Categories: Fan Fiction Original

Prem Bandhan – The Bond of Love { SS- Part Two }

Janaki joins the hospital again.


Welcome back Janaki.

Janaki : Thank you Doctor Sakshi.

Sakshi : When Vandana told me that you are joining back I really felt happy. You took two years to move on Janaki…..It’s okay some loses can’t be filled .

Janaki : I have one request Doctor .

Sakshi ; Yes please

Janaki : Please don’t assign me the duty of Room Number 8.

Sakshi : Look Janaki we doctors,nurses witness lots of patients per day . We see the battle between life and death and all the time we are committed to do our service.

Janaki : Doctor please you are the main doctor here and also Dean of this Hospital. Moreover you are like an elder sister to me and I shares so many things with you……Try to understand please…I really can’t do that..

Sakshi : Okay. But things won’t be the same always. For now you may handle things according to the chart provided for you.

Janaki ; I don’t mind for doing night duties also.

Sakshi : But Janaki ….Today only you have came back and after so much time you are here. Let you do work at day time and after some days we can think about it.

Janaki : Doctor nothing is hidden from you. ….When I am fully engaged in work I guess it will help me in moving ahead.

Sakshi : Okay Janaki. Today you look after the patients at the general ward…..Doctors will be checking them after rounds.

Janaki : Yeah sure.

Janaki took the files and checked everything. While walking through the verandah her eyes saw Room Number 8

She recalled her past .

Mrityunjay : You may find it as strange Janaki. Have you ever find a person proposing his lover in hospital ?

Janaki : At least now you gave me a rose, always you used to utter the stories of wars, blood sheds and send me away from you Mritunjay.

Mrityunjay : Janaki that’s the harsh reality of life. I don’t want to give you pain.

Janaki : Again that old story … I am a soldier ,my life is always a question of risk . So Janaki stay away from me so and so…..Is it ?

Mrityunjay : How can you love me Janaki after knowing everything about me …..Janaki better you understand the truth….I have seen my friends whose wives became widows at very younger age ,their small kids ….It’s heart breaking to watch. The government will announce them as brave soldiers reward them with recognition .But what about their family ? That girl who comes as his love, who comes as his wife ? She hardly get few days or months to stay with her husband. They may say we feel proud that our husband sacrificied life for the sake of nation. He is an example for upcoming generations. But at their heart they are crying a lot and this world is not capable of wiping those tears.

Janaki : I agree what you are saying makes sense. But it doesn’t mean that the lives of those girls or women are stopped there itself. May be they adapt to situations some may go for remarriages , some may stay as single . Every year lots of soldiers are recruited and their families themselves know the risk factor of those job. But for them the love of nation comes as priority and what they think is they have to save nation, save people from attacks, protect our families. And trust me every girl will feel extremely honoured and proud when she loves a soldier. Because he is the saviour of lots of lives and she understands him better than any one. She know the little moments are not permanant but it doesn’t means she stop loving him ….It doesn’t mean she stop marrying him…..Mritunjay just imagine if you are in normal job and while returning home your car gets hit at accident , so that you will stop everything ? No naa….You will try all ways to save yourself , may be some one will take you to hospital and your injuries may be severe and being a nurse I have to do some extremely tough dressing of those wounds and the doctor who treats you find you as critical may also not stop their action…..So risk is in every thing just that it’s presence may be little or large ….If my hands start shivering then I can’t be a nurse here Mrityunjay. The day when you was admitted here your body was flooded in blood. I used surgical knife to remove the clothes as your whole body was injured in a serious way. From that you have recovered a lot and just your head’s injury is remaining to be cured. Definitely god has written more days in your life span that’s why you are giving me rose now.

Mrityunjay ; You and your logic !! No one can argue with you Janaki .

Janaki : Better don’t argue with me. Just love me like these .

Janaki cupped Mrityunjay’s face and they both smiled

Mrityunjay ; Iam really lucky to have you as my love in my life Janaki. You understand me better and you are so brave . Some times I feel glad that I got injured at the war . Else the commandos wouldn’t have admitted me here and I wouldn’t have meet you.

Janaki : You are so strange!! People usually gets scared even they get a slight scar on their finger. And see this gentleman loves to have injuries and wounds.

Mrityunjay :Because my Janaki is always with me to heal my wounds and injuries and I can feel that magical touch everytime …

Janaki : Please don’t say like that again Mrityunjay. You should always stay as fit and fine . No more wounds on my Mritunjay..I can’t bear it..

She quickly hugged him and he hugged her back

Mrityunjay : Calm down Janaki. You know na I am not that much romantic to express my love with fine words.

Janaki ; But you always say truth of your heart and that’s what I liked in you Mritunjay.

Mrityunjay : I love you so much

Janaki : I love you too.

He kissed at forehead

Janaki Janaki !!

Janaki came back to her senses.

Sakshi : Janaki what happened ?

Janaki : Nothing doctor.

Sakshi : Janaki If you are ready to change yourself then only you can go ahead. You have to be strong else every time you will stop yourself in this midst of past and present. I hope you get me in right sense.

Janaki : Yes doctor, I will try my level best.

Sakshi : Good.

Janaki started taking her profession seriously . She whole heartedly started attending the patients and Rajesh, Vandana felt much relief witnessing this change in her.

Vandana : Janaki has started changing now. Rajesh what about the proposal which I said to you ?

Rajesh : Are you sure your younger brother Harsh will be best for Janaki ?

Vandana : Harsh knows everything and he is really a good friend of Janaki. But I am not sure what Harsh’s view about Janaki.

Rajesh : Did you told him Janaki has started doing job again , what did he say ?

Vandana : Yes. Harsh felt really happy to hear this.

Rajesh : Without knowing their consents we can’t take any decision Vandana.

Vandana : I know. I just felt Harsh may keep our sister Janaki Vandana as very happy. Sorry if I said wrong.

Rajesh ; No Vandana. You are her bhabhi and you have full rights to take decision. Just that I felt we should not take any decision in hurry.

Vandana : Shall I call Harsh here ?

Rajesh : Yeah that’s good idea. But simply tell him you are missing him a lot. So please stay here for some days. I guess during these time may be Janaki and Harsh can talk .It will be good.

To be continued…..

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