Categories: Pukaar Dil Se Dil Tak

Pukaar Dil Se Dil Tak 1st July 2024 Written Episode Update: Vedika and Sagar get in an argument

Pukaar Dil Se Dil Tak 1st July 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Sagar says he will fight against the secrets, Degvijay asks if it is matter of respect for him to fight against his own father, Sagar says he not only has to fight but even win, Vedika mentions she is going to support Sagar in this fight, she leaves the Maheshwari Mansion while Sagar follows her, Rageshwari wonders how was Dayal able to remain alive, Degvijay says what would happen when their own become the enemy.

Vedika goes to the door of the Maheshwari Mansion thinking of how Saraswathi said that she is glad Vedika is not her daughter because what she did today would not have been done by her Jhanvi, Vedika thinks that she felt a lot of pain when her parents told her she is not their real daughter but she felt even more pain today when Saraswathi said she is not her daughter. Sagar

comes to Vedika requesting her to listen to her but she replies he used her to fight with his own father, she replies he has just used her in all of it but Sagar replies it is not like that and then Vedika says that had Sagar told her the truth about Dayal singh and he himself saw it all today, Vedika says that Saraswathi just today protected her like her own daughter but then said she is grateful Vedika is not like her daughter, she leaves informing Sagar it is all because of him.

Saraswathi is sitting on the couch thinking how she wondered why does Vedika feel like her own, she then recalls how she hugged Vedika and always kept her by the side, she si very emotional. Vedika also going to the police station is very sad, Koyal starts revealing the entire situation then Saraswathi think when Sagar accepted he got the bail for Dayal. Koyal is still explaining the entire situation when Vedika is thinking about what Saraswathi said to her.

Saraswathi is sitting when Sagar comes to sit beside her asking if she really thinks he can hurt her and says that he feels there is still a lot to do with Dayal singh, Saraswathi replies she does not even want to hear his name as the accident which ruined her life and took away his best friend but still Sagar is sympathetic towards her, Sagar says that Vedika had already taken the case and knew nothing about it, Saraswathi replies she does not even want to hear the name of the girl. Koyal asks Vedika what happened when she says that she needs to attend the call. Saraswathi says she cannot blame Maa or Degvijay because Sagar is not a mother, Rageshwari entering says that Sagar is from the modern generation and believes that even the criminal should be given the second chance but why do they not think that the one who has lost everything would not be able to bear it, Sagar sitting beside Saraswathi says that she should not cry as they are besties but Saraswathi replies he has broken the relation himself and she does not even want to talk to him, Rageshwari thinks Vedika Sharma has lost it, Saraswathi replies she does not even want to see the face of that girl, Sagar leaves the room while Saraswathi is still crying so Rageshwari comes to stand by her side, Saraswathi apologizes to her while crying and even hugs Rageshwari tightly so then Rageshwari is smiling.

Dayal enters the office of the jailer where Vedika and Koyal are sitting, Dayal says she fulfilled her promise, Vedika asks him to tell the truth when he says she is right as it is not a simple hit and run case, Dayal says this is not the complete truth and Vedika replies the first day when he met her and he was running from them after which he entered the Maheshwari Mansion, Dayal says he wanted to tell it all to Saraswathi mam and requests Vedika to arrange a meeting, Vedika says that Saraswathi mam is angry with her as she got the bail for him, Dayal says he still wants to meet her after which he is ready to even be hanged because he wants to tell her who is the real reason behind the death of her husband.

Degvijay tells his mother it would not happen and the last time when he told her everything that she is Saraswathi, he asks if she is even listening when Rageshwari says that it is harmful to be over confident and even harmful to get habitual of accepting defeat, she accepts that Dayal got the bail and Vedika was saved but it was good that Saraswathi lost the trust and love for Vedika. Dayal says he does not care about that girl. Rageshwari replies that whenever that girl is near Saraswathi she gets worried, Rageshwari says what can she tell Degvijay that she is worried about what Pandit jee said about the Trilok, that whenever the three of them are going to be together then they would always be successful, Rageshwari thinks that she has to do something about it.

Sagar says he is glad she agreed to meet him and he notices how she is sad so stops the car, Vedika says that she is feeling as if she deceived Saraswathi aunti, Sagar turns the face of Vedika towards him requesting her to not be sad as he should have told the entire truth about the case. Vedika agrees that when she went to meet Dayal uncle then saw the tension on his face and felt this picture in not true, Sagar holds the hands of Vedika thanking her for it, saying he was never able to talk with everyone especially when it happened, Vedika asks what was his age, Sagar replies he was seven years of ago and it was the birthday of Jhanvi while Gautham uncle was taking them to the Mandir and Jhanvi did not want to go but they left and never returned, Sagar says he remembers when he gave Jhanvi a red balloon as she really used to like them, they were waiting to celebrate their birthday but got the news of the accident before that could happen, Vedika then holds his hand apologizing for it all, Sagar says she might think he used her but he wants to give his mother and aunt all the happiness while take them away, Vedika asks what about her, they both start looking eachother in the eyes while still holding the hands. Vedika thinks about how Sagar was there to save her each and every time, Sagar suddenly realizes the situation so sits straight. Vedika turning to Sagar says when she met Dayal then he requested to meet Saraswathi for once, Rageshwari in the seat thinks Saraswathi can neither meet Dayal or Vedika, she is furious.

Precap: Rageshwari says that she said Saraswathi is in her room but where is she, Dayal calls Saraswathi from behind the stairs of the Mandir informing how it was not an accident and he was given a very big sum of money, Saraswathi asks what is he saying and demands the name of the person.

Update Credit to: Sona

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