Fan Fiction


Hey Ishqies …. I understand may be you all expected shivika, ishkara or rumya…but I really want to do a new thing….That’s why I wrote it for prinku… guys please forgive me for not fulfilling your wishes…..But please comment on it whenever you get time to read…

Scene- 1 { continuation }
Omkara : Shivaay I don’t understand why you judge people with their surname, lineage, status and class? And about blood…. shivaay every one has the same red blood only….
Shivaay : There you are wrong, Om….every one has the red blood…but every one doesn’t have the blood from the family roots….Well I could say….{Shivaay suddenly stopped talking as he find Tej and Mr. Chabra were arguing each other}
Omkara : Shivaay….what happened ?
Shivaay : Om…just look @ there{shivaay pointed out his finger and Om also find Tej- Chabra arguing}
Om : Lets see….shivaay…
Shivaay : Yeah, Om….

Scene- 2
{Tej and Mr. Chabra were arguing and Sakthi, Jhanvi, Dadi , Mrs. Chabra and Pinky were trying to stop their argument…..Shivaay and Omkara reaches there}
Mr. Chabra : I am not interested in talking to Mr. Tej
Tej : I don’t want to waste my time here….Sakthi lets go…
Sakthi : But bhaai saab…..the function….
Dadi : Both of you have no right to blame each other as you both have cheated your wives…..
Tej : Maa….
Chaya {Mrs. Chabra} : She is absolutely right….Well my husband admitted his extra marital affair with Geetha Chopra ….
Mr. Chabra : Now I am not feeling shame to open up this ….Actually whenever I met Geeta I always requested her to join our family and I was ready to give the right which she deserves…
Dev : Really paapa ?I don’t think so…. {Dev interrupted his words all of a sudden and comes closer to his father and stares him in much anger…Prinku also arrives there and she is worried…}Paapa…..i wish you could have say this to mom @ least once….I always witnessed you as a husband who used to gift his wife with new dresses, accessories only….And my mom blindly trusted you and kept all those things as precious like a small child who loves to play with dolls..
Chaya : Dev….
Dev : Am sorry mom….But I am not able to tolerate my mom’s insult…..And why all are arguing here ? I admit the thing that am Dev only….Not Dev Chabra….
Dadi : Dev beta….I can understand your feelings…. But beta…..unfortunately children are supposed to bear the consequences when parents will commit mistakes…..Please control yourself…..
Jhanvi : We are really very sorry…..
Shivaay : Badi maa, why you are saying sorry ? Actually these people have committed the mistake…..And….
Dadi : Billu….no one is perfect in this world…..When Chabra invited me I got excited as our families know each other very well and chabra is like my sakthi and tej….But I didn’t expected Tej and Chabra will intentionally create a scene to degrade themselves ….
Tej : Maa….Actually…..
Dadi : I don’t ask your explanation….
Pinky : Oh My Maata !! The secrets are outs……I am worried if media will makes issues!!!
Sakthi : Pinky….
Shivaay : Paapa…mom is right…..This media just focused to make sensational news on rich people….
Omkara : Shivaay…they are doing their duty only…
Shivaay : Oh ! Really, Om….I want to say….
Sakthi : Shivaay, Omkara…guys please stop it…I think we should leave now……where is rudra ?
Prinku : Rudra bhaiya is with Rihan…..
Dev : I will go and bring them…..{ Prinku observes his wet eyes….she feels sad……}
{Dev goes and bring Rudra And Rihan…}
Rudra : What bhaiya ? Just now we came here and you are saying we have to leave…..Not fair…
Shivaay : Rudra, we have to leave right now…..
Rudra : But,bhaiya….
Omkara : Shivaay is right, rudra
Rudra : Om, any thing serious ?
Omkara : I will tell you later….
Dadi : Chabra…Chaya…Dev….We are really sorry…
Chabra : Maaji…please don’t say sorry….actually I am feeling really very bad that I just uttered words without thinking….Sorry…..Maaji…..
Dadi : Its alright….
{The whole oberoi family is ready to leave….Every one stares @ chabras ….Prinku stares Dev…..She feels sad for

Dev…..Dev also stares her with wet eyes and tries to smile…..They share an eyelock….}
Omkara : Prinku, lets go…..
Priyanka : Yeah bhaiya…..
Dev : Om bhaiya….am sorry ….{he holded omkara’s hand}
Omkara : Dev….take care…{both of them smile}….prinku….
Priyanka : Bhaiya…one minute….actually I think I have forgotten my purse….I think I have placed it in the table……I will bring it…..
Omkara : Ok…But come fast…..{He leaves}
Prinku : Yeah…{she walks and when she find omkara has left the spot she take the purse which she had hidden with her dupatta…..Dev observes it and smiles}
Dev : Priyanka….why you did it ?
Priyanka : Dev….Actually I did it because…I….I….I…
Dev : You want to say some thing to me….but you are tensed….right ?
Priyanka : Yeah….dev……as you asked can we become friends…..I felt you are upset….so I…..
Dev : So kind of you priyanka…..You are very innocent…. Well….friends ?….{he raised his hands to shake ……prinku smiled and she also raised her hand…both of them shake hands each other…..and stared each other….with beautiful smiles}
Priyanka : Dev….I have to leave…..Please take care….
Dev : Sure priyanka…..hope we will see again….
Prinku : Bye,dev
Dev : Bye, priyanka….
{Prinku leaves and dev couldn’t take his eyes from her as he felt prinku as very special….While prinku holded her hand with much care since her friendship started with that hand and it made a cute smile on her face}

PRECAP : Dev- Omkara conversation….

So guys…that’s all for today…..please…guys I need your comments and I agree many of you have don’t felt it as good as all expected shivika, ishkara and rumya from me…But guys…just think about our prinku….i mean the way they stopped pridev track has put so many questions…That’s why I felt I should write an ff for prinku and I wish a love track for her in serial also….
Ishqies….please comment on this part…..And this may have faults and mistakes ….but guys I am writing this to get a relief amidst of hectic work and health issues….
Please comment and tell me if you like it or not…


Sun always rises and spreads light, but sun flower expect sun to lime light and may be sun is not able to do it. But sun will show care through twilight.True love will succeed

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