“Wow! This place is so amazing!”
“Amazing? It’s astounding! Kriti!! Those statues! Spell-bounding!”
“Tara, you’re right! These statues are just amazing!”
“Guys! Don’t you think these statues look like.. I mean.. They resemble someone! Don’t they?”
“Rhea is right. Even I think so.”
“Kriti! Where’s Ragini?”
“She was with us, right? Where’s she?”
Kahin deep jale kahin dil..
Kahin deep jale kahin dil..
Zara saamne aa mere parwaane..
A girl could be seen walking in a daze on the railway tracks. It was a dark, new moon night. A train was approaching fast. The girl, unfazed by it, continued walking. And soon, the train was about to hit her when..
Hey guys! So, as per your votes, I'm here with this ff- POSSESSED, with RAGLAK as the lead pair.
•The show is a bit supernatural. Though I do not believe in it, but it intrigues me for sure!
•The ff is more of a suspense one, though there might be some elements of horror in them. (Maybe, I haven't really decided upon it.)
Guys, I’ll try my best to entertain you with this ff as well. Yes, it will be the most difficult one for me, since I do not believe in the main theme of the ff itself. Therefore, this ff completely depends on your comments. Positive or negative. I don't mind as long as you comment. The number of comments will decide whether I continue it or not. And last but not the least, I LOVE YOU ALL! ???
Wooow..amazing prologue..cant wait dear…..
nice loved it
awesome prologue. .
its awesome azu please continue
Fabulous start Azu. Yay another story from you with RagLak as the pair is a great treat. I love The Runaway Bride so I’m sure I’ll love this just as much. Can’t wait to read more ? xx
awesome prologue, and your cover photo is scary. update soon
Continue dear???
Nice prologue..pls continue
very interesting and spooky too. do continue.
Awesome… Eagarly waiting for part 1
Nice and thank U for raglak?????
Amazing prologue?????plz continue
Superb prologue……
Interesting dear and plz plz plz continue
It’s interesting
Loved it nd plzzzzzzzzz continue
awesome prolouge can’t wait to read it
*prologue and update next part soon
hey dear…
ur promo was awsm…
the name of ur ff itself is so appealing…
i am a die hard horror fan…
infact i have done loads of research on different paranormal cases… the famous one indeed…
update soon…
plz plz plz update nxt epi soon its really nice and different it will really be interesting to read
keep rocking