PolesApart Episode 25: Finally! Proposed!

Hello everyone.. i can’t believe i have gone so far.. completed silver jublee here!! Read your comments in previous episodes.. i was overwhelmed. thank you all. Yeah! I want to become a cardiologist(for Amna). i am actually fond of writing.. it’s my fav hobby.. i have read many of ffs here so decided to write my own.. i actually loved my writing but i never expected to get such response.. really i am very happy that i made you all smiled.. thank you all.. your comments made me felt special.. Annoyinguser and Pomu’s comment made my day!! Thank you Pomu, Aayu, R.N., Annoyinguser, Aisha, Thakur Priyanka, Priyanshi, Miss Bhanita, Amna, T, Menna, NA, Aarushi,Vyshnavi, Ishu, Depti, Jayashree, Priyadharshini, JJ, Vkjhp, Unnamed, Shivangi and Niki.. if anyone commented after them, then thank you to you too ..

now let’s not waste time…


Riddhima: “Hey! Listen everyone.. stop this rona-dhona.. now we should celebrate!”

Vansh: “What? You getting injured?”

Riddhima: “What rubbish! Bhabhi’s baby shower!”

Ahana: “No need Riddhima.. we had troubled you all.. now I don’t want anything…”

Riddhima: “Bhabhi, let bygones be bygones! It’s final that we will celebrate tomorrow! Anyone has grudges?”

Everyone: “No!”

Riddhima: “Very good!”

Anupriya: “So who will do the preparations?”

Mrs Soni: “Let’s come we should start preparations!”

Riddhima: “I will accompany you..”

Vansh: “You’re not going anywhere, you need rest!”

Anupriya: “Yes, first take permission from your soon to be husband and then come, otherwise he’ll made us all crazy!”

Everyone laughed, while Riddhima gets shy.

Riddhima: “No.. I also want..”

Mr Soni: “Okay, I will take you.”

He holds Riddhima’s hands and both of them got to living room.

All elders with Riddhima and Siya plan for the Baby shower. After completing all the plannings, they decided to go to their rooms.

Siya: “Riddhima.. or Bhabhi? I think Bhabhi would be fine, no?”

Riddhima got shy.

Siya: “So, Bhabhi you need to share Bhai’s room today. Since Ishani, Ahana and Kabir are sleeping in your room.. and guest room is occupied by Anuj uncle.. so..”

Riddhima: “Yeah! No probs!”

Siya(murmurs): “Of course, you two would enjoy this!”

Riddhima: “What?”

Siya: “Nothing.. good night!”

Riddhima: “Good night!”

Riddhima walks towards Vansh’s room, when she saw Riva.

Riva: “Ma, come I was waiting..”

Riva holds Riddhima’s hands and took her to the door.

Riva: “Now open it!”

Riddhima: “Why are you behaving strange?”

Riva: “Ma!”

Riddhima: “Okay!”

As soon as Riddhima opens the room, rose petals shower over her. Riddhima smiled, and so does Riva. Both of them entered the room.

The room was perfectly decorated with roses, scented candles, red balloons.. Riddhima looked around. She was smiling, just then she felt someone behind her.

She turned around to found Vansh on his knees.

Vansh: “Riddhima! From the first time I saw you, I was yours! I felt pleasure in your arms. whenever you and Riva are around me, I always find myself complete.. Riddhima without you, we two are nothing, you finished us! I could not imagine a single day without you.. Riddhima, I love you! Will you marry me?”

Riva also got to her knees.

Riva: “Ma! I saw you first time on the garden arena of VR appartments. We both played there. I always wanted to spend my life playing with you! You are my Ma! I love you so much! Will you marry my papa?”

Tears rolled down from Riddhima’s eyes. She didn’t expect such a cute proposal from them. She herself got to knees, to their level, and hugged both of them.

Riddhima: “I am so lucky to found you two in my life!”

She hugged them more tightly. Then she kissed Riva on her cheeks and got up. Everyone got up.

Riva: “Where’s papa’s kiss?”

Riddhima dumbstruck!

Riva: “Ma you kissed me, accepting my proposal, will you not accept Papa’s proposal?”

Riddhima: “I thought you both proposed for same!”

Riva: “Ma!”

Riddhima looked at Vansh, who was smiling creepily.

Riddhima: “This is not done! You are using my child for this.. seriously?”

Vansh placed his hand around Riddhima’s waist and pulled her towards himself.

Vansh: “I didn’t told her anything, sweetheart! She’s just helping me!”

Riva laughed.

Riddhima: “You two!!”

Before she could speak anything, Vansh kissed at her cheeks, leaving her blushing.

Riva clapped and laughed. Vansh held Riva in her arms while the other hand was still beside Riddhima. Vansh took a step back and then collided with bed and lost balance and all three of them fell on bed!

Vansh on bed, over him on right side was Riva while over her left side was Riddhima, her hand on Vansh’s chest. Vansh and Riddhima share eye lock. They stared each other for so long, that they didn’t notice Riva slept.

Riddhima: “Sleeping!”

Vansh: “Who?”

Riddhima: “Riva slept!”

Vansh turned and saw her sleeping. He got up and made Riva sleep peacefully. Then Riddhima got up, but then Vansh pulled her and pinned her to wall, caging her between his hands.

Riddhima: “What’s this?”

Vansh: “I asked you something a long time ago, on my knees!”

Riddhima: “I replied back!”

Vansh: “No, you didn’t! I asked will you marry me?”

Riddhima(instantly): “Of course I will!”

Her voice echoed in her mind, and then felt shy!

Vansh came close to her. Riddhima closed her eyes.

Vansh hugged her tightly. Riddhima hugged him back.

Just then Riddhima felt wet at her shoulder. She jerked Vansh and saw him crying.

Riddhima cupped Vansh’s face with her palms: “What happen?”

Vansh: “I was afraid! Today I thought I would lose you! I was frightened! My mind blocked, I was unable to see you injured! Why you took that bullet! What if something happens to you! Have you ever thought of me? What would happen to me, if you.. I would die..”

Riddhima shuts his mouth with her finger. She wipes his tears.

Riddhima: “As far as you are with me, I am sure no trouble could touch me!”

She kissed Vansh at cheeks and ran to bed. Vansh touched his cheek, where the moist imprint of Riddhima’s lips were still present. He was very happy.

He turned and found Riddhima lying beside Riva. He came at bed. He lied at other side of Riva.

Next morning. Riddhima woke. She saw Riva sleeping while hugging her. Then her eyes went to Vansh. Vansh’s one hand was below Riva’s head and other hand was over Riddhima’s waist.

Riddhima: “Look how are they sleeping.. when they wake they make me crazy!” she smiles.

She kissed Riva and wishes her Good morning, just then her eyes got open.

Riva smiles: “Good Morning Ma!” and kisses Riddhima back.

Vansh also woke. He saw them and smiles.

Vansh: “Good morning!”

Riva hugs and kisses Vansh and bids him morning’. Riddhima also wishes him morning’.

Riva: “Ma, where’s papa’s morning kiss?”

Riddhima was dumbstruck.

Vansh smiled creepily.

Riddhima first looked at Riva and then at Vansh.

Riva then goes inside bathroom leaving Riansh behind. Riddhima got from bed, when she felt hands around her waist. Vansh pulled him closer.

Vansh: “Didn’t you listen what Riva said?”

Riddhima got shy. She steps back. Vansh moves a step ahead. Riddhima took a step back again, and Vansh again moves towards her.. the procedure continues till Riddhima reaches the wall. Now Riddhima is caged by Vansh. His hands at the sides and behind her is wall.. nothing to escape.

Vansh comes closer, more closer, more closer.


Riva(shouts from bathroom): Ma! My towel! It’s there on cupboard.. please give me!”

Hearing Riva’s voice Vansh suddenly got startled, this makes Riddhima laughed. Riddhima escape from Vansh and handed the towel to Riva. She then walked towards the door to go out, when Vansh held her arm and pulled her. Making her very close to him. They could feel each other’s warm breath.

Vansh came more closer to Riddhima. He moved his lips closer to her, just then they heard a knock on the door. This makes Vansh annoyed! Riddhima laughed again.

Vansh: “Why does people always ruin our romantic time?”

Riddhima: “Open the door!”

Vansh open the door and found Anupriya standing.

Anupriya: “Good morning child!”

Vansh: “Good morning mom.”

Anupriya enters and saw Riddhima.

Riddhima: “Good morning Aunty!”

Anupriya: “Romancing with my son, and still calling me Aunty!”

Vansh and Riddhima were shocked.

Anupriya: “This room is not sound proof! By the way Riddhima, I am your Mom!”

Riddhima(feeling awkward): “Yes Mom!”

Anupriya: “That’s like my daughter!”

Riddhima smiled.

Anupriya: “Did he troubled you?”

Riddhima: “No..!”

Vansh: “Mom!”

Anupriya: “Riddhima, don’t hesitate complaining about him, okay! I will always be there for you!”

Vansh: “Mom! You’re my mother or her?”

Anupriya: “Of course Riddhima’s!”

Riddhima laughed. Anupriya took Riddhima’s hand and both of them moved out of the room. While leaving, Riddhima purposely waved at Vansh.

Vansh glared her annoyingly.


That’s  it!! please do share your views..


Soon to be doctor, booklover and a big fan of IMMJ2

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