PolesApart #Riansh: A love story

Introduction into their lives

The house was filled with chaotic noises. From each and every corner voice could be heard like  “Riddhi toothpaste?”, “done!”, “Shoes?”,”Packed!”.

Riddhi is our female protagonist Dr. Riddhima Soni. She is tall, beautiful and a simple woman of principles and values. She is in her early thirties and is a cardiologist by profession. Her small family is proud of their doctor daughter.

Riddhima is packing her bags because she had been given an opportunity to work in Mumbai’s renowned hospital as a surgeon. Her family are scared of letting her go but have agreed for the same for her career. Now she is going to Jaipur airport with her family in the car. Yeah she is from Jaipur!.

In the car-

Ishani: “Di, call us when you reach Mumbai!”

Mrs Soni: “Yeah Riddhi, after reaching at your ‘new’ house please call us.” (sobbing)

Riddhima: “Mumma!”

Mrs Soni: “What! Now that will be your new home.”

Mr Soni:” Stop this emotional blackmail, Renu! She is going there for her career. Don’t make her feel guilty…”

Ishani:”We are going to miss you DI.”(crying really hard)

Riddhima:”Oh my cutie! I will be missing beating and scolding you” (sobbing)

Ishani:”Di! you are bad. I hate you!”(sobbing)

Mr. Soni and Mrs Soni laughed and cried at their bonding. They reached their destination. Riddhima took out the luggage from the car. Tears rolled down from her eyes. She tried to hide it, but everyone noticed.

Mrs Soni:”Don’t cry, my lado! We will be fine and it is just for a couple of months, isn’t it?”

Riddhima nodded.She hugged everyone and after a warm goodbye left inside the airport. She didn’t utter a single word, she was crying by heart, after all she had left her hometown for very first time. She had never left her family, but now she have to spent four to six months in Mumbai. She was not at all nervous for her work because she was the best cardiologist of Jaipur and therefore she had been given an opportunity to work under the guidance of India’s best cardiologist who works in Mumbai hospital.

After completing all the formalities she sat on her aisle seat and started reading her novel.

Man: “The Mirage!”

Riddhima didn’t glanced at him but replied:”Oh yeah, ”

Man: “Is it related to the scientific ‘mirage’?”

Riddhima never liked talking when she was reading. But she replied:”No,, it’s a love story”

Man:”Strange!isn’t it?”

Riddhima was irritated this time and in an frowned voice replied:”Mirage is related to the heroine in this novel, now will you please shut up and let me read?”

Man was puzzled. Riddhima sighed and put her novel aside.Looking into the man’s direction (who was actually sitting just next to her) said:”I am sorry! I didn’t meant to hurt.”


Riddhima:”Oh you know me?”

Man:” Yes I am ..”

Riddhima interrupted:”Dr. Srivastava’s son?”

Man:”Yeah! you see you too knew me!”

Riddhima:” Yeah I saw your photo yesterday itself on social site with Srivastava Sir.”

They chatted a lot and didn’t noticed how the time passed. After reaching Mumbai they bid adieu and went to their houses. On the way to her new home Riddhima saw a temple she went inside. She prayed for her new beginning. While returning she noticed a lady who was about to fall from the staircase of temple, she quickly caught her in time.

Lady:”Oh thank you beta, God bless you.”

Riddhima(smiling):”Mention not aunty, are you okay?”

Lady nodded. Riddhima:”Wait should I drop you somewhere?”

Lady:”No beta I will …”

Riddhima:”Calling me beta and still doing formality?” (in a cute frowning voice)

Lady:”Okay bete. Drop me at xxxx place my daughter is waiting for me there.

Riddhima dropped the lady and then went to her apartment. Where someone was already waiting for her.. but who?

Hello guys.. it’s my first fan fiction, please tell me if you like it? And forgive me for mistakes if I did any!!


Soon to be doctor, booklover and a big fan of IMMJ2

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