Categories: Pukaar Dil Se Dil Tak

Pukaar Dil Se Dil Tak 16th August 2024 Written Episode Update: The DNA of Saraswathi and Vedika is not a match

Pukaar Dil Se Dil Tak 16th August 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Lali asks Saraswathi to quickly read the report as she cannot wait any longer, Saraswathi opens the envelope when Mauri starts counting saying Koyal should be ready, Lali once again asks Saraswathi to be quick, Saraswathi starts reading that with intense care it has been found that Mis Saraswathi and Miss Vedika’s DNA, saying this Saraswathi gets quiet and is not able to say anything else, Lali asks why is Saraswathi creating so much suspense, Lali goes to her side, Rageshwari questions what did Saraswathi say, Lali mentions the DNA did not match hearing which Degvijay is rejoiced while everyone else is shocked. Koyal and Mauri also cannot believe it, Rageshwari signals Lali to stay quiet. Saraswathi says that Miss Vedika Sharma is not the daughter of Saraswathiathi Mittal, Sagar leaves

the hand of Vedika and not able to understand what is happening, Suphedra is also shocked. Sagar anxiously starts reading the reports and then turns to the doctor asking what is it, the doctor says that it is the report when Sagar asks how can it happen but the doctor says the DNA of Miss Vedika Sharma is not a match to Miss Saraswathi Mittal and this means she is not her daughter, Vedika taking the report says it cannot happen, Rageshwari turns to Degvijay with a smile on his face, and then Degvijay turns to the doctor who thinks how he changed the report on orders of Mr Degvijay. Saraswathi says it cannot happen as Vedika is her daughter, Suphedra comes to console her while Sagar says she should take care of herself, Saraswathi asks how many times will her hopes be ruined, Koyal furiously says that this means that Vedika is also lying.

Padma tells Saraswathi that they found Vedika near the accident site and she had the Kalesh, Suphedra asks if this means the report are false, Vedika replies that she is sure and it ash not happened with them for the first time. Rageshwari scolds Vedika saying that she came to them with her parents and the Kalesh but it turned out to be fake even then Sagar and Saraswathi believed her, Rageshwari gets furious saying Sagar said they should get the DNA test done and arranged for everything needed for it, Vedika tries to explain herself but Rageshwari blames Vedika for being the reason of Saraswathi saying she inflicted pain after giving her hope which is not right. Sagar asks the doctor if he is sure the reports are not manipulated when the doctor says they had arranged for a special security guard so it is not possible that someone changed the report, the doctor gets a call and says he needs to take it so walks out of the Maheshwari Mansion. Vedika says she cannot understand what is going on then Vedika tries to go to Sagar, Rageshwari says it is enough so she only wants to take care of her daughter while Vedika must be ashamed of herself as then thank god to medical science as people like Vedika cannot make fool of Saraswathi, she stops Rageshwari explaining Vedika is not a liar as her heart and motherhood has accepted that Vedika is Jhanvi so does not know how this report can be negative.

Degvijay says that this is what Maa has been trying to say that the report cannot be false so this girl is lying. Vedika goes to Sagar who runs to sit in front of Saraswathi, Himat gets a call on his phone and goes to answer it, Mauri suggests Koyal that they should get away from here as everyone is busy on Vedika and even Himat has left. Koyal asks how can it happen when Mauri tries to run however Lali stops them saying that they need to reveal the truth, Lali says that Saraswathi Bhabhi is not in the condition and she would read them, Sagar says the reports are negative as Koyal is a liar. Lali says that she is not a thief but Jhanvi, Rageshwari cannot believe it and then reads the reports which says the DNA of Koyal and Saraswathi is a match. Saraswathi asks what did Maa say, Lali mentions they both read it but still she cannot accept it, Koyal gets excited when Mauri thinks she did not get any chance to change the report this means that Koyal is actually the daughter of Saraswathi. Mauri thinks of a day when she found Koyal in the bushes so thinks that Saraswathi was the women in the car with her husband. Koyal says that Momsi did not change the report but Mauri replies she was lying as there is nothing which Mauri cannot do and she lied to make sure Koyal enjoys this moment. Saraswathi asks Rageshwari if Koyal is her mother, Mauri says that she had been trying to tell them that Koyal is their daughter but she did not know it, Koyal tries to explain, Vedika however says she cannot trust her at all as Koyal is a liar and she is the Jhanvi, Sagar agrees with Vedika when Saraswathi also says she cannot believe Koyal and trusts Vedika.

Rageshwari says that she knows Saraswathi does not listen to her mind at all and he cannot say anything about Sagar who has fallen in love with Vedika and she can say he must do whatever he feels like but he should accept that Vedika is not Jhanvi but a liar. Sagar replies Vedika is not a liar, Rageshwari replies the reports are saying which Sagar had arranged for and she is not the one to cause all this drama but Sagar replies he is saying Vedika is telling the truth, Rageshwari replies that the parents of Vedika, she says that no one knows if they are her parents and if Vedika is telling the truth then they both are definitely liars.

Precap: Vedika tells Sagar that the reports are fake, Sagar says the reports were in the lab for the entire night and Vedika says this means he does not trust her, Sagar replies he is saying that she should just leave right now Vedika taking her bag walks out of the Maheshwari Mansion.

Update Credit to: Sona

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