PolesApart Episode 15: The Birthday Bash!

Hello everyone!! I am very happy that you love my previous episode.. some of you like Vansh being jealous more.. you will be witnessing the same in future episodes..

Aaryan arrives.

Aaryan: “Riddhi Di, I have bought these things, look at them”

Riddhima went towards Aaryan and checked the decorating items which he had bought.

Vansh: “Riddhi Di?”

Aaryan: “Yes, any problem?”(irritated)

Vansh: “No, bro! relax”

Riddhima: “Thank you Aaryan! You worked very hard today! You must be hungry, right?”

Aaryan(smelling): “Yes and the fragrance had made me more”

Riddhima smiled. She fed Aaryan with a laddoo which she had made recently, from her hands. Vansh saw this and admired them.

Vansh(thinking): “A perfect bhabhi-dewar duo! .. Hey! Oh god why I am always thinking this!!” He hid his smile and left.

Later Riddhima came towards Vansh and asked him about the birthday plan.

Vansh: “Why are you asking me? Don’t you have any plan?”

Riddhima: “I have.. but she’s your mother, you must have certain hopes related to the party. I noticed how excited you were for the party yesterday. Tell me your plan and I will work with it.”

Vansh: “You know Riddhima. Our family used to celebrate each and every moment with happiness and laughter, not like the way we’re doing right now! When papa was alive, he always made mom feel special on her bday. His unique ideas always made mom’s mood. We all use to wait for such occasions. But after his death, it was like our family forgot to smile, they never talked like a family, sometimes they would quarrel for no reason. Everyone was stressed. And we never enjoyed mom’s bday anymore like that. But when you arrived, I saw all of them gone back to the old days, they all are now happy. I want that mom would also enjoy today like the way she use to do it.. And I know only you could do this.”

Riddhima was overwhelmed with Vansh’s words. She was amazed at his love towards his family.

Riddhima(thinking): “How could a person love his family so much!”

This remarked made her remember her family. She had not talked to them since three days and she was missing them very badly. She quickly called her mother but her phone was switched off. She tried again and again but it was switched off. She even tried to call Ishani and her father but no one was picking. She felt nervous. She called one of her neighbour, who informed that all of them had gone somewhere, so they might be in airplane therefore not picking up calls. Riddhima was relieved.

Now Riddhima call Kabir to invite him into the party.

Riddhima: “No Kabir, no tantrums you have to come..”

At kabir’s house-

Dr Anuj was listening all this. He was very happy about knowing that they both are getting closer.

Dr Anuj(thinking): “I felt Kabir has now chosen the right girl! Riddhima is a perfect match!”

He listened to Kabir’s constant refusal then he shouted: “Riddhima don’t worry I will make your friend reach the party!”

Riddhima: “Sir, not only Kabir, but you also have to come!”

Dr Anuj: “Sir! Why being so formal? Call me that, what Kabir calls me!”

Kabir(shocked): “DAD!”

Riddhima: “What?”

Dr Anuj: “Riddhima I always considered you as my daughter, I would be pleased if you call me Dad!”

Riddhima: “Ok sir.. I mean Dad!”

Then she hunged the call.

Vansh was busy in making a video for Anupriya. Aaryan came and saw him struggling for photos.

Aaryan: “Bhai! Why are you doing this yourself, you could take anyone’s help! You could assign anyone with this work.”

Vansh: “Aaryan someone told me that  ready made gifts won’t have the same sentiments which I feel for her.!” He noticed how his words were exact copy of what Riddhima said to him.

Vansh(thinking): “Oh god! Look what an effect this girl had on me!” (smiling)

Vansh: “Aaryan I will come in a minute”

He came to see Riddhima.

Riddhima was busy decorating the house. She had decorated the house with fairy lights, birthday ribbons, balloons, flowers and many more. Everything was looking perfect.

She then shifted her attention to a memory string. Actually Riva and Riddhima had made a memory string for Anupriya. The string contains their family photo and was actually filled with old memories.

She started hanging them. But she got tangled in it. She tried to got untangle which made her more tangled. Vansh who was searching for her had seen this and started laughing.

Riddhima: “Enough with your laughter? Are you going to help or just laugh?”

Vansh came towards Riddhima and started to untangle her but he himself got tangled. Now both of them were under the grip of the memory string.

Riddhima: “You came to rescue me or getting you in this?”

Riddhima then laughed. Vansh tried again but this resulted in Vansh falling on the floor and Riddhima over Vansh.

Vansh: “Ouch!”

Riddhima: “Are you fine?” (still over Vansh)

Vansh was staring Riddhima. Their bodies were sticked over each other.

They stood and again tried to untangle, this time Riddhima fell and over her Vansh fell.

Vansh: “You okay?”

Riddhima nodded. They both stood up again.

Riddhima: “If we are going to try like this, we fall like this turn by turn,,”

Vansh laughed over her remark. Riddhima also laughed while continuously staring at Vansh.

Riva arrived and saw them and laughed. Riva tried to help them, but she also got inside the string. Now all three of them were tangled by the string. They all laughed.

Aaryan saw this. He also tried to help.

Riddhima: “Aaryan wait! This string is like marshy area if you also came to help you’ll also get tangled.”

All three tried. And finally got untangled. They all laughed a lot. Then Aaryan and Vansh hung the string over the walls.

Now it was almost evening. Guest were going to arrive and so the other members. They all switched off the lights. Anupriya and the others entered mansion.

Anupriya: “Why there is so much darkness? I couldn’t see anything!”

Riddhima arrived. She told her that light is gone and carefully took anupriya to her room.

At anupriya’s room-

Riddhima: “Aunty, you wear this. Actually today Aaryan planned a party with his friends as he had finished his degree in college.”(she deliberately lied to her so that Anupriya won’t get to know their plan)

Then she left.

Anupriya(herself): “It’s night! And none of them remembered my birthday.”

She wear the white sari and came out of the room.

Vansh blindfolded her. And took her downstairs.

Then opened the blindfold. And then the lights were on.

Everyone shouted: “Happy Birthday!”

Anupriya saw the decorations and was overwhelmed.

Anupriya: “What’s this?”

Siya: “Mom.. ye mai hu

Ye hamara ghar hai..”

Everyone: “Or yaha hamari pawri ho rahi hai!”

Everyone shouted, hooted, clapped and laughed.The guests started to arrive.

  Anupriya was very emotional, she thanked her family members.

Vansh: “This all is done by Riddhima, we just help her!”

Anupriya hugged Riddhima.

Anupriya: “You know beta, you have returned happiness to our house. God bless you. May god gives all your troubles to me.”

Riddhima: “Why aunty! No I will not let god do this!”

They smiled. Riva came.

Riva: “Dadi! Happy birthday!” (feeding her laddoo)

Anupriya: “Aww! Thank you Riva!”

Riva: “Dadi! Look me and Ma made this memory string.” (she showed her the string)

Memory string made Aaryan, Vansh and Riddhima laugh.

Anupriya: “It’s very beautiful.”

She held Riva and gave her a peck.

Anupriya: “You all made me got ready! When you all will get ready? Look guests have also started coming!”

They all went to their rooms to get ready. Then they came after getting ready. All of them were looking beautiful in white dresses.

Then all of them wore masks. Guests were also wearing mask.

Then Riva came.

Riddhima got teary eyed seeing Riva. She was standing next to Vansh and he noticed her being emotional.

Vansh: “Hey! What happen?”

Riddhima: “Look how beautiful my child is looking!”

Vansh: “Our child!”

He held Riddhima’s shoulder and went towards Riva.

Riva: “Ma and papa, how am I looking?”

Riddhima held her Riva in her arms.

Riddhima: “You are looking most beautiful, nonu!”   (I got to know that one of my reader find this name weird.. sorry for using it again,, but majority of people like it!! Hope you will get used to it.. Actually there is a story behind this name.. My aunt used to call every child by this name.. actually it sounds very cute, so i used it! )

Vansh: “Not as beautiful as your mother!” (while staring Riddhima)

Riddhima glanced Vansh.

They get close. Riddhima was holding Riva in her arms and Vansh was making them laugh.

Anupriya with her friends were watching the same.

Anupriya(thinking): “God, please give them all happiness they deserve!”

Just then a lady enters. Vansh saw her.

Vansh: “Hello darling!”

This remark made Riddhima curious, she turned her head to see who was Vansh’s darling!

Just then a lady arrived with a man and a girl of mid twenties.

Lady: “Hullo handsome!”

Riddhima(dumbstruck): “Mumma!”  ( Hey!! Many of you have tried to guessed it! Amna was absolutely right! and Shivangi was close! So Amna came first and Shivangi first runner up!! )

Riddhima was surprised to see her family in front of her eyes. Her mumma, papa and sister Ishani, all in a white attire.

She ran and hugged them.

So guys!! Done with today’s! How was this one? I hope you like my new ritual of asking question and writing winners name.. please give your opinion about the episode.. i do love your comments, though i could not reply to them, but i have read it and i am very happy for it!! Thank you my friends..

Today’s question: Why did Anuj made Riddhima called him Dad? What plans he have?


Soon to be doctor, booklover and a big fan of IMMJ2

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