In the last update, I had asked you if you want a long FF or a short one. Thank you for your replies. So, I am making this FF a long one. Actually, this update was not part of my ff, but I am adding this to make the FF long.

Hope you like it…….


Aryaan was standing in front of the mirror lost in the thoughts of Shahana and their confession……. Ranbir came from behind and kept his hand on his shoulder. Aryaan turned, hugged and kissed Ranbir saying I LOVE YOU SHAHANA…

Ranbir: ayy, leave me, I am not your Shahana….

Aryaan come into senses..

Both feel embarrassed…

Aryaan sits on the bed.

Aryaan: bro, love is really strange…. Or else look at me…. No other girl had irritated me ever like Shahana had…. Even I used to feel that the only girl whom I will not be attracted to will be her….. But see the irony of life….. I fell in love with that bandar, that batbat rani, my Shahana….

Ranbir: even my love story started with a fight…..

He remembered his fights with Prachi.

RANBIR…. Aryaan called…

Ranbir came into his senses..

Ranbir: ha… Bol…

Aryan: where are you lost? what are you dreaming or rather…. Whom are you dreaming about??? Prachi????

Ranbir nods yes in a sad way…

Aryaan: you tell me something…. Do you have split personality disorder??? You told me that you love Prachi, but got engaged with Rhea… Then you told me that you had put an end to everything with Prachi…. I am sure that Prachi wouldn’t have agreed to the marriage proposal if you have not challenged her…. Now, you are dreaming about her???? Look, you are my brother and they arey sisters….. Ranbir, give me a clear answer, do you love Prachi or not….


Aryaan: Then why did you tell me that everything is over between you and her and that too making her hear it….

Ranbir: haa meine bola tha…. Then I didn’t know anything…. The more I get close to her, the more she go away from me…. I didn’t know why…. But I know now….

Aryaan: what???

Ranbir explains to him about getting Prachi’s diary, the deal, etc…

Tear got filled in Aryaan’s eyes.

Aryaan: I can’t believe that Rhea can stoop so low…. After all they are my sisters….. One can destroy her for others while the other can destroy the world for herself…. Bro, I have to tell you, this is not all, it was Rhea who planned the drug scam…

Ranbir: what??


Ranbir: and Prachi had written that Parth made the MMS on Rhea’s direction…

Aryaan: we should teach her a lesson…. Prachi had suffered more than enough….

Ranbir: but first, I should calm her down….

They lay down…

Aryaan hugged him.

Ranbir: Move away from me…

Aryaan: why???

Ranbir: you kissed me earlier thinking about Shahana… I don’t believe what you will do with me while sleeping thinking about her…..

Aryaan gets embarrassed and hits Ranbir with a pillow…. Ranbir hits him back with another pillow…. They have a pillow fight, laugh and then sleep…..


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