Categories: Piya Basanti Re

Piya Basanti Re 9th October 2014 Written Episode Update

Piya Basanti Re 9th October 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on

The episode starts with Piya telling Geeta about her acceptance to marry Himesh. She says her papa would have been proud hearing this and says even she is proud of her papa, tells her what Mahesh’s friend told about her papa, that he sacrificed his life during war and even saved 15 people’s lives. Geeta gets emotional hearing that. Piya says Himesh is nto well educated, but is a very nice guy. Rekha comes and takes Piya out, shows her Himesh who is waiting her outside and asks her to talk to him. Himesh thanks her for accepting him as life partner and says he will give her happiness of all life and asks if she has any wish. Piya says she wants to work after marriage and says she does not want her mom to work after her marriage. Himesh says she can work for sure and says they

both will take care of Geeta. He wishes her goodnight and leaves. Piya sees Kabeer standing in front of her.

Ganga is busy preparing herbal face pack for Ayesha. She gets Geeta’s call and gets tensed thinking something is wrong. Geeta informs her about Piya’s marriage. Ganga congratulates her and says she will call her later.

Piya asks Kabeer why did he come. He says he needs her notes. She says he is very serious about defeating her in exams. Kabeer asks if she is not in a hurry to marry. Piya asks if he heard her and Himesh’s talk. He says yes and says Himesh is a nice guy, but she is hurrying for a marriage. Piya says marriage has a long way to go. He asks what does Himesh do and how much he earns. She says he is a salesman and earns sufficient money and asks if eh will come to her rescue as a friend if there is any problem in her marriage. He says of course he will come. She goes home to bring notes. Kabeer gets sad hearing Priya’s marriage proposal and reminisces time spent with her. Bin tere… song plays in the background.

Mahesh says his family that he wants to select Vijay’s daughter for Kabeer. Baa says he has taken right decision as they all know Vijay’s family from many years. Mahesh asks Neeta and Savita not to reveal about their plan to anyone till he green signals. Savita says she will not. Geeta takes Savita to her room and asks why she takes time to take decisions where immediate attention is needed and rushes where attention is not necessary. Ganga calls them and informs about Piya’s marriage being fixed. They both get happy hearing that.

Neeta and Savita seee Piya coming to work. They both congratulate her for her alliance and asks her opinion about Vijay’s daughter. She says she is a very good girl. They both tell her that they want Kabeer to marry Vijay’s daughter and want her help to get them closer. Piya says she cannot help as she is afraid that she will make mistake. Neeta says Kabeer is her friend and she has to help her friend get a good life partner. Piya agrees. They both get happy and pray for a successful mission. Kabeer comes there and asks what mission. Neeta says Piya is engaged now, so they are congratulating her for her new mission.

Vijay’s daughter asks Kabeer what qualities he needs in his life partner. He says one who can understand her, etc.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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