PolesApart Episode 31: The Day of Confession!

Hello friends.. i got to know that you all worried for Riddhima!! be ready for the new twist! that’s all i could say.. thank you for showering so much love..

After Applying Haldi, Ishani went out, followed by Aaryan(but unnoticed by Ishani)

Ishani went out. She came to the yard. Aaryan followed her. Ishani sat on the ground and started crying very hard.

Ishani(crying): “Why god? Why? Why always di suffers? Why? This time too.. when she had got all the happiness? This time also you are taking her tests? How many times she had to prove herself? Isn’t that terrorist attack enough.. that you gave this new problem to her? What would happen to Riva and Vansh jiju.. if anything happens to Di!!”

She continued crying when she felt a warm touch over her shoulder. But that touch didn’t pacify her, rather horrify her! How could any person hear what she said! She was now horrified! She turned around and saw Aaryan. She felt relieved but also feared if he would ask her..

Aaryan: “What new problem di is going to face?”

Ishani (wiping tears): “Nothing!” she tried to leave but Aaryan held her fist.

Ishani(coldly): “Aaryan.. leave me!”

Aaryan: “Tell me the truth!”

Ishani: “I said leave me!”

Aaryan(shouted): “Will you stop crying and tell me what had happened to di?”

Ishani(shouted): “None of your business.. who are you to ask? Why you always interfere.. it’s my issue.. my di’s issue.. what is your problem?”

Aaryan: “Why were you crying?”

Ishani: “I told you stay away! Don’t interfere.. I was crying na.. then what’s your problem.. it’s my problem.. now leave me..”

Aaryan(anger): “Will you tell me why were you crying?”

Ishani: “What’s your problem? Haven’t I told you to stay out of my matters? Why are you so keen on asking me this.. what’s your problem.. I may cry, shout, scream, laugh or die.. it’s my problem not yours.. then why are you..”

Aaryan held Ishani’s shoulder and pinned her to the nearest wall. He was in so much anger that he didn’t notice how tightly he was holding her shoulder.

Aaryan: “What’s my problem? Huh! Why can’t you understand.. I can’t see you in pain.. and your family is my family.. your di is mine bhabhi! I ought to know what’s wrong with her.. and before that I ought to know why you were crying! It effects me if you laugh, cry, scream.. or dies.. and never ever talk of your death!”

Ishani(in tears): “Why? Why are you..”

Aaryan: “Because I love you, fool! I love you! I can’t see you in pain.. got it! Now will you please tell me what happen?”

Ishani was awestruck. And so was Aaryan.

He loved Ishani, but he had planned a good idea to propose her. He never wanted to mess like this. Now he was sure that Ishani would never talk to him. He was dejected.

Then he felt a warm touch.. he was more shocked.. oh god! He couldn’t believe his eyes.. Ishani was hugging him!

He was happy but at the same time shocked. He hugged her back.

Ishani who was hugging Aaryan, had never imagined that she would fall for an idiot lad like Aaryan. She remember how much she would get irritated with his behaviour but at the same time misses it, when he was not there.. she then realises that she likes him. But she never thought to expose it until she was sure. And look today! He himself has revealed it! She was so happy, but at the same time worried.. now how would she tell him..

Aaryan(breaking the hug): “What? Do you lov..”

Ishani: “Yes I do!”

Aaryan was shocked.

Ishani: “Yes I love you, idiot!”

Aaryan got a smile.

Ishani then sighed and moved, but Aaryan held her arm.

Aaryan: “Now, will you please..”

Ishani: “Aaryan.. I can’t! di had told me to not tell this to anyone.. please.. don’t force me..”

Aaryan: “I could help!”

Ishani(crying): “No one could help.. even doctors declined.. now we would lose di!”

She cried even harder. Aaryan hugged her. Ishani felt peace from that warm hug. She always found solace in his arms. she got relaxed a bit, but a sudden thought turned that relaxation into fear.

Aaryan: “I would not tell this to anyone.. I promise.. please let me help!”

He pleaded. Ishani could not resist his pleading.

That’s it!! get ready to know what had happened to Riddhima!! and do you like this sudden confession? let me know your views..


Soon to be doctor, booklover and a big fan of IMMJ2

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