Categories: Fan Fiction Original

PKYEK- The Dark Love Story CONTINUES…..Episode 7

She was searching for her way out . But before she could proceed, she realised that she herself was being searched when she recognized the familiar voice . It was misha and kabir calling her. She moved in the direction of the voice.

She kept moving forward but still didn’t stop looking back.just as she was going get immersed in the mystery, misha successfully diverted her mind.piya turned and saw kabir standing beside misha,soon she realised that they had been searching ger for a long time


Piya sitting in kabir’s car is lost in her thoughts while misha and kabir in the front seats were wondering at her action.

She was thinking about the happenings in the woods and wondered as to how she is related to all this. Questions one qfter the other crept into her did misha know about me being there! Am i so predictable? What is she hiding from me? Why she is so worried? Oh god when will all these things sort out!.

They soon reached dobriyal mansion.

Kabir had decided to drop these girls and go to club but he was forced to stay back due to mishas insistence.misha was upto something ..surely!

Piya was surprised to see that they were all alone in the house .

Whom should i ask now abt all these stuff! How will i sort it out! She realised that misha who had been standing behind her heard everything was making faces at her.

She realised that there was no option bt to ask misha .


I will try to post nxt one soon.till then good time.:-):-):-):-):-):-)


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