The young generation…..

Pranav was coming up through the stairs. The moment he reached first floor, he saw Prachi waiting for him. She came towards him.

Prachi: Thank you so much Pranav… You saved me today…

Pranav: I didn’t do this for your thanks… It is my responsibility… And I am happy to do it…

Ranbir was seeing all this….

Pranav sees Ranbir and Ranbir understands that too…

Ranbir walks away…

Pranav: Prachi, one min, I want to deal with someone…. I will be right back….

Pranav goes behind Ranbir…

Pranav: Ranbir…. Ranbir stop…

Ranbir stops.

Pranav: What was that?

Ranbir: What??

Pranav: WHAT??? For  Prachi, self-respect and character is her identity…. And you tried to stain it… That too in my mind…???

Ranbir: I didn’t try to spoil anyone’s character… I told you what I hear about her…..

Pranav: really??? Try to escape bro…. That was what you told me right….

Ranbir: hmmm… I…

Pranav: 🤫 Shhh!!! I know her for seven years… That is ,  more than you— actually more than her own father…. I am not a small kid who cannot understand who is right and who is not… If I hear another word against her…. Remember, I am a national level karate champion and a trained kalari artist too….

Ranbir: I am a boxing champion… And I  am not the one who spread news about her… I just informed you….

Pranav: Exactly…. You just informed me… Prachi and we were in contact… She used to tell us everything, about everyone…. She had told about you too… I had an impression about you in my mind… But you are totally different…. Being Prachi’s best friend and her to be jeeju (Ranbir gets angry hearing this), you should have tried no you should have brought the truth out…. But no….

Ranbir: ENOUGH!!!!

Pranav: DO NOT SHOUT……

Ranbir catches Pranav’s collar so did Pranav.

Prachi comes running hearing their noise. Prachi sees them in this position and gets scared..

Prachi: STOP!! Stop this!! RANBIR… PRANAV… STOP!!!

She pulls them away from each other.

They move apart…

Prachi: Stop this… Are you guys small kids or mad!!?? Pranav, come, come with me….

Pranav good with Prachi…

Ranbir gets angry and hits his hand on the wall…

Pranav’s words ring in his mind…

Ranbir: What do he think about him?? “I KNOW HER FOR SEVEN YEARS , I KNOW HER MORE THAN YOU AND HER FATHER…. ” As if he is the only person in this world who cares about her…. And that Prachi… She went with him.. leaving me back??!! And he… He is telling that I didn’t try to find the truth??!! I will show you…. I will show her…. I will show everyone….

He hits his hand on a glass table… The table breaks and his hand bleeds….

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