Radha started crying and Krishna seems consoling her and police came and investigate everyone but no use…
Radha fell down and Krishna carries him… Sakunthala and Rajasekar comes there with little Prem..
Krishna took Brinda and walks outside and finds prem sitting there sadly…
Prem – why pappa everyone is crying and why Radha Ma is sleeping?…
Krishna – Radha Ma didn’t feel well and. .
Brinda starts snuggles and makes sounds… Little prem stand in his toes and finds the baby.. and smiles..
Prem – Pappa ?… May I hold her?..
Krishna gave her to him and asks him to hold properly…
Chandana comes there sadly…
” I’m so sorry Sir , because of me you couldn’t get your child , it’s all my fault.. i’m sorry Sir”..
Krishna – Don’t think like that.. If I chase him to save my child leaving you burning in fire , I’m a heartless selfish man.. I’m more confident, One or another day I’ll find her… i’m so confident, she is an Angel, No one can do anything to her!..
They talk for some time and Chandana starts playing with Brinda… Brinda’s cloth comes off her shoulders… Chandana sees her birthmark and gets shocked to find the child misplaced and excuses herself not before covering Brinda with the Cloth perfectly and leaves from there… Krishna seems confused with her change but neglects it…
Prem and Krishna plays with Brinda for some time…
It has been a week after that Incident of Sandhya kidnapped… Rajasekar and Sakunthala leaves for some important conference in US. And they left Prem with them…
Krishna comes out of the room and sees Radha’s change , Brinda brings the smile in her face… Krishna didn’t spend even a full minute with Baby Brinda , he shuts himself inside the room stating he is the reason for the kidnap of their another child…
Radha sees Krishna and smiles and signals him to come inside and gives Brinda to Prem..
Radha – Prem.. Take your little cousin with you and show her your drawings…
Prem happily said “Okay Ma”… and takes Brinda carefully with him…
Radha – Its what God gift us!… Don’t think you are responsible for what happened.. you did help to save a life from fire… God will surely bless our kids…
She said taking his hand to her heart and looking into his eyes…
Krishna – I belive your words… I know you got these strength from our little princess.. i’m happy to see you smile..
He said and kissed her forehead and she just pushed him back lightly.. Krishna Frowned…
Radha – But I’m not happy… you didn’t even take our princess and spend a single minute with her, only Rajasekar Bhaiya and Sakunthala Bhabhi and our lill Prem took care…
Krishna – I’m sorry.. i’m really I’m sorry.. I can’t able to see you like this and I felt I’m the reason for our another princess Kidnap… Still the Police can’t find our another Princess… So I just don’t want to show my unlucky face to our little princess , if something happens to her I can’t…
Radha – Don’t say another word like that.. Without you.. even i can’t live…
The hug each other and shared a peaceful moments by hearing their heart beats.. And fells asleep…
Prem shows his drawing to Brinda and Brinda laughs seeing him and one can fell the real brother sister lovely bond forming…
After some time Prem yarns and so does Brinda…
Prem – Come on Princess.. It’s time to sleep…
Prem carries Brinda to Radha’s room but sees Both his Radha Ma and Krishna Pa are sleeping peacefully… so he closed the door silently and sees Brinda sleeping on his Shoulder. ..
Prem – Princess… you are going to sleep with you brother today..
And carries her to his room and places her crib next to his bed and swings it lightly and after some time he too sleeps…
Chandran comes to know about Gyathri not being his own child … he receives a message and gets shocked…
manoramma comes to krishna’s house and blackmails Radha and Krishna…
Awesome updates akka… I loved all the parts sooo much.mmm happy to see ur updates after many days.. eagerly awaiting for ur further updates..
Thanks dear!!!