Fan Fiction

Pregnancy Cravings … Chapter 14

Next Morning Kabir woke up early saw Sanchi missing. He was about to go search for her when she came out of he washroom wearing a green saree with a full sleeve blouse and wet hair  . Kabir pretends to sleep . Sanchi lovingly stares at him. She goes to the mirror to apply vermillion (sindoor) when two strong pair of hands back hugged her .

Sanchi : Good Morning !

Kabir : Good Morning! (Kisses her cheek)

Sanchi : Kabir !

Kabir : Hmmm ?

Sanchi : Let me go and get ready quickly …Savitri aunty has told everyone especially all the couples to get ready because we have go to a temple for Puja.

Kabir goes to the washroom and freshens up quickly . He comes wearing green kurta.  He saw Sanchi wearing her earrings and goes to her .

Sanchi : Shall we go now ?

Kabir : Wait ! Did you have breakfast ?

Sanchi : Yes I had !

Kabir : Are you lying ?

Sanchi : Why would I lie ? You can ask Sonal , let’s go now .
In mind : Is he a fool? How can I have breakfast going to the temple ?

Kabir : Ok !

**Author’s Note: Two new characters are introduced for Sonal and Isha named Pratik and Parth respectively who are common friends of Kabir and Veer as well as doctors**

At the temple before any one of the family members reached ,the one and only devil Riya went to the temple.

At the malhotra mansion : Kanchi,Praveer,Isharth,Pranal, Priket and other family members got ready and went to the temple .All reached the temple when Riya came and joined them with a smirk on their face .

Savitri : So, all the couples ! You have to do a Puja now which will bring more harmony ,peace and love between you and your partner .

Veer’s Dadi : All the wives or future wives have to put on these red chunris and Husbands have to carry them up to the Hawan place . Then the couples will sit and do the Pooja . Now Riya ,Distribute the chunris ..

Riya : Ok Dadi !
In mind : Oh Sorry Saanchi ! I really had no other option than this . Hahahahah

Riya distributed all the chunris and finally came to Sanchi with the most beautiful and long Chunri ..She smiles at Sanchi and passes her the Chunri.

Riya buys all the chunris and takes out one chunri and sprays some chemical on it . She smirks ..

Riya : Now , for sure ! Mission kill baby will be successful  . As soon as Sanchi will go to the Hawan’s place , the chemical will catch fire . Oh poor Sanchi ! In the mean while I will keep Kabir busy with myself by doing something  . Hmm that’s right ! Hahahahaahhaahahah

Flashback ends .

Anand lifts Savitri , Parth lifts Isha ,Veer lifts Pragya ,Pratik lifts Sonal ,Sanket lifts Priya and finally Kabir lifts Sanchi in their arms .They reach the Hawan place .As Sanchi was going to sit on Hawan place Ria pretended to slip …

Riya : Ouch ! Aaao ! Someone please help me …. ouch

Kabir : Sanchi ! You stay here , I am just coming …

**Author’s note : Since , there was one so experience as our Kabir , he had to go and others had not come yet   **

Kabir goes to Riya . He holds her foot . She screams in pain although she is pretending .

Riya : Ouch ! OUCH ! Please don’t touch it …

Kabir : Listen ! I simply want to help you , so keep quiet. ..

Riya : Ok but can I hold your hand  , please?

Kabir : Ok ..

Here , sanchi sits on the Hawan place .. as soon as she sits on the Hawan place her chunri catches fire . She screams in pain .

Kabir : Sanchi ! (He tries to go but Riya has clutched his hand so badly that he cannot go )

All get up and Veer , Pratik and Parth rush to Sanchi . Sanchi becomes unconscious. Parth and  Pratik pour water on her but for god she was fine , only her chunri burnt . Kabir just jerks Riya’s hand and runs towards Sanchi .

Kabir : Sanchi ! Open your eyes Sanchi !

Kabir lifts her up and throws the Chunri and rushes her to SDCH. He straightly goes to his cabin and makes her lay down . He goes out of the cabin .

Kabir: I want to be alone for sometime .. Hope you all don’t mind…

Everyone agreed and went away . Kabir locked the door and sat beside Sanchi . He was blown away by that incident .He was strongly determined to punish that damn blo*dy person who is behind all these matters  . Although he was sure it was Riya but he had no proof to show . He was really tensed for Sanchi and tears were rolling down his cheeks . He spoke up in guilt .

Kabir : Sanchi ! I am sorry , I cannot be a good husband .. I couldn’t take care of you … I was not there when you needed me….. when you were screaming for help … I was not there ….I am really sorry but I promise I make it sure that I be the best for you …I bring out the best in you .., Your health be the best and our baby be the best

He wipes his tears and calls Priya to stay with her as all others are busy in Praveer wedding .Priya enters inside his cabin .

Priya : Yes Kabir !

Kabir :  Priya ! Can you please take care of Sanchi ? I have some urgent work ,I have to leave

Priya can see his eyes red and nodded positively .Kabir drove off . Here in the malhotra mansion the gang was sitting sadly ..

Parth : Yaar ! We are missing Bhabhi so much !

Pratik : She fills livelihood in the atmosphere

Veer : Haan yaar ! Without Mrs Golgappa there is no fun..

Pragya : Abeo nalayak ! Stop your chattering , it looks like she is only your friend …she is my bestie also and I am feeling really pissed off

Veer : Aww ! My baby (pecks her cheek)

Isha :I think we should go to her …

Sonal in mind : First of all ,this incident in this stage may cause harm to her baby and I know her first question she ask will be about Kabir and the baby … No I cannot let them go..

Sonal : No need of going .. Priya has gone ,right ? So, she will come home …

Sanket : Ya ! I think she is right ..


Always Be(YOU)Tiful...

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