Categories: Pinjara Khubsurti Ka

Pinjara Khubsurti Ka 16th October 2020 Written Episode Update: Omkar starts getting jealous of Piyush

Pinjara Khubsurti Ka 16th October 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Mayura and Omkar Do the arti together. Omkar is fixing the back side of the idol. His clothe gets stuck in it. The idol is about to fall on Omkar. Mayura sees it and runs to save him. She holds the idol. Mayura tries to save the idol. Omkar shouts Mayura.. Piyush runs and holds it with her. Everyone runs to Mayura. and ask her if she’s okay. Dadi says thank God everything is fine. Omkar brings Mayura down. Mayura says thanks Piyush if you didn’t come. He says you saved the idol. You know how important it is for Omi. Mayura and Piyush talk.

Megha says to Omkar did you see.. They are such good friends. Two bodies, one soul. Mayura and Piyush laugh together. Omkar says are you both okay? Mayura says I am fine. He says this pooja is so important for me. Mayura

says Mata Rani is happy with us. Mayura prays to keep Omkar and her happy.

Mayura is not wearing slippers. Omkar says why are you not wearing slippers? What if something hurts your feet? She says you don’t wear slippers for 9 days, I will help you. And you fast too. Omkar says you won’t fast. Please eat. She leaves. Megha says to Omkar you have such a big heart. MAyura and Piyush.. Omkar says not a single more important. I won’t hear a word against them. Be an SIL don’t abuse your relationship. Everyone comes. Manjali says what was she saying? Megha says I was talking about the pooja but he knows everything already.

Scene 2
Mayura makes Omkar eat. She says you’ve not eaten since morning. He says I am full. Mayura says no eat more. She makes him eat. Omkar says don’t scold. She says I am making you eat with love. Omkar caresses her face. Mayura makes him drink water. Omkar holds her hand.

Megha is thinking. She says I had to spark this doubt. Omkar picks Mayura. She says you’re tired. Mayura says I can walk to bed. He says you made me eat, I need some exercise. She says so I am your dumbell? That’s why you pick me all the time? Omkar smiles and takes her to the bed. Omkar puts a rug on the bed. Mayura says why are you sleeping there? Omkar says I won’t sleep in bed for next 9 days as a respect to Mata Rani. you should sleep on the bed. Mayura sleeps with him. He says what if you get a rash here? Mayura sleeps on his chest. Shes asy this is the comfiest place for me. Omkar recalls what Megha said.

Scene 3
Omkar calls Vansh to invite him. He says Ridhima has kept a pooja at home. Omkar says so for wife’s happiness a man like you will also do pooja? Vansh says sometimes relationships aren’t what they look like. One must never trust beautiful people. You stumble. Omkar says I only trust my people and I judge people right. If someone breaks my trust I won’t be able to tolerate it. Vansh says when someone you look backstabs you, it hurts the most. Omkar looks at Mayura and Piyush preparing together.

Omkar touches Manjali’s feet. He says how are you am? She says I am getting better now. How is your pooja? Omkar says I am praying with all my heart for Mayura. Manjali looks at Omkar looking at Piyush and Mayura. She says the seed has been harvested. Now I have to water it to grow the plant.

Sanjay says to Omkar the person who does jhanti wouldn’t be able to come this time. Omkar shouts I gave you one work. Couldn’t you call someone else? You should have booked first. Who will you get in the last minute? Mayura and Piyush come as well. Omkar shouts you know I want everything perfect in Navratri pooja. You have excuses for everything. Move from here. Omkar leaves in anger. Mayura feels bad for Sanjay and Megha.

Piyush says to Mayura Navratri is very special for Omi. Sanjay thought that the couple always performs. So they would come this time as well. It isn’t Sanjay’s mistake. But if the performance doesn’t happen Omi will be heartbroken. Mayura says neither would Sanjay be blamed neither would my husband be heartbroken. I have a plan. Will you help me? He says of course.

Scene 4
Omkar does the pooja. Manjali says the sixth day’s pooja is done as well. Omkar gives parsad to everyone. He looks at Piyush and recalls him laughing with Mayura. Mayura and Piyush go inside while Omkar is doing pooja. He says where did they go together? I can’t unsee all this.

Precap-Piyush and Mayura dress as Ram and Seeta and do the performance. Omkar is angry to see them together.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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