Note : I forgot to mention earlier there is a voiceover as somebody narrating whole story with female voice. You call can keep guessing the person because it won’t be revealed till end
Armaan and Kritika goes to police headquarters when police informs about something terrible. His sister Durga has been arrested for drink and drive.
Armaan ; whats the matter officer?
Officer Patel : you are Armaan Malik right? nephew of renowned Pratap Singh
Armaan : yes but whats wrong
“Last time I let Durga go because of your convenience but not this time, she was not only drunk but drug test came positive” Patel sits on chair
Armaan : what ? (shocked)
Patel : I am sorry but this time I cannot leave her without bail
Kritika : sir please you are also indian, understand her feelings
Patel : my job is to protect law also, and she has broken law by doing this
Armaan : you are right sir, she should be punished for doing this but everybody deserves a chance, I promise if she again do this I will not come to release her that time
Patel : fine but as culprit, I suspend her license of driving and penalty of $5000
Kritika : can we meet her sir
Patel releases Durga but after putting charges on her for drink and drive.
Durga has been living as introvert and isolated from world due to her parent’s failed marriage. The only light of her life is Armaan who have loved her more than real sister. Kritika sees her sitting outside lifelessly with swollen eyes and little torn clothes. Armaan drops Kritika home first and take Durga back at their house.
Nanny : what happened to her?
Armaan : nothing nanny, she is drunk I will put her in room first
Nanny : okay I will get lemon juice
“I want to party “ she murmurs softly
Armaan : nanny where is uncle aunty
Nanny : as usual at their party thank god they are not here or seeing her in this condition would be worst for them
Armaan : when did they care for her that now they will bother (puts duvet on her properly and leaves)
Nanny : dear only you understand our Durga, do something I cannot see her like this
Armaan : even I am afraid of her behavior now, police have given last warning, in last five months this is 7th time
Nanny : should I say something ? why don’t you find a good suitable guy for her, she needs a friend in her life who will understand her feelings
Armaan : if it was so easy I would have done that long time ago (drinks water) for her I want somebody who will not only give respect but one who will dwell in her heart
Nanny : dear this is natures truth one cannot fight with destiny
Armaan ; I am very tired for today I will take leave good night, let me know if you need anything (lives in his apartment nearby)
Nanny : good night dear
Armaan leaves
“Both are known as cousins for world but nobody can dare to say they are not real siblings, Armaan can be flirt or does show off but for Durga he is only light of her dark life”
Arora house
Pragya shares her anger with Dadi of Abhi
Dadi : who can dare to mess with my strong son
“That guy is on my nerves” Pragya prepares food
Dadi : calm down, leave office work over there
Pragya : you are right dadi, I will also not lose in front of that grumpy guy
Preeta recalls Rishab and Karan meeting with her in different circumstance.
Preeta : so much difference both seemed from rich family but far is their thinking
Shrishti looks at her portfolio late night for interview but decides not to go after losing her camera.
“There Shrishti was fighting with her feelings other side far away Durga had same situation, who knew this two emotion would clash one day” voiceover says
Bulbul and Shrishti starts preparing for their final exams in college.
Next day Preeta reaches Luthra house for the treatment of Dadi. She starts walking inside feeling awkward in such big mansion.
Rishab ; hey good morning, very punctual
“Thank you, after all I am doctor” she smiles and ask for Dadi
Rishab : she is upstairs, come I will take you
Preeta : yea sure (grabs her purse and kit)
“Dadi look who is here your new physiotherapist” Rishab informs her
Preeta enters nervously in the room of facing her
Dadi : I told you I don’t need any doctor and what is guarantee she is best
Rishab ; dadi, calm down your promised me that you will not say no without getting treatment
Dadi : okay fine (gives attitude to Preeta)
Preeta starts the treatment of Dadi.
“So where are you from” Dadi asks her
Preeta : I live in Mumbai with my family, right now I just work in small firm
Dadi : nice who is in your family
“Just dadi, mom and we four sisters” does massage to her leg
Dadi : and your father?
“He is no more, he died when we all were too young” Preeta says sadly
Dadi : your mom must have hard time raising you all four girls na, it gets really difficult for a woman to raise children and that too daughters without husband
Preeta :but she is very strong, mom never let us miss dad and now we all are grown up
Dadi : your hands are magical
“You are feeling better now” she asks with smile
Dadi : of course if you do this few days then see I will start running around again
Preeta ; thats what I wanted to hear, now I will tell Rishabji to appoint me as your permanent doctor
Dadi ; only on one condition
Preeta : what?
“That you will come as my daughter no doctor promise” Dadi gets impressed with her
Preeta feels proud of herself
Fashion City
Ruhi gets big contract from Paris league to participate in next fashion show.
Ruhi : listen to me carefully next week very important client are coming did you arranged for a photographer
Mahi : not yet ma’am (says nervously)
“Then hurry up I don’t have enough time, Paris league is coming soon, I want results do you get me now move” Ruhi leaves angrily
Phoenix company
Pragya starts the work of backstage on Abhi’s upcoming concert.
Pragya : guys hurry up we don’t have enough time
Worker : yes ma’am everything is done just lights are to be fixed I will get that
Pragya : okay make sure there is no mistake, this concert is very important for our company
Worker : okay madam,
The employee informs Pragya about the demand of more tickets for concert
Sophia : you don’t worry I will take care of that, I want this show super hit, this is question of our brand and company
Pragya bring special coffee to Abhi’s room who is busy in his tuning
Abhi : thanks
Pragya smiles sarcastically while Abhi have hard time making tune
Pragya : can I give some suggestion?
“From face you don’t like too smart but I always welcome suggestion go ahead” asks her
Pragya : I have heard your album, I think problem is the inspiration and lyrics always come from that do you have love in life?
Abhi : of course my dadi, fans
Pragya (laughs) : no I am talking about true love, life time partner one
“Sweetheart i am Abhi the Rockstar, million girls surround me but in that crowd I didn’t find one I want” Abhi shares his feeling first time
Pragya : thats why, your lyrics are missing some passion which only a lover can understand (leaves)
Abhi gets into thinking with her deep words targeting directly in his heart.
Pragya : did I say too much? oh god I don’t know what happens to me all the time
Both thinks about each other smiling
Reh Bhi Na Paaye Yaar
Seh Bhi Na Paaye Yaar
Behti Hi Jaaye Dastaan
Reh Bhi Na Paaye Yaar
Seh Bhi Na Paaye Yaar
Behti Hi Jaaye Dastaan
Umra Bhar Ka Intezaar
Ik Pal Bhi Na Karaar
Ungli Pe Nachaaye Dastaan
Ho..Apne Roothein, Paraaye Roothein
Yaar Roothein Naa..
Khwaab Tootein, Waade Tootein
Dil Yeh Toote Naa..
Roothe To Khuda Bhi Roothe
Saath Chhoote Naa..
Roothe To Khuda Bhi Roothe
Saath Chhoote Naa..
Navya informs Shrishti about upcoming trekking camp to Manali.
Navya : you are coming right? I put your name on the list
Shrishti : no you go I am not in mood and exams are also coming
Navya : so what? picnic is after exam come on it will be too much fun imagine big mountain
Shrishti agrees hesitantly. During the arrangement Bulbul sees a ladder falling to the side Shrishti is standing and runs immediately.
“Are you okay” Bulbul asks her panicking
Shrishti nods leaving her hand
Navya : you both are you alright?
Shrishti sees Bulbul leaving with little bleeding on her hands while saving her. She tears pieces of cloth from her scarf
“Wait” she stops Bulbul
Bulbul gets emotional with her one gesture
“Your hand is bleeding, don’t think I am doing all this for you, our sisters will get worried and exams are also coming” Shrishti blabbers while tying cloth on her hands
Bulbul : thank you
Shrishti is about to say something but leaves
“I know one day I will surely win your heart and that will be most important day of my life” Bulbul promises herself
“This two sisters relation was such like water and fire, we always use water when to extinguish fire but more than fire the heat is very hot to burn and that does not cool down with water” Voiceover hints the estranged relation between sisters will take lot of time to get back normal
On way back Preeta gets her umbrella out to shelter from the rain. Karan sees her rushing in the bus filled with crowd. She misses the bus during the chaos.
“god when will this rain go, why are you troubling me like this” Preeta talks with herself
Karan is mesmerized with her innocence and rain adds more passion to his feelings. Preeta goes under tree shade to save herself from thunderstorm.
“Enjoying this rain ? I am sure you are” Karan taunts her for getting wet
Preeta ignores him
Karan : hello I am talking to you, look at your condition come I will drop you
Preeta : I don’t need your help, leave me alone, that day you were taunting me like anything
Karan : now if I leave you alone here I won’t be able to face myself come lets go (gives his hand)
Ranjhna… naino ke teer chal gaye
Sajna… saanson se dil sil gaye
Palkon mein chupa loon, oh tera sajda karoon
Seenay mein samaa loon, oh din reain karoon
Palkon mein chupa loon, seenay mein samaa loon
Tere ang ang rang mera bole
Preeta holds his hand while walking in the car. Their hand touches igniting passion within themselves. On the way to Preeta’s house the road is blocked due to thunderstorm
Preeta : now what?
“If you don’t mind then our guest house is close till rain stop lets go there, even I wouldn’t be able to go at my home due to road block” Karan offers
Preeta agrees hesitantly and goes with him. The duo reaches guest house in heavy rain. Preeta looks around the big mansion something she never saw before.
Preeta : your house is very beautiful
Karan : thanks, my brother built it every structure, you are all wet why don’t you go change
Preeta : but I have nothing to change for
“ There should be something, my sister’s clothes might fit you” Karan shows her the room
Phoenix company
Pragya and Abhi gets stuck in the office while the whole staff leaves for the day.
Abhi : you didn’t go home? one should not also work too hard
Pragya : actually I was busy with the whole event
“Don’t take my challenge so hard that you forget to take care of yourself” Abhi goes close to her
Pragya : Sir first of all please stay little away I feel very awkward
Abhi : girls die to be in this arms and madam feels strange
Pragya : I am telling you one last time I am not from those girls who run after money, only thing matter for me is self respect
Abhi (gets impressed): impressive, anyway I hope there is no problem in arrangements
Pragya : I think we might have to postpone the date of concert
Abhi : and may I ask the reason for this genius thought
Pragya : because of this season, if something goes wrong technically it will be disaster
Abhi ; look you are event manager, I have given you responsibility just remember one thing the concert should not be cancelled, change location, day I don’t care, sponsors have invested lot of time and money for this
“Okay sir, your concert will be successful and I will make sure of that” she assures him
“Promise, self respect, values, relationship were only strength for Arora girls those days and they could go to any extent to maintain those roots “ laughs
Thunderstorm noise and lights go off
Pragya shouts
Abhi : relax just light went out, wait let me get the candle
“Wait I am going with you don’t leave me alone” Pragya holds his hands tightly
Abhi : I am right here, if you leave my hand then only I could go and fix
Luthra farm house
Preeta wears Karan’s favorite shirt after not able to fit Kritika’s clothes
Preeta : sorry your sister’s clothe didn’t fit me
“Maybe you are fat than her” teases her
Preeta (gets offended) : excuse me I am not that fat okay you don’t know how to talk with girl
Karan ; right now you look like boy and wearing my favorite shirt good
Preeta : you know what I saw you on TV so many times and my god you have so much attitude
Karan : thats not attitude my self confidence, and every person should have that coffee?
“Thanks” takes mug from his hand
Karan : what are you looking?
“Mom says weather after rain is very beautiful” Preeta looks outside window
Karan ; I never think about those things, my bhai love all these nature stuff
Preeta : he must be interesting person to meet, thanks for coffee
Karan : specialty of this weather
“No for us specialty is corn, fritters and ginger spicy tea” Preeta says
Karan : wow I think I will try one day
Preeta : this is only season of those things, I am sure you will love it
Rain stops
Preeta ; rain has stopped, I think we should leave, mom might be waiting
Karan : come I will drop you
Preeta : no thats okay I will manage, everybody will think wrong if you come like this
Karan : and they won’t if you wear this shirt? (corners her)
Preeta : I was going to change if you move (leaves with shy due to his gestures)
Precap : Purab Bulbul another disastrous meeting in cafeteria. Armaan decides to send Durga alone to India far away. Rishab Preeta friendship goes deeper with time
Loved your loads keep posting next parts and pleaseee post the realisation part soon
Plz post realisation part asap

Loved it ??
This is an exciting ff
Also post the epilogue for truth of life ASAP
Love u loads
Stay blessed??