clock strucks 11pm and my bangles slides down my wrist..there slivery lusture is reflecting in my deep black eyes.scattering the smile over my lips that acts like blush on my cheeks.. I raise my eyes to mirror and found a girl ammm!!! Cute one whose black silky hairs are approaching her shoulder.,whose eyes are crystal clear without stroke of liner.who looks an inocent teenage girl,,, but but thats not me i widend my eyes as i apply mascara and liner over my eyes to give them smoky look then i curl my hairs and red lipstick with my black short skirt give me the look of what i,m!!! A modern, high class spoilt brat of 21st century..who is free careless bird..who make fun of everything that didnt raise to my standards even its good and appreciate everything that makes me look cool..
Who is among so called devils of college who make fun of teachers who teases straight students bunk classes in simply i,m mischevious girl,
but deep inside me there exist someone who feels bad to do this who feels bad to tease every new student of college. Who feel bad to turn away eyes seeing something wrong..who is better in every way to what i,m outside….
Then why that person is hidden inside me????
Coming soon
Hey aribha !!!! Amazing prologue dear ..

Like simply awesome
Simply amazing!! No words to describe this magnificent piece of creativity! Words are actually falling short to praise ur writing skills!! Good going girl!!
Keep smiling
oh dear it sounds so exciting!!! already in love with it from now. Pls post ASAP