Hello people happy children’s day
I’ll begin with the episode straight away.
RECAP: Anika and Shivaay’s friendship.
Episode 15: Precious
We were friends now! I can’t believe it! Just to tease him, I asked, “So, I guess you won’t be trying to put a price tag on anyone now, will you?” The allusion brought back sad memories for both of us. Well, looking back, I think that time too had its own advantages. I guessed Billuji and I weren’t on the same page at that.
“Don’t remind me of that”, he said remorsefully. Instantly I felt bad. “I was just kidding!” He gave me an ‘it’s okay’ look and went ahead, while I stood there for a minute thinking of absolutely nothing. Before I could make myself walk, Billuji came right back. The depth in his eyes staggered me. “Anika…” He said my name with such tenderness that I was speechless. “Sso… Sorry.” He had apologized for it before, why would he say it again? I found oddly at peace now that I knew that Billuji wanted me to forgive him for the past and begin our friendship anew.
I smiled at him and said, “I already forgave you. See, how big-hearted I am!” He rolled his eyes at me but I could see he felt better with my reaction. We went inside and got back to our work. Hardly twenty minutes had passed and no one seemed to notice our absence. No one but OmRu and Sahil of course! The funny part was neither Tia, nor Riddhima had come yet. I had thought that Riddhima was going to move in with Om today, but she was nowhere to be seen. I didn’t really care about Tia to worry about her absence.
I felt so good seeing their family together. It made me feel lonely all of a sudden. I saw Saumya looking at them in the same way, and I understood how she felt. Rudra came to me and pulled me with him to enjoy with them, and Om had also brought Saumya. We were standing in a kind of circle with Sahil and Billuji standing together and I was standing right across them. For a person like me, who is terrified of darkness, Diwali was always the most awaited and joyous festival. But this Diwali was the most memorable one! ‘Thank you, Billuji. For this amazing day.’
Khanna had no updates on Tia. He didn’t know where she was. He didn’t know much of her background except for the news splashed on the social networking sites and Google. Everything was perfect. Or should I say too perfect? I put all the blame on Swetlana for planting the doubt in my head. I figured I could ask her, but I couldn’t be sure of her info. Also I didn’t really trust her enough to be asking her for help. I decided to look into it myself. But that’ll have to wait till tomorrow.
OmRu were sleeping peacefully beside me. Well, Om was sleeping peacefully; Rudra was throwing punches and kicks in his dreams, probably rescuing a damsel in distress and trying to impress her at the same time! His leg fell on mine and I kicked it away, turning to my side and trying to keep away all my worries for the morning. As I closed my eyes, I thought of Anika and our moment today. I didn’t know why I apologized to her, but I did know that I just couldn’t stand the thought that she might not have forgiven me for all that I had done then. Her wide beautiful eyes had reassured me with their smile.
Wait. What was I thinking? I think all the stress had made me go crazy after all! It had been quite a day! And now, I had given up hopes to have a normal day. I just wished for a normal night!
I left for my new investigation before she came. Of course, I knew all about when she came in and how efficiently she was finishing up all the arrangements of my wedding and how many times she had asked for me! This couldn’t be called stalking, right? It was ironical how I was spying on Tia, but worrying about stalking Anika. I decided to begin with Tia’s house, since she said she was sick last night. I could give the excuse of surprising her and checking up on her. To my surprise, no one was home. Her house wasn’t well guarded, to say the least.
I had been breaking into many women’s houses lately, I realized with some discomfiture! I told the only security guard that I would wait for her, but went directly to Tia’s room instead. I was beyond words to see a man in his early thirty’s sleeping on the bed. He had brown hair and it definitely wasn’t Robin. He was sleeping deeply, and I moved around the room to check for something suspicious. I didn’t find much and I moved out. I felt slightly uneasy as I crossed her mom’s room, with a half open door. She was talking about the Oberois, which caught my attention. She said something about extending the deadline by two weeks more, just until Tia’s wedding. “The Oberois will be able to handle it easily, we just have to wait”, she said. What on Earth does that mean? “Yes, we will make sure that nothing will go wrong. You don’t need to worry about it.”
She ended the call and I ducked behind a huge vase as she came to close the door. Luckily I seemed to be invisible today! “Why do these crazy things happen with me?” I asked the universe!
Note for the readers: Anika didn’t know about all the drama with Om, Riddhima and Tej which happened in the show. That’s why she didn’t know why Riddhima wasn’t there. She’ll obviously come to know later.
Since I was asked by many of my readers to write one for Om as well, I’m considering trying it. It’ll be more difficult for me because Om is the most sensitive character in the story and he doesn’t have a female lead cast opposite to him right now. So if you want me to go ahead with it, I’ll carry on with Om’s story from his break up because I guess I’ll wrap this up soon enough.
Do you guys want me to introduce Om’s story in this ff itself, or should I end this with Shivika coming together and begin a new one later? This is a kind of poll, so please let me know. If I don’t get enough replies, I might even consider quitting it completely. I’m obviously thankful to all those who comment regularly on my ff. Your comments energize me and simply make my day! So thanks a lot. But today I actually do need to know everyone’s views, especially the silent readers, if any. Even if you’re okay with the storyline I choose to go with, just let me know. You see, I’m no ‘antaryami’!
Nyce one. I think u should another one on Om with Ishana as like their first meetings and all other stuff.
thanks for your comment, jazz. i’ll keep it in mind, although i had a different plot planned.
so, you like ishana as Om’s love interest?
Yeah I like Ishkara track and if u have another thing planned about it u can try that one too.
Nice Dr u can write OM with ishana story as well as with shivika
Episode is superb yaar iw ant you end with shivika and start another for om along with shivika as side and I wish it with a new girl not ishana . ishana is out and I am missing her too much I think we should move on until new lead of om is not introduced u should continue shivika tats my wish dear but whatever be it is I want u to continue as u r a great writer and I love ur ff its really so precious???
Nice one samm but please try to make it long and post the next part asap dear and keep going
it was amaing sammie.. nd plzzz dont mix om’s storyline with shivika.. End this with Shivika coming together and begin a new one wid om wid some fresh track.. Ishana is no more part of the show.. so ppl should move on until some new lead is not introduced.
Hey sammm…i m reallyy sry for not commentimg on d last epi……but i must say ur writng skills r damn gud…..luvd it soooooooooooo much…..shivika frnds ?????? d way he said sry is awesummmm……..i agree wid priyanka…no oms story in dis….becoz urs is really a diff way of representation….n i luv it to be dedicated to only shivika…….?? if u wanna add its okay chaltha hain phir bhi……really sry for not commenting…
i believe u should start om’s one only with a new one..n rather dont directly introduce the lead to om in first epi..cuz i may be bad bt in this i really do agree to what gul says..om is a strong character n there r lots of things to be discover before luv…which is not in the case of shivika,their things will only be discovered when they r together…
bt baaki toh ur wish..
i luv the slow n steady progress of ur ff…n i like the way shivika r progressing..moreover i enjoy reading it allott….i luved it n ofcourse ur ff,its prescious :p
osm dr Sam
Nice update dear
I love your ff
Loved shivika scenes
Hey sam..i think u shd finishup wd shivika frst n start wd om s lv track in dis ff only but plz dnt rush widh shivika just to start oms stroy take it as u r doing now..slow n lovely..plz dnt make ishkara or ridkara kz d r past n ishana ws not exactly om s gf(acc to d show). I suggest u to wait until his lv interest is introduced in d show so dt u gt sm idea f d story n dn u can continue wd ur plot.
Btw its just an advice u can do as u feel like. All d best n have a nice day