Twinkle is the type of girl that she has wanted for Kunj. So she takes her to Kunj’s room to freshen up. While she is in the bathroom Kunj comes in his room and Twinkle gets scared. The two finally meet and they start to bicker and fight. Usha calls them for dinner. Twinkle helps her and volunteers to go and get Kunj.
Kunj is in the bathroom and he comes out wearing nothing but a towel. Twinkle gets shy and runs away. Usha, Manohar, Yuvi, Kunj, and Twinkle all have dinner and meet each other. Yuvi asks what type of girl Mahi is. Usha tells Kunj to take Twinkle home. Kunj and Twinkle fight in the car. Twinkle tells him to stop the car and runs out.

SO…. In today’s episode you will see: Twinkle is seen running home crying and a car is seen coming towards her.

The episode starts with Twinkle running and Kunj calling her from behind.

Twinkle keeps running and pretends not to hear him. When she thinks he is not behind her anymore, she stops running. Twinkle sits on the ground crying and thinking “why does everyone hate me.” She gets up and starts to walk home.

A truck is seen swerving left to right and it is coming right towards Twinkle. She hasn’t seen the truck yet and she is really sad and thinking about everything Kunj has said to her.

You thought that I the great Kunj Sarna was going to kiss you? No way.

I’m up here and you are down there.
The words keep repeating in her head.

Twinkle looks up to see flashing lights of a truck really close to her and it is speeding.

Twinkle opens her eyes to see her not dead. She gets happy.

I’m not dead… I’m not dead… YES… YES… I’M NOT DEAD!

Kunj: Yes, you are not dead.

(I hope you figured it out, but if you didn’t, she said whatever she was thinking out loud)

Twinkle looks up to see her in the arms of Kunj. She quickly composes herself and gets away from Kunj. She is about to thank him but remembers everything he said to her. She gets angry.

Twinkle: YOU… What are you doing? Stay away from me. Who told you to save me? If you think that I am about to say thank you, then keep your thoughts to yourself. I will no say it at all. You can do what you want. I don’t care. Leave me alone.

After she finished her little rant. She looks at Kunj and he is standing there with his mouth wide open.

Kunj: (mutters under his breath) she never stops talking… talks 100 miles per hour…

Twinkle: Oye! What did you just say about me?

Kunj thinks OH NO! If I tell her she will get even more mad at me.

Twinkle: Oh Hello! I am talking to you.
Kunj: Oh… y… yea… nothing… I was just thinking…

Twinkle: Thinking about…. (she urges him to finish his sentence)

Kunj: I…Vo… Meh…. actually, Twinkle…

Twinkle: Just say it.

Kunj: iamsorryididn’tmeanwhatiactuallysaid

Twinkle: WHAT!

Kunj: Oh GOD… I said…. I am sorry, I didn’t mean what I actually said. When you ran out of the car I thought over it and I should have not said that.

Twinkle: Oh… (pretends to think)… What was the first 3 letter word you said again.

Kunj: (finds out that she wants him to say sorry again)… Listen, I don’t say sorry to anyone so you should be thankful.

Twinkle: Awh… Kunj… So you think that I am special.

Kunj: Whatever… Come on, I will take you home.

Twinkle sits on the ground and says: But I am tired.

Kunj picks her up bridal style and takes her to the car. They drive to Twinkle house.

After a while, still in the car.

Kunj sees Twinkle sleeping and thinks

She talks too much. Fights too much. And has really good comebacks. But why do I feel that she is hiding something behind this beautiful face of hers…. Wait… beautiful… Gosh Kunj what are you thinking…

Kunj: I will break her walls and see what she is hiding.

He continues to look at her asleep.

So guys how was it. Did you like it? Make you you leave a comment down below on how you feel.



I'm not addicted to coffee, but we're just in a committed relationship.

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