Fan Fiction

The precious gift of love (kaanchi) Episode 5

Sorry guys i did a mistake in the title name in the previous episode it was the “fourth” episode but by mistake i typed “one” so sorry for that plz make sure you have not missed that part i again apologize for the mistake i made…. ?

Recap:- Jaya fixed sachi’s marriage with a well settled doctor Dr Ashish who lives in Canada. Kaanchi’s emotional scene. She told Kabir about her marriage.

Now let’s start ….

Kabir dropped sanprasha to the hostel.
Ishagya left.

Sanchi: Thank you so much Dr Kabir for supporting me. I hope the girl you love, loves you back. I’ll go now tc. Good night.

Kabir: I’ll always support you Sanchi and there’s no need to thank me for that. Good night. Bye..

Sanchi: Bye…

Sanchi leaves. Kabir also left for his home.

In Sanprasha room ……….

Trio sat on the bed..

Sanchi again got tears….

Isha hugs her…

Isha: Dont cry Sanchi.. Plz ….

Pragya stood up and shouted angrily..

Pragya: Enough is enough yaar… This is your life and you have the right to choose a life partner for yourself. Jaya aunty is your mother, a mother can never see tears in her child’s eyes yaar, call her and tell her that you’re not happy with this marriage and you love someone else she is your mother she’ll understand you, a mother always wants her child to be happy. Call her now and tell her everything.

Sanchi: No i can’t …. I’m ready for this marriage….

Pragya: Fine.. You don’t want to tell her naa … It’s ok.. But i can’t see you in tears… I’m calling Jaya aunty and I’ll tell her everything…

Pragya picks her phone ..Sanchi snatches her phone from her hand and throws it on bed..

Sanchi: Pragya… What is this … Why don’t you understand… I AM READY FOR THIS MARRIAGE….

Pragya: But Sanchi you love Dr kabir then why?

Isha: Sanchi plz … Call aunty and tell her that you love someone else otherwise sanchi your life will be destroyed…

Sanchi: Isha it’s already destroyed. Dr Kabir loves someone else. He can never be mine.. And if I don’t get married to him than i don’t care who ever i get married to whether it’s Ashish or someone else … I don’t care …

Ishagya (shocked) : What he loves someone else ..?

Sanchi: Yes he loves someone else… He can never be mine… Tomorrow I’ll go to meet Ashish at Star Hotel and I’ll tell him the truth that i love someone and can never love him.

Ishagya hugs her. They went to sleep but Sanchi was still crying quietly thinking about Kabir….. ?

Kabir went to his home. Kusum told him to eat lunch but he refused saying that he’s not hungry. He tells her that he is tired and needs rest. He goes into his room and Kusum was worried….

Kabir comes in his room and locks the door. He opens his drawer and takes out the pen which sanchi gifted him on his birthday. He opens it and picks the pen. He kisses the pen gently. He was in tears. His eyes got red. He falls on the floor and burst into tears.

Kabir to himself ” I lost my love today …. I thought you love me too but i was wrong. You love someone else. How foolish was I.

Sanchi was crying silently in her room she stands up and goes to the window and stares at the moon. Ishagya watched her. They were still awake and worried for her. Isha was about to get up but Pragya stopped her.

Pragya(whispers in Isha’s ear) : We should not talk to her now.. Let her stay alone for sometime.. She’ll be fine … Trust me …

Isha nodded and both slept..

Sanchi to herself staring the moon… ” I thought that you too have feelings for me as i have for you but no… I was wrong… I lost you forever… But Dr Kabir I will love you till the last breath of my life … I don’t care if I get married but i will keep loving you …

The moon witnessed their love for each other and every single tear that was shed in the love of kaanchi for each other for that night…

The next morning …….

Sanchi was now able to control her tears and emotions but her heart still had the deep wound. It was really hard for her to face Kabir. And so was for him. They could neither live without each other nor have the guts to face each other.

Sanchi goes to Kabir’s cabin he was looking at her gifted pen. Sanchi knocks at the door. Kabir hides the pen in the drawer at once. He picks a file and acted as if he was really busy.

Kabir: Come in…

Sanchi (putting some files on Kabir’s table) : Dr Kabir these are files of those patients who will get operated in upcoming week. Dr Malhotra wants you to study these files and prepare for the operation.

Kabir signals him to put the files on the table without looking at her. He was avoiding eye contact

Kabir: Hmm… Dr Sanchi are you fine now?

Sanchi: Yes Dr Kabir

Kabir: Good…. You may leave now…

She was about to leave she opened the door but she stopped and turned to him.

Sanchi: Dr Kabir you are holding the file upside down…

Kabir noticed his mistake and gets embarrassed.

She smiled at him and leaves…

This was the last time kaanchi saw each other that day. Both of them were avoiding each other………….

It was evening. Sanchi left for her meeting with Ashish……..

Saanchi entered the Star Hotel wearing a simple light blue frock with small blue earrings and light makeup. Dr Ashish was waiting for her he saw Sanchi and recognized her as he had seen her in a picture before. He stood up and goes towards her.

Ashish: Hi Sanchi…

Sanchi: Ashish right?

Ashish: Yeah… Come let’s have a seat….

He makes her sit and they get settled.

For a couple of minutes there was an uncomfortable silence. Sanchi was not at all interested in him. She just wanted to ran away from there.

Ashish was the first who broke the silence.

Ashish: So Sanchi … How was your day…

Sanchi: It was good and yours?

Ashish: Well a little busy…

Sanchi: Hmm..

Ashish: So how did you agree for this marriage?

Sanchi: Actually it is my mother’s decision. She wants me to marry you.

Sanchi in mind ” I can’t hide my past from him.. He has the right to know everything about me… I have to tell him that i love someone else…

Sanchi: Ashish , there is something really important for you to know about me and my past..

Ashish: Look Sanchi, even i have to tell you something because i can’t keep you in dark. Plz let me say first…

Sanchi was surprised.

Ashish: Sanchi, when i was in Canada, i had a girlfriend, her name was Preeti she was also a doctor, but a year ago she broke up with me and got engaged to a rich well settled guy in U.S. She left me when she got a better option. She cheated on me. But Sanchi… My love for her was real. She left me but i still love her. I can’t forget her. My parents saw you in a marriage when they visited India last month. They selected you as my wife. But Sanchi, i can never forget Preeti, i will respect you and support you and be with you forever but i cannot give you love and the rights which you deserve being my wife. I’m sorry..

Sanchi: It’s OK Ashish… I really feel sorry sorry for you… Now let me tell you that even i love someone else and i can never love you or accept you as a husband. My love is one sided, the person i love has feelings for another girl and he can never be mine.. My mother wants me to marry you but i can never accept you as my husband. I’m ready for this marriage only because of my mother.

Ashish and Sanchi talk for sometime….

Sanchi ( looking at her watch) : Ashish its getting late now i think now we should leave.

Ashish: Ok come I’ll drop you.

Ashish drops her to the hostel…

Sanchi comes to her room and tells Ishahya about Ashish and his past. Ishagya were surprised..

Next Day in Sdch …………

Pragya was in the store room thinking about Sanchi. The room was little dark and quiet. Veer comes from behind and gives her a back hug. Pragya tries too free herself but she couldn’t as he is too strong.

Veer: My darling Pragya was standing here alone so i thought to give her company.

Pragya rolls her eyes..

Pragya : Veer leave me let me go…

Veer: No first say I LOVE YOU VEER..

Pragya: I’m so worried and you want to romance… Leave me …..

Veer: Aww but why is my girl worried.. ?

Pragya; None of your business… Now leave me otherwise…

Veer was pressing his cheeks against hers. She closes her eyes and was lost in the moment. He holds her even more tighter..

Pragya (with her eyes still closed): Veer what are doing. Leave me if someone comes then?

Veer: I want to listen those three magical words…

Pragya: I Love You Veer..

Veer smiles and kisses on her neck from back. His touch shook her body. Pragya’s heart started to beat faster….

Suddenly someone opened the door and Pragya opened her eyes. Isha was the one who opened the door. She smiles at them and places her hands on her eyes.
Pragya gets embarrassed.

Pragya: Isha you ….. Veer leave me plz Isha is here…

Veer: I know you lying no one is here… I won’t let you go today…

Pragya steps on his foot and he leaves her and shouts…

Veer: Ouchhh Pragya what are you doing yaar… You hurt me…

He saw Isha standing at a small distance with her hands covering her eyes and was laughing…

Isha: So if you both are done with your romance then come fast your patients are waiting for you. Veer leaves the store room at once.

Isha removed her hands from her eyes and saw Pragya standing alone and Veer was gone. Her face was all red in embarrassment and was blushing heavily…

Isha goes to her… She elbowed Pragya and asks her what was going on here ?

Pragya: Nothing yaar .. That nalayk came from behind and hugged me…

Isha: Ohooo…

Pragya: My patients must be waiting i an going.

She ran from there Isha was laughing…

Isha: They are really made for each other…

Precap:- Sanchi faints in Kabir’s cabin and Kabir holds her. Ishpraveer to make a secret plan…

So this was it sorry for all the sad moments but this was needed in the story soon Kaanchi will unite.

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