Fan Fiction

Prem Charitra (Episode 9)

Sorry guys for the delay…

The episode starts with Brinda steps insides the temple…. Sawdhandheera feels her presence…. She greets Swadhandheera…

Brinda – I brought breakfast for you ma…

Swadhandheera – have you had your breakfast dear?

Brinda – I’ll go back home and will have breakfast with my friends ma.. Don’t worry…. And we all leaving this Ratheshwar Coloney by tomorrow… We will miss you..

Swadhandheera – But you will come back for sure…. Your story started here.. So it will continue till your birth mission complete…

Brinda – May be I’ll come back… Not as a student… But as a archaeologist…

Swadhandheera – daughter… Your interest in this archeology brings you back were you belongs… May god bless you in all your path of life…

Brinda – I didn’t understand what you are saying… But my heart says to Believe you..

Let me serve you…

Swadhandheera thinks I born to serve you..
Then she started eating the food Brinda served…

Brinda – I just wanna to see these place … Shall I?

Swadhandheera – Ofcourse dear…

Brinda sees the plants and trees allover the place… See goes back side and saw the real beauty of the temple.

Big gate at front side and on right a beautiful pond of Red and White lotus. ..and on left side a big banyan tree and other different kinds of plants containing colourful flowers…

Brinda – Ma… Everywhere seems so beautiful but you didn’t say anything about the scriptures in back building… I heared no one entered in that?

Swadhandheera – if you want you can go…

Come on…

Brinda enters into that building…. She sees all those scriptures..

A king , A queen and two prince and a single princess but there is some other thing… From tgat single princess one more princess emerging outside from back…. At that time Swadhandheera is called by some old man for herb.. So she excused herself…. Brinda started taking Photo of all the things…

Suddenly she fell down hitting some box… Used at that period.. Some book ? made of leaves covered with some golden plate is found…

Brinda took the book in her hands and started getting some kind of flashes….

1. Two Girls emerging from fire… And flowers showers them…

2. A girl running towards an elephant…

3. One middle aged person seems to be dressed as king and looks her with care..

4. Someone is slashed by the hands of girl.

5. A girl hurts herself with a sword and a splash of blood scatters on a girl statue covered with cloth….

She fell down immediately..

Sawdhandheera calls and informs… Professor and all other persons comes there and take her to the hospital….

When Brinda opens her eyes..
Her Mom and Dad seems smiling..

Everyone is happy tgat she woke up after a week… Prem is seen nearby holding her hand..

And Ameen explains how Swadhandheera called and asked to join in a city hospital and how everyone cried…

A week after everything back to normal…
Prem explains how he convinced every friends to join in next city… And they will back after their course and training…

Prem asked her to accompany him to Niranjans Office….

Flashback ends….


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