we saw that ishan and mehar accept abeer.
suman called Madhvi and told her everything. Madhvi gets happy.she called kuber and said him to come home fast.
kuber came to home. he asked what happened.madhvi told everythng.kuber gets happy.and he said we will go mehrin’s home with shagun.madhvi said I will call pandit ji..
in Mehrin’s home..
everyone is seeing happy. bua was looking all this.abeer come to her.he hold bua’s hand and toldbi know u care for mehar so much..don’t worry bua..I will never leave her like 8 years back.he promised her.she blesses him..
meanwhile kuber and madhvi came with pandit ji
they greets everyone. kuber said that we are here for our son’s marriage proposal.bua and suman asked them to sit.
Mehar takes blessing from madhvi ans kuber.kuber apologies to her for everything. .mehar said its ok papa.madhvi give suman shagun.
pandit ji told take muhurat.he told it is after two weeks. everyone gets happy.kuber calls ishan to sit beside him.he sat beside kuber.kuber kissed on his forhead.he said call me dadaji beta.ishan calls him dada ji.
abeer holds mehar’s hand.he said I love you.she blushed..and said I love you too..Ishan came and said I love u both..abeer and mehar hugged ishan.ishan hugged back them..everyone happily looks at them.
let me know whether u likes it or not buddies. .if yes I will continue my ff.if no I will stop..
Yes pls continue
Awesome ff plz continue we are missing mehbeer a lot
Wow…u write very well…dont stop plzzz

Awsome epi..very well written..dont stop plzzz
Too amazing… Just continue I’m waiting for ur next update..
I was waiting for dis…Awesome di…Love
the whole part..totally..Finally we can c everything sets alright and family members too r happy..Hurray..?? everything was flashing in my eyes when I was reading this…pls continue..?
u MehBeerAn and BD..
u and take care ?..
I am waiting for MehBeer’s marriage ? again..Ishu baby u r too cute ..
I will not say Miss u bcoz I am reading here..?
Thank u so much Ruby di..love
Wow badtameez dil is back…….loved it do write the updates
thnx a lot buddies
plz start up
Is the new episode online from 24 November 2015
it is a fan fiction deepali..it didn’t start again
Ruby Di thanks a lot…pls continue…
Oh, very nice. Thank u very much Ruby Apu. Plz continu u write very very well.
nice write up but need to make it a bit longer
Good continue it is so nice dont stop mehabeer’s marrage wow plz update next epi erly dont forget ruby
Superb write up ruby di…!! Doin a gr8 job .. We do appreciate it alot.. Plse continue…!!
Of course it is a bigggggggg S ……
Yessss plzz continue
Hi ruby dear, it’s nice epi, plz continue, eagerly waiting for the next episode, love you loads
Thank u soo much yr for update KB se wait kr re the ki ye serial Ka update kahin se mile continue
Ruby write ur ff in present tense n not in past tense
badtameez dil rocks
Ruby jaldi aaj ka episode-2 bejdo plz me nahi intajaar karunga plz
plz continue………………………………………………………………..
Plzzzzz continue …its superb