Pinjara Khubsurti Ka 29th April 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on
The Episode starts with Megha telling Omkar that they saw him taking Tara in the car. Omkar says I don’t know whom you have seen and tells that Mayura is planning bad game with me. Shankar stops him and tells that Mayura is telling truth, I have seen truth in her eyes. Omkar says if she is saying truth then who is taking advantage of our fight. He says he has to meet Mayura. Shankar says she don’t want to see your face. Omkar says I will talk to her for Tara. He comes to Vishaka’s house as an old beggar and says he is very hungry. The lady guards ask him to go. Mayura stops him and says today she got her daughter’s puja done and tells that she don’t want anyone to go from my house hungry. She comes down and gives him something to eat. Omkar thanks her. Mayura sees ring in his hand and removes the cloth from his head. Omkar tells that he came to tell her that Tara is not with him and someone is taking advantage of their fight. Mayura says I have seen you taking Tara away in car. Omkar says if Tara was with me then why would I come here? He asks her to think. Vishaka asks if he is planning to get this haveli after getting Tara. She says you are habitual to snatch things from weak persons and says Mayura is not weak, I am her shield. Omkar asks her to be in the side and not to interfere between them. Mayura says I have given her right to interfere and tells that she has all his property with her and she has snatched all his contracts from him. She says you have to return Tara to me.
Omkar says I told 10 times that Tara is not with me. Vishaka asks if you will go by yourself, or shall be kicked out. Omkar tells Mayura that she is doing a big mistake. Just then Vishaka’s phone rings. He stops hearing the ring tone….and turns…Mayura picks the phone from the table and gives to Vishaka. Omkar realizes Vishaka is doing all this and gets angry. He tells Mayura that Vishaka has kidnapped Tara and she is in her captivity. He says she is playing games with us. Vishaka says he is lying, he can’t bear that I am supporting her. Omkar says I know that you attacked on my head from behind as I was about to reach Tara. He says you are playing game with Mayura and me. He asks her to tell where is Tara? Mayura asks why Vishaka ji will do this? Omkar says it will be found. He asks Mayura to remember if she saw his face. Mayura recalls and says no. Omkar says game is over, I said that this is her conspiracy. Vishaka acts to panics and faints. Omkar says she is acting again. Mayura asks Omkar to go and asks the lady guards to throw him out. Omkar says you will repent. Mayura says Vishaka is unconscious.
Omkar comes home and tells Shankar and Megha that Mayura is blinded by Vishaka, but she is fooling her. Shankar says Vishaka supported her and that’s why Mayura is trusting her. Omkar says he will bring her truth out infront of Mayura. Later, Mayura comes to Vishaka and apologizes to her. Vishaka asks her not to blame herself and asks her to check her room, phone etc if she has doubt on her. Mayura says I trust you fully and asks her to rest.
She goes. Vishaka thinks she just needs Mayura’s trust to do what she wants to do with Omkar, and will take revenge for Vishal. She asks the lady guard to keep eye on Mayura and goes in the car. Tara refuses to have food. Vishaka asks her to eat food and says if you don’t have food then you have to go to doctor and get injection. Tara refuses to eat and throws the plate. Vishaka says Mamma and Papa’s love have spoilt Tara and now she has to eat the fallen food. Tara says she wants to go to her parents. Vishaka says you have to eat. Omkar comes there and throws something on the plate and make it fall down. Vishaka thinks how did he reach here and gets shocked. Omkar hugs Tara not to worry as her Papa came here. He recalls keeping tracker in Vishaka’s car. Tara tells Omkar that the aunty is very bad, she don’t want to stay here. Omkar says nobody can stop you here. Vishaka signs her goons to attack him. Omkar makes him fall down. Vishaka locks the door with the keys and says you want to cage others, now you are caged. She says nobody can go outside. Omkar tells Tara that they will play hide and seek and she will be in his team. He blindfolds her with his handkerchief and makes her sit on his back holding him. He then fights with Vishaka’s goons and make all of them fall down. He comes to Vishaka and asks her to thank that she is a woman, as he don’t raise hand on any woman. He takes keys from her and opens the door. He then tells Vishaka that she has to pay a heavy compensation for kidnapping Tara and says you was keeping gun on Mayura’s shoulder and was firing. He says I will tell her the truth. Vishaka asks if she will trust you. Omkar laughs and says not me, but she will trust Tara. He says Vishaka … your chapter is over.
Precap: Omkar tells Tara to tell Mayura that Vishaka is not good and she had locked her in a room. He then calls Mayura and says Tara is with him and he wants to talk to her about something important. Vishaka speeds up his car towards Omkar. Tara screams, papa.
Update Credit to: H Hasan
Omkar doesn’t raise a hand on women? Hahaha good joke.
Omkar doesn’t raise hand on women but he slams a marble in their face

But who is vishal, I don’t recall anyone in the series with the name vishal somebody to lighten me up