Fan Fiction

Preetan FF : Truth of life Part 10

Rishab asks Tanya to go for walk with him after dinner which she agrees for.

Tanya : Jiju, sorry Rishabji you promised me that you will give me tour to Mumbai

Rishab : I always remember my promise, be ready tomorrow, tell me how do you feel here

Tanya : Fantastic, this fresh air, weather everything except food

Rishab : why? you don’t like food here

“No I cannot eat spicy from childhood, I just can’t handle that recalls her young days with Luthra boys

Rishab ; so you seem very sensitive person, good

Tanya : don’t underestimate me I can be dangerous sometimes

Rishab : I will take you to my favorite lunch place tomorrow, you will forget your own food

“I am so excited. now I have no patience starts jumping like kid

Rishab : so much excitement just for eating outside

Tanya : actually I am very hungry type person, I love eating, like I can’t handle without food

Rishab : you are just like my Karan, he is like ant. always hungry

Tanya : my house is here, didn’t realize the time

Rishab : oh yea, its quite late see you tomorrow good night

“Good night starts walking and turns around to see him waving to her

Rishab starts feeling strange connection in his heart even though she is stranger. Tanya happily watches him going in his car from gate.


Karan calls Preeta for dinner but light goes off again.

Preeta : not again, Karan why does your every house have electricity problem

Karan : stop taunting me, I turned off because we are doing candle light dinner

Preeta ; you cannot be serious, at this time please I am hungry

Karan : just few minutes, come sit here (lights up the candle) and now close your eyes make a wish

Both close their eyes but in a minute Preeta gets some very flashes in her dreams about somebody screaming. She opens her eyes very scarily and runs away upstairs.

“Preeta wait what happened turns on the light and goes to her room quickly

Karan : are you okay? whats wrong

“That fire everybody will die Preeta starts blabbering with much fear and nervous in her tone.

“Thats okay, I am here okay calms her down softly

Preeta : I am very scared

“Nothing will happen come lets eat Karan brings food in her room.

Karan : come I will feed with you with my own hands (feeds her)

Preeta too makes him eat with her in the same plate. Karan feels uneasy seeing her behavior while ago. Later both goes to sleep in their respective rooms. Next day Karan and Preeta get ready to go for their work place. They have their breakfast and are all set to leave.

Karan : I have to go practice match, you will manage right? orphanage is across the street on left

Preeta : don’t worry I will go, take care, bye Mr cricketer (leaves)

Preeta visits the orphanage in few minutes but what makes her emotional is the life of children living there. She could not even imagine the life without one parent or none. The kids would not realize the meaning and importance of blessing from parents. One of the caretaker Sarika meets her.

Sarika : how can I help you?

“Hi, I am Dr Preeta, from Mumbai, one of the doctor sent me for regular check up of all kids shows her the file

Sarika : Oh yea Dr Lina told me, come sit I will gather line for all children and you can start your work

Preeta : thank you so much


On practice coach tells everybody the next tournament is held in Hyderabad. If they win that match, chances might be high to enter semi final. Karan could not take out the incidence from his mind about yesterday. He could not ask Preeta because of her fear.


Preeta takes vitals of all children and make sure everybody can properly exercise.

Sarika : how is everything? do you need something to eat, drink

Preeta : no thank you so much, I am fine, why is that room locked

Sarika : actually, it was Rakhiji’s father’s order to lock that room, years ago in the first batch one of the girl died in camping, its her room

Preeta : I am so sorry, how old was she?

Sarika : like around 7 or 8 years old, she was very nice girl,

Preeta’s heart start racing fast just after hearing the story. She asks Sarika about the detail of girl who died during camping.

Sarika : we might not have that old files but I have some pictures of her

Preeta widened her eyes after finding out thats none other than pinky whose photographs she saw in Karan’s house.

Preeta : this girl?

Sarika : yea she is the one everybody called her pinky, I still remember she was soul of this place

Preeta goes around the whole orphanage to see the paintings but one of them confused her a lot.

Preeta : who made this art? its so creative

“I don’t know her name but she visits Sir’s death anniversary for his honor, every time she comes, children insists her to make painting Sarika narrates

Preeta tries to recall where she saw the painting but is unable to.

Sarika : I will go out to check on children, let me know if you need anything

Preeta : thank you

After practice match Karan finds Preeta playing with children in orphanage. He goes into the flashback of his childhood. There is no corner he is not familiar with.

“Hello kids, I hope this doctor did not trouble you a lot starts his teasing mode

Preeta : Excuse me what you do think? I trouble people, you are in that department

Karan : look who is talking, boring girls

Preeta : how dare you call me boring, we girls can do everything, remember the cricket match

Karan : fine you wanna a bet

One of the boy agrees with Karan about girls not doing anything but group of girls take Preeta’s side.

Karan ; lets see who have more courage, lets play one more match today

Preeta : whichever game you play I will defeat you Mr Looser Luthra

Karan : we will find out who is the looser and who is winner

Preeta : best of luck, you need it (gives thumbs down)

Karan : basketball, done?

Preeta : All set

The ground is set for the basketball match between Karan and Preeta. She wears formal track to be more comfortable. Nobody had ever saw her in something else than salwar. Sarika whistles as sign to start the game. Preeta catches the ball first and makes goal. In half time Preeta is wining the game. Karan know his charm won’t work in front of the player he is playing but has to try something else. He intentionally looks at her waist when Preeta finds him staring. Taking chance he grabs the ball and makes the last goal wining the game.

“You cheater gets irritated

Karan : thats called smartness baby

Preeta : I am not talking with cheaters (throws light rocks on it)

Karan : weather has become hot, what say guys do you want to cool down your teacher

Small kids gives him the water pipe to sprinkle on Preeta. Karan grabs it and takes towards her direction.

“What are you doing put that down tries to protect herself but gets all wet

Karan ; trying to cool you down baby doll, come on

Preeta ; really than wait (holds one side of pipe to throw water on him)

Both of them enjoy getting wet without rain weather. They go back to house.

Karan starts sneezing after playing water.

Preeta : was that not fun Karan? (smiles sarcastically)

Karan : stop making fun of me alright, Ms kareli, nothing is wrong with me

Preeta : who told you to play with that water, duffer now go and change quickly


Sameer and Shrishti meets on road coincidentally.

Shrishti ; hi Sameer, where were you, I did not see after that day

Sameer : yea I was busy, so tall pole what are you doing here

Shrishti : shopping of course, but I am so bored, Preeta sis is not here too

Sameer : where do you want to go? movie, beach

“I want to watch movie jumps excitedly

Sameer ; calm down, lets go in evening I have some work in office

Shrishti : I will wait bye shorty (leaves happily)

Sameer : this girl is such a kid,

In a while Tanya calls him on his phone

Sameer : hello pinky madam, what order you have for me

Tanya : excuse me, what does that even mean, i have right to call you

Sameer : of course you do, I am sure you didn’t call me to taunt

Tanya : Its been so long I am here but you didn’t bother me to take me out, spend time with you

Sameer : go with Rishab bhai, he is also your friend

Tanya : shut up, he is never gonna leave his work and that cricketer is also not here, so I will only hold on to you

Sameer ; why is everybody behind me? leave this kid alone

Tanya : now listen, we are going for movie and then dinner, no more excuse good bye see you

“Hey listen Sameer curses himself for agreeing with her.

Sameer : how will I handle two poles, one is north other is south, and I am magnet in between god please save me today from woman violence

Karan goes through the old pictures from childhood when Preeta who could not sleep come there. She sense his tensed face but tells him not to hide from her.

“You know baby doll whenever I see you I miss my pinky even after all this years my heart did not forget her Karan gets in teary eyes while hugging her

He narrates the story to her that she always wanted to know who was the girl that ruled on Karan’s heart.


Years ago during childhood Sameer and Pinky (Tanya) lived in the orphanage built by Rakhi’s father. He spent his retired life in Ooty with the children. During holidays Rakhi and Mahesh with Dadi took Karan and Rishab to Ooty for camping. Both of them were too young to understand the meaning of friendship until they met Sameer and Pinky.  Karan started to make bond with Sameer but Rishab took while to accept him as friend though he was younger. Then came the youngest in the group another orphan whom everybody called Pinky lovingly. She shared very different relation with the trio, with Rishab he was protective towards her like father is to daughter. Karan held special place in her heart because from first he always used to fight with everybody for her. Both fought for every small things like food, toys or challenging each other. Pinky looked a brother in Sameer who she shared relation of heart more than blood. Rakhi and Mahesh too became fond of Pinky as they did not have daughter in the family. Pinky’s small gestures won over Luthra families. Even after holidays Karan and Pinky interacted with each other through phone and emails.

“Bhai, lets go for camping this weekend Karan suggests to his brother

Rishab : thats a good idea, Sameer you come with us it will be fun

Sameer : yea sure why not

Pinky ; I don’t think its good idea, look at the weather we will go some other time

Karan : no please, it will be so much fun

Boys insists on going for trekking but Rakhi too agrees with Pinky of not camping in bad weather but boys insists too much. Everybody goes for camping in a while to nearby hill. In the middle of trekking, weather becomes worst. While climbing up Pinky gets stuck in the middle. Her belt loosens but Rishab goes to save her where in process he gets in danger. The whole family panics seeing them. Kareena calls the rescue team for help but due to her demand they bring Rishab first. In the time they saved him, Pinky lost the balance and fell from high valley. Nobody could forget the loud echoes in those valley. After that Sameer was adopted was Mahesh’s father and took him to Mumbai. Slowly in the race of life the trio moved on from the incidence but deep down still had reflection of Pinky.

Flashback ends

Preeta’s eyes get watery hearing everything. She could not believe the pain Karan has been going through from many years of the guilt.

“You know Preeta, I am carrying this guilt of burden, because of my stubbornness somebody lost their life that too in young age Karan’s eyes get moistened after talking with her

“Thats not your fault, sometime circumstances are not in our hands puts her hand on his shoulder

Karan : you know today wherever she is, might be so proud of me, my achievement of cricketer was her and Rishab’s dream

Oberoi ho

One of the servant who is aware of her past suggest to tell everything.

Tanya : what should I tell them? where I was all this years. hiding from them

Servant : it was your helplessness to not meet them in all years

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