Heyy guys hope you all are fine… Thank you so much for your lovely contents… Plz keep supporting and I’ll keep writing love you all… And yeah wish you all a VERY HAPPY NAVRATRI … May Ambe Mata bless you all…
Recap:- Sanchi gets first rank in class. Everyone is invited for the trip except Riya bcz of her low % in the exams..
Now let’s begin…
Sanprasha ready hostel and they started planning for the trip..
Pragya: Isha, what are you going to wear in the trip.
Isha: I am really confused yar.. I can’t decide what to pack..
Sanchi:: Guys.. Why are you both so confused..? Just pack those dresses which you normally wear…
Isha: Sanchi… We wear those in the hospital, we want to look some different..
Pragya: Yeah Sanchi Isha is right… Why don’t we go for shopping tomorrow..??
Isha: Good idea…
Sanchi: You both go.. I’ll wear what I usually do…
Ishagya: Plz plz Sanchi … Come naa…
Isha: Look if you wear some new different clothes then Kabir sir won’t be able to take his eyes off you…
Pragya: Yeah Sanchi.. Kabir sir will only notice you…
Sanchi: Ok ok… Stop it I’ll get done new clothes… Happy..?
Ishagya: Yeahhh…..
Trio hug…
Pragya: Thank God that nalaykk got cleared.. Now I’ll get some time to spent with him over there…
Ishanchi: Oohoo..!!
Ishanchi teases her…
At Kapoor Mansion..
Kusum: Kabir I’ll be staying with your aunt for three days while you’ll be on your trip..
Kabir: Why don’t you also come.. I’ll take permission from Dr Malhotra..
Kusum: No no beta.. I can’t travel.. I’ll stay at your aunt’s place…
Kabir: Ok maa..
Kusum didn’t knew about Kaanchi’s relationship..
Kusum: Is your girlfriend going too..?
Kabir: Yes maa she’s also coming… You know what she topped in the class in the exams…
Kusum raises her eyebrow…
Kabir bites his tongue when he realised what he just said….
Kusum: I caught you… I knew it.. You love a girl right… Why didn’t you told me earlier..? Who is she…? When are you going to make me meet my daughter in law..? Tell na…?
Kabir: Maa Maa … Relax.. So many questions… Ok.. Yeah i love someone.. I wanted to tell you but i was waiting for the right time..
Kusum: Who is she..?
Kabir: Maa you know her… She is Sanchi..
Kusum (happily) : Sanchi..? My Sanchi..?
Kabir: Yes Maa ..
Kusum hugs him and kisses his forehead.
Kusum: Kabir I’m so happy…
Kabir smiles seeing her happy..
Kusum: You both love each other then why don’t you get married..?
Kabir: Maa she wants to complete her internship first..
Kusum: Ok.. I’ll wait for her to become the member of this house…
Kabir: Me too..
Kusum pulls his ears…
Kusum: Kabir, if i got to know that you troubled my daughter in the trip then you’ll be gone understood..?
Kabir: Ok maa … Not leave my ear it’s hurting..
Kusum leaves his ear both hug…
Kabir is in his room and he messaged Sanchi that he’ll be taking her to the shopping mall for some shopping… She tells him Ishagya will also be there and Veer too… He agreed…
Next day after getting free from their duties the gang was ready to go for shopping.. Isha and Praveer had already left while Kaanchi was still in the hospital due to an emergency. A patient was admitted as he meet with a car accident and needed to be operated urgently. Kabir and Sanchi were in the O.T. Sanchi was assisting Kabir. Finally the patient was out of danger and the operation was completed.
Kabir: Sanchi, go and change your clothes.. I’ll be waiting outside in the car. Then we’ll go for shopping.
Sanchi: Ok…
She leaves.
Kabir was waiting outside the car. Riya saw him and gets excited.
Riya: Kabir… I mean Dr kabirr.. You going somewhere?
Kabir rolls his eyes as he gets annoyed..
Kabir ( faking a smile ) : Yeah..
Riya: Home..?
Kabir: No, actually for shopping..
Riya gets happy…
Riya: Then you should take me also… Actually i have good dressing sense.. So I’ll help you in your shopping.. You’ll love my choice..
Kabir: You mean to say that i don’t have a good dressing sense..?
Riya: No no.. You are taking me wrong.. I was just saying that i can help you in shopping..
Kabir: No need… I can manage…
Riya started insisting while Kabir was completely annoyed..
Riya holds his arm…
Riya: Dr Kabir, look na… One should not refuse when a hot girl like me requests something.. Plz plz plz….
Kabir in mind ” Sanchi what are you.. Plz come fast i can’t handle her anymore… Plz God do something and make her go away.. ”
Suddenly Riya feels something on her head she touches her hair confusing and found crow’s shit on her hair…
Riya (shouts): What the hell is this this….
Kabir was trying his best not to laugh on her face but he couldn’t…
Kabir: Hahahahah… Riya just look at your hair….
Riya pats her foot on the floor and leaves as fast as she could…
Sanchi came and saw her running.. She goes to Kabir…
Sanchi: Sorry Kabir i got late …
She noticed Kabir laughing….
Sanchi: Kabir why are you laughing… And why Riya was in a hurry… What was she doing over here..?
Kabir: She was trying to flirt with me but then crow poop on her head… Hahahaha..
Sanch: Look God punished her for flirting with my lover … I mean you…
Kabir holds her from her waist and pulls her closer and whispers in her ear
Kabir: My jealous Sanchi looks even more cute like this..
He kissed under her ear.. He hugs Sanchi
They broke the hug within a couple of minutes..
Sanchi: We should go now…
They went to the mall and did their shopping… Ishagya and Veer saw them in the mall and went towards them… All of them after completing their shopping, went to a restaurant and had their dinner as it was dark… Later Ishanchi and Praveer went to the hostel in Veer’s car while Kabir drive off to his home..
Next Day At Sdch……….
Dr Malhotra: Kabir, plz take care of yourself and the interns… I have important meetings so I’ll stay here only… You and Dr Jay are going with the interns..
Dr Kabir: Ok sir…
Dr Kabir Dr Jay and the interns leave for the trip while Riya was burning inside…
They went to the airport and their plane took off…
Kaanchi was sitting together in plane.
Kabir holds Sanchi’s hand..
Kabir: Sanchi… Your internship will soon be completed.. Then …
Sanchi: Then…?
Kabir: Then your prince will be taking his princess with him in his palace…
Sanchi blushes…
Kabir: I told Maa about us…
Sanchi gets a little tensed…
Sanchi: Is she agreed for this marriage..?
Kabir: Of course Sanchi… She is very happy with this marriage… Even she can’t wait for you to come home as her daughter in law…
Sanchi: Really…?
Kabir:Yeah… Wese Sanchi… It’s been so long since I’ve heard those three magical words…
Sanchi blushes…
Sanchi: I…..
Kabir: I…?
Sanchi: I love you…
Kabir: I love you too..
He kissed on her hands….
Sanchi rests her head on his shoulder ..
Soon their flight landed in Shimla… It was a beautiful place with big snowy mountains…. Sanchi was so happy…
Sanchi: You know what Kabir… Its first time in my life I’m visiting this Shimla.. It’s my favorite place….
Kabir: Sanchi let’s go to the hotel…
They go to the hotel…
Dr Malhotra had already booked their rooms… The manager welcomed them
He told them about their rooms .Kabir and Dr Jay were to the share the same room Garv and Veer were to share a single room while Ishagya will be sharing a same room… Sanchi was given a separate room as a reward for getting the highest percentage in exams…Others interns were guided about their rooms too….
Manger asked them to go and rest..
Dr Jay: All the interns plz go to your respective rooms… And Dr Kabir you plz come with me.
Suddenly Sanchi gets fainted… She was about to fall when Kabir holds her through her waist.
Kabir: Sanchii…
Everyone was worried…
Kabir: Don’t worry… I’ll take her to her room and check her… You all go to your rooms. Dr Jay you too plz go and rest … I’ll come later…
Dr Jay: Are you sure…?
Kabir: Yeah…
Dr Jay: Ok… But plz call me if I’m needed..
Kabir nods.. He carries Sanchi in his arms and takes her to her room…
He enters the room and places her on the bed …
Sanchi: Bhowww…!!!!
Kabir was shocked…..
Sanchi started laughing…… ?
Sanchi: Kabir…. ?? … Look at your face….
Kabir: You were acting of being fainted..?
Sanchi: Of course……
Kabir: Can I ask why..?
Sanchi: I wanted to spent some time with you…
Kabir (teasingly): Ohoo…
Sanchi gets shy….
Kabir: Sanchi you know what I’m really missing someone….
Sanchi: I know, you are missing my Kusum aunty right..?
Kabir: Yeah.. But I’m missing someone else too…
Sanchi gets jealous…..
Sanchi: Can I ask whom.. ?
Kabir: My Riya….
Sanchi gets angry and turns all red……
Precap:- Kaanchi moments. And Jaya to visit Kapoor’s Mansion…
Jessie today’s part was juuussstt amazing as upar wala….i am speechless…….i can’t stop laughing at Riya’s part……God did good with her ???……too good….cant wait to witness more romance…plz post ASAP… …love you loads
Thanks a lot dear??
Bchari Riya. Nowadays Riya is getting troubled by the authors of ffs. But I must say she deserved it.

So Kabir is missing Riya!!! Yeah how can someone forget that HOT girl.
It was full of humour.I can’t stop laughing.
Precap seems interesting. Plz post asap.
Thanks a lot… I’ll try to post asap?
This is awesome BT u r always delaying it pls update next episode soon
Thanks and not for not meeting your expressionistic expectations… Actually my classes has started and I’m a little busy in Navratri these days hence i always get late … But I’ll try to post asap
Omg Jessica this was just amazing yaar loved each nd every part no words to describe how I feel after reading this……… yaar u nailed it loved it to the core Plzzz plzzz plzzz post the nxt one soon as I can’t wait Aby more after reading this.???????
Thanks a lot and I’ll try my best tho post soon
Sweet episode loved it very much
Thanks a lot?
OMG OMG jessi sweetie wat a idea riya head I was just laughing I couldn’t control my laughing. My Boss was looking at me with blank expression. I got punishment also but I was laughing. u should have looked my boss face. And guess wat tomorrow I got a leave yipeeeeee because of u. he thought I need a check up. that’s why. now iam still laughing. thank you for making me laugh after so many days. and got a leave. my boss is khadoos. and thank you for everything anyways enough of my nonsenses and this was outstanding and beyond beyond beyond beyond beyond beyond beyond beyond everything waiting for next part And lots of huggs and kisses to u and luv u loads ???
Sorry Ashu, you got punished bcZ of me…?… Sorry but i couldn’t hold my laugh while reading your comment and my parents were looking at me like what’s so funny..? Hahaha… Love you lots… ?
.. I’ll be posting asap?
Awwww that was amazing u did well dear ! I am a huge fan of yours writings ! Keep going Jessica
Thank you so much Trisha… Love you lots
Jess hahaha….riya ka accha mazak bana..,..updates was osm…..kaanchi scens so cute…,
Thank you so much?
so Jessi dear, the hero of this episode is that CROW…….haha……..jaise heroine ke life mein problem laane waale ko sabak sikhana hero ka kaam hai, waise hi Sanchi aur kabir ke beech aane waali vamp riya ko bhagane ka kaam to us crow ne hi kiya na……so hua na woh iss episode ka hero?????????haha………btw dear, episode was just amazing………..just loved to see kanchi scenes a lot………luv u dear………..
Thank you dear?
Oh god Jessi I loved it itna Sara ki I dont have words to express my emotions u really rocked it…….and kanchi moments and sanchi’s drama an jealousy all was perfect!!
Thank you so much… Glad you like it?
??? serves you right Riya!! Good work mr. Crow ??? it was so hilarious Jess I just loves the epi ???
Thanks a lot?
Riya’s punishment was too good!! And Kanchi scenes were too good!!! Can’t wait to read what happens next
Thank you so much?
Jessicca dear…lots of love to u yaar . U made me smile..u made me laugh.. u r a gr8 writer..than only i want to say.. plz post next episode asap..can’t wait now.
Be regular with ur posts dear (if possible) ..i always wait for ur ff yaar..
Thank you so much sweetie
Happy Navarati……….this episode is superb se upur yaar outstanding episode
Thank you so much dear
Ohhhhhh God its such a cute episode . Really loved all the moment between Sanchi and kabeer
Thank you so much Alia?
just superb ,mind blowing even i can’t stop my self to laugh specially what happen with ria ha…ha…ha…ha…ha…ha…and sanchi act as she faint and then suddenly she said Bhowww…!!!! it was superb i’m still laughing even my dad and bhai notice that and ask why i laugh but what i said to them but i can’t control myself to laugh he he he mind blowing amazing and kanchi scenes are just awesome, mind blowing….if all this happened in serial i hope they make a pair of kanchi…
a big big wala hug for you dear love you………………………
update next one soon please please .
Thanks a lot Dhruti dear
glad you like it
Wow jess!! What a funny episode especially Ria ka part padh kar main lot pot ho gayee.. Can’t stop laughing ???super se bhi upar wala part tha… I enjoyed very much….
Thank you so much Annu dear
Hey jessi amaz mindblowing epi dear loved kanchi scene ….. Funny ria’s scene crow poop on her head awsome….hahaha…post nxt asap sweetie
Thank you so much dear?
Bey jessica dear that was ooossssmmmmmm
Kanchi scenes their romance and that riya haha
What a episode yar post nxt part asap
Luv u dear
Thanks a lot Sanju … Your comment means a lot.. Glad you like it?