Categories: Peshwa Bajirao

Peshwa Bajirao 21st March 2017 Written Episode Update

Peshwa Bajirao 21st March 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Baji asking the captive boys since when they are at Dandak’s place. The boys tell that they have been kidnapped since Dandak attacked their village and killed their elders and parents. Baji is shocked. Dandak asks them to forward their hand to get roti. Baji refuses. Dandak asks him to beg. Baji tells that there is no value of life infront of respect. Dandak’s man grabs his neck. Baji’s friends asks him to leave him and cries. Dandak says only hunger is valued here, and asks him to see. He asks the boys who wants this roti. All boys get up and try to get the roti. Dandak laughs and asks what is more big hunger or respect. Baji says if I die then my body will die, but not my respect. He says I have earned my food and worked for you. You have to give roti to me with

respect, I will not eat thrown roti. Dandak slaps him.

Tara Rani Bai reads the message on grain which Shahu ji sent her. She asks Pant Pratinidhi that if the message is from Shahu ji and doubts about his loyalty as he is staying with Mughals since years. Pant pratinidhi says we have to go and see Marathi sardaar meeting Mughals. He tells her that they got Shiva Raze sit on the singhasan and raised doubt on everyone’s mind about Shahu ji’s loyalty. She tells that Shiva Raze will be on singhasan till Marathi feels safe with him being their king. Tara Rani Bai tells that they will take Shiva Raze this time and she wants him to know that they have to shed blood for emperor.

Dandak asks Baji to pick the thrown roti. He refuses. Dandak hits Baji badly making him unconscious. Gotiya and his friends cry. Shilachur tells Dandak that Baji is a jungle horse and once he is controlled, he will bring something for us which we were longing for.

Balaji tells Tara Rani Bai that he came to know that she wants to take Shiva Raze to war. Tara Rani Bai asks are you doubting on my decision. Balaji says he is not yet ready to go on a war. Tara Rani says it is your responsibility to train him. Balaji says I am trying to teach him, but he is not ready to learn. Tara Rani says he has to step in the deep water if he wants to swim. Balaji says if he gets drown hesitantly. Tara Rani says he has Chatrapati Shivaji’s blood in his veins, and will fight surely, if you think that he is not yet ready then you will also come with us and will take care of him. Balaji agrees. Radha comes to the place where large quantity of wood is kept. She thinks don’t know how Baji and his friends are staying.

She hears Dandak’s man telling that they have caught four boys yesterday and one boy is so stubborn that he is not ready to compromise with his values and refused to work for Mughals. He says Dandak have broken his friend’s foot and also hit him badly. Radha cries hearing that.

Parshu tells that they will die with hunger. Baji says we will run away from here. The captive boys tell that they will be locked in kaal kotri. Ishu and Parshu get afraid of death. Baji thinks about Pandit ji’s words and tells that they have to find the way.

Radha makes wood falls down. Dandak’s men tell that may be someone is spying here. They check and think may be it was our misunderstanding. Just then Radha kicks stone by mistake alerting Dandak’s men. Shilasur tells other man that jungle treasure will be his soon.

Tara Rani Bai are hiding with Shiva Raze, Balaji and others. They see old Pant Prat sacheev coming there on horse. Tara Rani Bai recalls Shankar firing him from the position. Dhana ji tells that Shankar Malhar is with Mughals, we can’t think of this. Balaji says we are not sure that they came to meet Mughals. We shall wait for sometime. Dhana ji says I will go there with some soldier and will sign you to attack at the right time. Tara Rani Bai says okay. Shilasur is about to attack Radha, just then he hears malhari and goes. Radha also follows him and hides under his cart. She prays for Baji and his friends. Baji finds a hole and tells his friends that they will go up through this hole. He asks Gotiya to hold the tree branch and climb up. He falls. Parshu says we can’t go with Gotiya and have to escape without him. Gotiya cries. Baji says have you gone mad and says we can’t leave Gotiya here. He says if we run then he will kill him. He says we will go together or die together.

Parshu says I don’t want to die. Parshu says why you are risking everyone’s life for one. Baji says he is my best friend. Parshu says I know that you won’t be successful and goes. Ishu asks him to leave Parshu for sometime and asks him to find the way. Malhari follows Radha and Shilasur. Cart stops as stone comes inbetween the way. Radha throws the stone. Shilasur thinks how did the stone move from the way and gets doubtful. He catches Radha and asks who are you? Radha says she is a mum whose kids he has kidnapped yesterday. Radha says she can give life and take too and keeps knife on his head. Baji makes the tree stem stairs. Gotiya says Baji can do anything. Baji says I will bring Parshu here.. Dandak comes home and says you have forgotten that handicapped horse can run and tell that he will break his other foot too and laughs. He is about to hit him, but Baji holds his hammer. He says this idea was mine, I asked them to escape, they have not done any mistake. Dandak says okay and says you have hope in your heart and says I will snatch your hope. He asks his men to take him with them. They take Baji with them.

Tara Rani and others fight with Qamer Uddin and Marathi sardaar. Qamer Uddin says that he will kill all marathis today. Shiva Raze panics and hides behind Tara Rani.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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