Categories: Pinjara Khubsurti Ka

Pinjara Khubsurti Ka 9th September 2020 Written Episode Update: Mayura and Omkar go on a coffee date

Pinjara Khubsurti Ka 9th September 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Mayura comes usptairs. She hears noise. She walks there. Omkar hides. The waiter says madam this area is closed. Mayura says but I heard someone. He says there’s a party downstairs so it must be them. Mayura leaves. The guys touch Omkar’s feet. He says I am forgiving you one last time. Never look at Mayura again and leave this city. He says we will leave. Omkar says which hand did you touch Mayura’s shoulder from? This hand should be punished.

Mayura slips. Someone holds her. It’s Omkar. Mayura gets up. She slips again. Omkar holds her. Omkar says why are you looking like that? She says are you free tomorrow? I can thank you with words. You were right. We can meet for a coffee. Let me know when you’re free. I will come there. She leaves.

Piyush hugs Omkar and says wow, she pitched a date herself. Look at this piece of art by Piyush. He shows him the picture he took while Omkar was holding Mayura. Omkar says my Mayura. Piyush says only yours.

Scene 2
Omkar gives money to a man and syas these kids are our future. They should be educated. Kundan comes there and says Omkar ji. Nice to see you here. I came to pray for us. You come here everyday. You are so great. I know you’re a big man, but I would be happy if you attend our wedding. Omkar says why did you have to take Mayura to the party? Did you see what happened to her? Kundan says what happened to Mayura? Omkar says call her Mayura ji. He says she won’t tell you she is so nice. But when you were enjoying the party your colleagues were harassing her. Cheap people. She calls you jeju, never make such mistake of taking her to such cheap places again. He leaves. Kundan says why was Omkar talking about Mayura like that? I have to talk to her. Megha texts we are going for shopping.

Scene 3
Mayura says it’s 12. I asked Omkar for coffee. Surekha says right now? Megha says yes you should go. Surekha says be back early.

Omkar is at the cafe. Mayura is there. He opens the door. Mayura says I love this place. How do you know I like this place? Omkar says in heart Piyush always chooses the right things. Omkar says I had coffee here once. Piyush takes their picture while they sit and drink coffee.

Piyush sends the picture to Manjali. She dances. Her husband says what happened? She says see my son’s Mayura is with him. He says are you crazy? Manjali says be happy fro him.

Mayura says I got you so wrong. I misunderstood that all rich people are insensitive and egoistic. You’re different but nice. Friends? She extends her hand. Omkar shakes her hand and says friends. Mayura keeps talking. She says you also speak. What are your hobbies? He says to help people and serve them. He says I know you like people who see heart. Omkar holds her hand and sings muskarany ki waja tum ho. He brings her close and kisses her face. She tries to go but Omkar hugs her. Omkar was dreaming all this. Mayura says I am leaving. Bye.

Mayura says I should leave now. Omkar says may I drop you home? Mayura says no rickshaw ride is fun. Next time I will pay. Omkar says soon you will be in front of me all the time like a pretty bird in a cage. Piyush says well done. Omkar hugs him and says thank you. You found her likes and set up everything. He says I only want Mayura to come close to you and see how good you are.

Scene 4
Surekha says she’s coming home. She went to nearby cafe. Kundan is there. Ashutosh is worried. Mayura says jeju when did you come? Everyone is worried. Asuh says you didn’t tell? You were harrassed at the party? Kundan says who told you? Kundan says Omkar told me. Mayura says I met him just now. He didn’t even tell me that you met him. Kundan says in heart he’s weird why didn’t he tell Mayura? Mayura says it’s okay. Kundan says this is not okay. You should tell me who they were. We will take an action. He shows her pictures and says tell me who they are? Mayura tells him from the pictures.

Megha says how was coffee with Omkar? Mayura says I only wanted to thank. He isn’t that bad. Piyush made me realize he isn’t that bad. His ways are different. He tried to save me.

Kundan meets the guys and says I came to ask about what happened at the party but you two are leaving your house and job? Gupta says we shouldn’t have done that. We are so sorry. Please apologize to Mayura.. I mean Mayura ji. Our lives are ruined. We shouldn’t have done this. They sit in the car and say don’t get into us leaving. Let us. Omkar says did he threaten you? They leave.

Megha says some people speak to the heart. Mind doesn’t get them. Mayura says yes how mind perceived him, he isn’t like that. Omkar looks at the picture and says you would be mine Mayura. You’re coming close to me. Mayura says he’s very nice.

Precap-Piyush brings the decorations and says don’t worry aunty. The engagement would be so good the entire city wouldn’t have seen something like this. Ashutoush says this is only possible when the person’s heart is as big as his name. Mayura and Omkar are standing together. Kundan calls Mayura and says Omkar is a fraud. He isn’t a great man. He’s disgusting. Mayura is shocked.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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