All the best for ur project bihaan…congrats mehak…
Recap: Sher’s bitter past
Sher decides sth…
He calls vikas
Sher:I know mom and mama ji sent u abroad so that u dnt help me and now u r back so I need ur help
Vikas:anything for u bhai
Sher:I need 10 lacs right now
Vikas:where r u?
Sher:main road
Vikas calls a friend of his who lives nearby and sher goes to him who gives him a cheque of 10 lacs
Vikas:tell my friend that I will pay him later.
Vikas:bhai but what r u going to do?
Sher:I will talk to u later
Sher then calls his another friend
Vikram:hi sheru…
Sher:is ur job still available??
Vikram:u really wanna do it?
Sher:I have to do it now…this society has left me with no choice…
Vikram:ok…i m coming to pick u up
Vikram and sher go to an office where a lady is sitting
Vikram:this is the guy
Lady looks at sher
Lady(geeta):hmm…he is nice…ready to become a toy boy??
Yes guys bow sher has decided to become a toy boy…he has seen bad faces of society and now will face them as the world is betrayer…everything is fake…he needs money and he will get money from the blo*dy people of society now…
Fb shows sher meeting vikram his old friend who has become a toy boy and he offered sher as well who rejected his offer but now he wants to do it)
Shraddha:what is a toy boy?
Shraddha:I didn’t get it
Akira sighs
Akira:sher decided to make love with richest cheap women and take over their property….
Shraddha was shocked…
Akira continues
Sher was given a flat by his company to live and paid his loans with those 10 lacs…
Sher did whole research about this job and he learnt to woo every type of women of every age…
His first meeting was with a business tycoon woman of 45…sher was only 24
Sher:hello mrs.gupta
Mrs Gupta:hi…u r handsome
Sher:we r here for a deal
Mrs Gupta:u have to impress me first
Sher: Pay me first
Mrs Gupta:hmm…interesting…geeta knows me well and my taste so she must have sent u after thinking much…how much do u want?
Sher:1 crores
Mrs.gupta:r u mad??why this much?
Sher smirks:I m not a cheap guy
She smiled and sher’s first night was spent with that women.he was extremely hesitant but then it became normal for,him when he trapped few more women and took over their property…mrs Gupta deeply wanted him and asked for another night and sher took,sign on her property papers and now her house her companies her business is all of sher…and many more companies are of other women…sher faced many more digusting faces of society…corruption, disbelief,betrayal etc…he hated girls…he,met a girl who posed to br extremely nice and savitri type like u r but from inside she was a devil…she used to take drugs and trapped boys for rape and took away all their money…
Sher taught her a lesson.girl’s name was tina
Sher:hi tina
Sher:see this video
Tina sees the video and was shocked as it had Tina’s confession where she said that she does this work purposely just to get money
Tina:what the hell do u want?
Sher:a night only
Tina was angry but agreed and sher then threw her out of his life after one night…
Sher uses to feel a lot of headache and used to scream at nights and he consulted doc who suggested him to marry and be with a girl…sher didn’t get his point and doc told him that he has become a s*x addict and if he stays awake whole night without a girl he will lose control and will fall ill…so he was given sleeping pills…those are special pills that r given to him…
Shraddha gets teary eyed
Sher hates his family now…its been 2 years and they never contacted him…even he never did…
A year ago I met sher in the hospital…he was shocked to see me and I was shocked to him
He took,me,to his home where we both told each other our stories and he consoled me and gave only one suggestion
Shraddha was shocked
Sher found those guys for me who raped me and handed over a gun to me…i was furious after I saw them and with full determination I killed 5 of those bastard boys and my so called sir…
Shraddha was hell shocked…
Shraddha:u…u killed them…
Shraddha:u would have gone to police..u should have complained…u should have brought them to court…they would have got punishment according to law
Akira:not even in dreams…society doesn’t value an honest respectable person…u have to apply some wrong methods…if I would have appealed in court they would have been easily bailed out as all are corrupt and cheap so revenge was the best option…
That night when I killed them sher and I had drunk a lot and I cried…he consoled me and we moved closer…we made love then…
In a year we became best friends…he and me are very close…he shares everything with me..he told me about u and I suggested him to marry u…i m sorry for that…he said that once he married u he wont betray u…plz make him the old sher again…
Shraddha hugs akira
Shraddha:I promise he will be back soon…dnt worry…and dnt say sorry…
Shraddha wipes her tears and thinks about sher.,.
Shraddha:its night,,,I should go
While shraddha goes out she collides with rani and Akira comes there too
Rani:hi shraddha…i know u must be thinking,about me…but honestly sher is psycho..i had spent so much time with him…he cares for himself only,..he is using u…he is useless person…i dnt know how did he get so much money but he is just a loser and betrayer…
Before she could say anything further rani gets a Tight Slap by shraddha amusing Akira and shocking rani
Shraddha shows her finger to rani
Shraddha:don’t u dare speak anything against him…he is my husband I dnt need to know from u how he is…I k,ow him better than u…do u even k,ow the meaning of love and marriage??u call itself rani but actually ur condition is worse Than a slave…i know what u did with him…he lived u dearly and honestly but u…money lustrous…shameless cheap woman…get out of my sight and life and don’t ymu dare to take my husband’s name with ur dirty tongue…let us live our present and future as he is far away from his bitter past…
Rani gets furious and touches her cheek
Rani:u will pay for this.
She leaves and Akira hugs shraddha
Akira:ur mobile…u left it in my room…what a speech and answer..u nailed it …
Shraddha:I won’t tolerate anything against him
Sher was listening all this…
Sher thinks:does sher know everything ????
Hope u enjoyed
Hey di its awsome loved it but where is the precap ….. Dying to know what happens next
Fantastic episode angel.
update next soon.
And update the next soon.
Angel i’m a little bit confused due to this that akaira told sherdha that she killed those five people to take revenge and sherdha was shocked but again when she explained sher’s past and told her that sher advised her to kill five of them then y she was shocked again in previous episode she hugged akaira after listening that she killed those persons.
Hope u don’t mind actually it was confusing me a little bit.
actually… prev epi….i guess akira did not tell her tht sher asked her to take revenge……i guess akira just said tht she took revenge……
Thanks dear
Amazing episode. I m shocked to know about sher’s job. Omg….. Plz plz update d next epi soon
awesome……… no words to express my feeling ;~) no one can beat u angel hats off to u………. . i know i am becaming greed :~p :~p day after day to read ur ff so plz try to updates soon………. plz plz. n sher’s past was really sorrowful :~( :~( n thanks for giving a tight SLAP to this devil rani :~) :~) n plz try to updates soon plz
awesome……… no words to express my feeling ;~) no one can beat u angel hats off to u………. . i know i am becaming greedy :~p :~p day after day to read ur ff so plz try to updates soon………. plz plz. n sher’s past was really sorrowful :~( :~( n thanks for giving a tight SLAP to this devil rani :~) :~) n plz try to updates soon plz
Just awsom n plz plz plz angel update next episode tomorw.. plz
Angel you know what I like your story as it seems like very original…. don’t ever make it a sugar coated fairy tale types loved it as usual
angel……….the story… really outstanding………..plz update regularly…….the past was bitter…..but yeh duniye humein nahi samjh ti…… hope shradha will make sher a nice person………and rani would’ve got more slaps….like anita got in TEI frm twinkle’s MOM……
Really sher has went through a very horrible past….but the episode was awesome as always ???
Update the next episode soon
Didi I loved it thanks angel didi I hope you don’t mind me calling you didi
No dear I didn’t…it feels so cute ?
what a bitter past of sher!!!!!!! it’s just shocked me when I knew the real meaning of toy boy……. OMG..
Ny c episode dear ….
And is that congrats for me !!! If yes than Thanku so much darling ..
I m so happy
awesome episode
ANGEL U R INCREDIBLE seriously ur writings r better than the director of PIYA RANGREZZ

Angel i m just in love wit u n ur writings
Hey angel its me Eyn.. Thank you angel i really loved this update and u played with my emotions.. u really r a grt weitwr..
From me to angel: best writer of the year ♥♥
Sorry its writer*
OMG……..really bitter past
Can’t imagine . . . . ???
Anyway Awesome episode
Incredible Angel ???
You’re fabulous writer
You explain every a little things & very clear write ???
Hope you will update next episode very soon
Very excited for next episode ?
Please update next episode soon ? Waiting for next episode ?
amazing….angel…loved it sooooooooooooooo much..♥♥♥♥♥♥
waiting for next…
love u loads♥♥♥♥
it’s just amazing episode angel didi. please please please update the next episode as soon as you possible.