Fan Fiction


Thanks guys for much support. .it’s just my thought..I don’t know there will be positive feedbacks. Anyway special thanks to all who commented…

The episode starts with abhi asking pragya to leave his hands.pragya says please forgive ME na.abhi says do you think I can forget it easily…you know onething…after your sister betrayed me ,I lost all the hopes.but you came in my life.I gained my I was wrong..pragya says that nikil…he showed me the photos…abhi says nikil…nikil…how many days you know him…one..three. but we both are known for 2 months…pragya says I am sorry and cries…but abhi left …..pragya sits on the floor crying….

Later it was 2 am…when abhi comes to room…he sees pragya sitting on the floor with head on the wall..slept.he took her in his arms and placed her on the bed.he caressed her face saying …I am sorry …I don’t have any way…please wait till tomorrow evening. .you will be the only happy women after ….and slept beside her.

Next morning..pragya gets up and sees ….abhi was not there. She thought then how can I …in bed.sure he wound have forgiven me.I have to talk to him now.that time tanu comes in saying good morning. .pragya said morning…she sees a tray in her hands and asked why you are doing these works as you are pregnant. Tanu says for whom I am doing…it’s for my sister na…and why did you slept last night in floor.pragya asked how you know..tanu says me and purab made you to sleep on the bed.pragya thinks so abhi didn’t…he is still in anger.tanu says drink this coffee ,fresh up and come for breakfast.pragya nods yes.she wants to cry but before she wants to meet abhi.she gets up.freshed and went down for breakfast

Tanu says to abhi …plan sucess.I said to her what you said.abhi says thanks.tanu says I am ratifying my mistake and more I am doing for my sister. Abhi says she is coming…and both sits nothing happened.

PRAGYA comes and greets Neil and ragini. PRAGYA was about to serve abhi ,but abhi says i don’t want..I have to’s urgent. Ragini says but beta..abhi looks at pragya and says ku aunty…I want to leave and goes..pragya gets hurt and left to room.
abhi calls bulbul and asked her to do her role.bulbul says sure bhai Nd called pragya.pragya wipes her tears and attends the call.she says ha..bulbul.bulbul says bhabhi…I am missing you a lot.when you will return.pragya controlled her tears and says soon…bulbul says but I want to meet you…idea..better you come to bhai’s concert…we can see each other three.pragya says but bulbul
..bulbul says you are coming bhabhi….and cuts the call.
Tanu too asked pragya to come as she is going to abhi’s concert. PRAGYA agrees.

In evening. .
abhi was waiting for pragya.he prayed to God…she must come.bulbul comes there saying bhai…abhi asked bulbul…that pragya will come na…bulbul says I am sure bhai..and tanu told that they are on the way…abhi says ok …do what I said.bulbul says ok…and abhi leaves.

Tanu and pragya comes.bulbul hugs her.pragya was searching for abhi…tanu and bulbul noticed and smiles …pragya asked why you both are laughing. Bulbum says bhabhi….you trust me na..pragya says ofcourse.bulbul says then why are you asking come let’s go…

The concert begins…abhi sings a song….sanam re….he constantly looking at pragya.pragya gets happy seeing him…he finally completes and says friends. ..I gonna…introduce a person…who is more than my life…my love…you wanna know about that person…the crowd shouts yes….yes…abhi says ok ok…I think the person is here.pragya looks around.abhi asked why are you looking around…pragya looks at him.abhi says come on…bulbul says bhabhi …go ..he is calling you.tanu too cheers her. PRAGYA says no…he is not calling me.abhi says wanna me to take you..and comes near pragya…pragya was shocked.he took her in his arms and …makes her to stand on stage.pragya was suprised

..she never expected this.abhi says here the person…is…my life…my love…my wife…Mrs.PRAGYA MEHRA….all shouts……abhi…pragya…abhi says I want to say sorry to her…as I hurted her…yesterday..I am sorry..I planed a suprise…pragya smiles at him.abhi kneels down and takes pragya’s hands in his and asked will you accept me…all shouts say yes…..pragya says hmm.abhi says I love you…pragya says I love you too….both hugged each other…abhi says thanks for accepting…all cheers them…bulbul and tanu hugs…pragya says I am sorry…abhi says it’s ok…and both smiles at each other…

Tanu excuses herself and went to washroom.on her way she saw nikil coming…she asked why he came here..and asked now see..abhi…loved whom….nikil says I know…and asked please forgive me..I was wrong..tanu says oh shut up…don’t even try to near me
..and was about to leave but slipped and falls down…nikil shouts tanu…and abhi,pragya too heard it and they all reached near tanu…tanu cried in pain.abhi says we have to take her to hospital.and abhi gets the car where bulbul sits beside him.pragya with tanu in the back.pragya asked tanu not to her fear as nothing will happen to baby.

they admitted in the hospital…pragya cried.abhi consoles her. She hugs him saying if something happens to baby..abhi says nothing will happen…don’t worry. Doctor comes….pragaya asked him to speak.the doctor says I am sorry…she is so week…and we could not save the baby .pragya steps back.abhi hold a her.nikil comes there…pragya holds his collar saying because of you she lost the baby….pragya cries…abhi consoles her.nikil says I am feeling guilty now…as I must have trusted tanu.Neil and ragini comes.pragya hugs Neil saying pappa….and Neil says be strong…you should give her strength…all enters…tanu was sitting almost lost in her thoughts…pragya hugged her saying don’t worry….but tanu didn’t reacted.pragya asked her to cry….out her heart..tanu looks at her and cried harder…she says because of me…I lost my child…I am a killler…PRAGYAsays nothing like that…tanu says I am punished pragya…for my sin. ..I lost my child… I think God had punished me.pragya asked her not to speak like this and hugs her.

Ram and priya and asked tanu not to strain and asked pragya to come with them as she must be tired.pragya says no I will not come.but tanu asked her to go…pragya,abhi leaves…

In mm…
priya gives food to robin to give to pragya…robin comes near the room but was stopped by abhi..abhi says I will give and robin leaves.abhi comes in seeing pragya crying…he sits near her…and asked her to eat

PRAGYA says I am not hungry …I don’t want..abhi says ok I will also not eat.pragya looks on him and asked him to eat..abhi says how will a husband says when his wife is hungry. I know you have not eaten anything from yesterday night…bcoz I haven’t speak to you…so please now eat this and feeds her.pragya too feeds him..abhi says that’s my girl…and both smiles..

Hope it’s a long episode ….i fulfilled your wishes ….I think…please comment…it will make me happy..


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