Sanskar sits beside ragini on sofa..ragini praying god..sanskar moves towards her..ragini glares at him nd she moves some distance away..sanskar smiles nd moves towards her..they kept doing like till ragini reached sofa corner..sanskar sits more close to her..ragini closed her eyes..sanskar whispered in her ear..u danced very well lastnight in pub..ragini opened her eyes with jerk nd looks at him nd thinks how he came to knw this..sanskar said very bad u nd ur father lied to ur mumma…ragini rolled her eyes nd thinks was he spying on me but y..Her thoughts brkn by swara voice..
Sanskar smiled at swara nd gets up frm sofa…
Swara gives juice to her..
Ragini:thank u ji
Swara:no need to be formal ragini..u can be free with me..
Ragini smiles weakly..jst then suji ap came…
Suji(to ap):jiji i told u na she is ragini…ragini she is my jiji ap..ragini takes blessing frm ap..
Suji:nd she is swara m..
Swara(cutted):we have already done our introducing chachi..
Suji:k..jiji u nd sanskar go with ragini..
Ap nd sanskar nodded..ragini bid bye to suji nd swara..swara hugs ragini nd says u can call me di..ragini smiles nd hugs her back..swara winks st sanskar ,he pouts…ragini brks d hug nd moves to ap who was waiting for her..sanskar came to swara..
Swara:r u jealous..seeing our hug
Sanskar:one day she will hug me also like this.more tight
Swara(smiles nd hits his shoulder playfully):k.. be serious this time…dont loose her nd im warning u dont make her scare ..sanskar smiles…
Ap:if u both bhabi devar secrets hogayi tho..sanskar shall we go
Ap:ha ..she is my elder son adarsh’s wife..swara adarsh maheswari…sanskar was close to her..they shares everything…
Ragini dont knw y but she felt happy knowing they r not hus&wife…but she was angry on sanskar for behaving like that with her..sanskar came nd they goes to car..
Ap asks ragino to sit front as she has to tell way to sanskar..ragini says no aunty u sit front..i will sit back..but ap insist ask ragini to sit..ragini unwillingly sits front along with sanskar…ragini was telling way to some shop..she said take right then left then…she stopped as sanskar holds her hand…ragini widened her eyes nd looks at sanskar..ap was unware about this bcz she was facing Window…
Ragini(cant able to speak):th..then
Sanskar:then left r right
Sanskar:say crctly
Ragini(tries to free her hand but sanskar tighten his grip ..she slowly said):le..leav..leave my hand
Ragini(shouts):ap aunty
Sanskar takes off his hand..
Ragini smiles
Ap:kya hua beta
Ragini:vo..aunty..vo..i forgot to tell..ur saree was so beautiful
Ap:thank u beta
Ragini was continuously talking with ap being afraid of sanskar..finally they reached shop..they did shopping whole time ragini was with ap as she was scared of sanskar..after that .they went to buy some sarees..ap was bsy in selecting saress..sanskar drags ragini to some corner..
Ragini:wh..what..r u doing
Sanskar:dont u knw what im doing
Ragini:plz lea
Before completed her sentense he kissed her cheek..ragini glares at him angrily..again she about speek he kissed her another cheek..ragini was numb..she doesnt understand his intentions…
Sanskar:u telking something
Ragini nodded as no as if she speaks she knw he would kiss her….sanskar moves towards her..ragini shouts ap aunty..sanskar jerks nd leaves her ..he looks around nd noticed ap was not there he then looks st ragini who was running ..he smiles…ragini comes to ap..
Ap:where wr u beta im searching for u
Sanskar(who jst cane):badi maa we went another saree section..
Ap nodded nd after finishing shopping they reached home..
Ragini about to go to her home..
Ap:ragini beta come nd have dinner in my home..
Sanskar:ha ragini come..
Ragini:no auntu its k..i will come another time..
Ap:k beta..sanskar go with her till her home
Ragini(almost shouts):no..its k aunty..
Sanskar:badi maa u go inside..i will take her..
Ap goes inside..ragini looks at sanskar then runs to her bome which is some few distance away frm his home..sanskar smiled at her act nd goes inside..
Ragini wakes up nd comes to her balcony nd sees sanskar who was sipping his coffee in his balcony..he sees her nd said good morning..she murmurs flirt nd comes inside nd closed d door..nd goes to get fresh…
Parth comes to ragini home to pick her to clg….
Parth(to shekhar):hi dude..whatsup
Shekhar:i wont talk to u
Parth:what i have done
Shekhar:u r enjoying with ur date leaving me alone this is not fair
Parth:oh this is d reason..k i will arrange ur date with most beautiful girl
Shekhar:really..who was thst girl
Janki(jsr came there):what u both r talking..
Parth:nothing sweet heart..he was saying he wants to go date with u..
Shekhar glares at parth..
Janki:but i dont want to go with this old man..parth giggles
Shekhar:old man!!who??
Parth:u only..dnt wry sweet heart(janki)..i will take u
Shekhar glares at them..parth janki chukles..
Ragini came after getting ready nd asks parth lets go..
Parth:bye sweat heart..bye uncle
Shekhar:i will kill u..if u called me again like that..
Parth:k uncleeeeee
Janki giggles…shekhar pouts…ragparth leaves..

Previous ArticleSaathiya Ek Nayi Kahaani Season 4 (Part- 144)
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Cuteeee ????
Thank u so much
Awesome finally truth out
Thank u so much
Aww really amazing
Thank u so much
adarsh? swara adarsh maheshwari???? lolz
i thought she married to laksh. coming to chappy, its so awesome. sansku is way too cute. loved it. update soon
Ha ha..laksh entry will be late..thank u so much
Thank u so much
Thank u so much
Thank u so much
Thank u so much
awesome loved it ragini is fearing and really this possessive lover sanky is tooo bold i mean he again kisses her on cheek held her hand lol update sooon
Thank u so much
Nice keep going
Thank u so much
Thank u so much
Thank u so much
awesome dr swara adarsh maheswari? ha ha ha
Thank u so much
awwww too cute
TThanku so much
First i wanna say Love u sis :-* for listening to my request.Aww it’s tooooo cute & awesome.Loved it a lottt.So Laksh isnt a part of this story?
Thank u so much..i love u too sis..laksh entry will be late dear
Sanskar was just cute & handsome
..amazing update …
..keep it going ..update further 
Thank u so much
awesome akka…swara adarsh wife i thought she’s laksh wife…Parth ragsan is so cute….love them….eagerly waiting for nxt one…tkcr akka…
Thank u so much
Swara adarsh. Wife it give me shock ? heheheh and it was cute luv the naaughty sanky awsm. Update
Thank u so much
How i missed it… Now i got this update… Sorry for the late comment… Loved ragsan… ??
No pblm dear..thank u so much
Awesome dr……….
Thank u so much
Superb, loved it
amazing and love sansku’s beahaviour and ragu’s reactions xx