Porus 27th June 2018 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
Shivdutt with his soldiers searches Puru and orders soldiers to not let Puru escape. Chanakya asks Bamni and Hasti to stop Shivdutt until Puru completes his task. Shivdutt continues searching Puru and sees something throwing knife on him, shouts he knows it is Puru. Bamni and Hasti come out disguised. Shivdutt shouts he knows they are Puru’s aides, he will teach them a lesson to dare attack him. They both remove their beards. Shivdutt is shocked to see Bamni. Bamni says now it is time to pay for his heinous act and they both attack Shivdutt and his soldiers.
Chanakya sees Puru holding woman’s veil and says he knew his bravery and motto, today he saw also. Puru says today Shivdutt will see that how weak women will defeat him.
In Takshashila, Alexander warns Ambhi raj if he
Bamni and Hasti overpower Shivdutt and his army. Laachi joins them. Shivdutt points sword at Laachi and warns Bamni and Hasti to drop weapons. They both drop weapons. Shivdutt orders to capture them and laughs that their end is now. Laachi says it is his end instead and they will see his end today by Puru.
Shivdutt angrily walks to Anusuya and says she was right, her son is alive and she will see her son dying. Anusuya says now he will see how these pr*stitutes killl him. Shivdutt orders soldiers to kill pr*stitutes. pr*stitutes cover soldiers’ heads with veil and whish them. They all die spitting froth from their mouths. Chanakya standing in balcony reminisces giving world’s most dangerous poison to Puru and saying if a person touches this poison, he/she will not die, but if he inhales it, he will die right there. Puru walks out and reveals Shivdutt how he poured poison on veils and waited Shivdutt and soldiers to come. Shivdutt angrily walks towards Anusuya. Anusuya shows him veil and warns to dare come and touch this veil, he always removed women’s clothes and insulted them, today same clothes will take his life. Shivdutt gets afraid. Anusuya says she wanted to see fear in Shivdutt’s eyes. She continues her speech.
Precap: Puru tells severely injured Shivutt that now his sins will end. Anusuya points burning arrow towards Shivdutt.
Update Credit to: MA