Categories: Pukaar Dil Se Dil Tak

Pukaar Dil Se Dil Tak 31st May 2024 Written Episode Update: Pandit jee warns Rageshwari

Pukaar Dil Se Dil Tak 31st May 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Vedika is sitting on the seat while Koyal is playing with the balloon when she suddenly throws the string down so Vedika catches it, she suddenly remembers the day on the bus when she just like that lifted the balloon on the air, Vedika thanks her when koyal says most welcome, Mauri asks her what are they going to do in Jaipur, Koyal asks her to chill explaining they will do their family business, Koyal takes out a string and then puts it down in the bus trying to lift the string from the pocket of the person which has his phone attached to it, she is able to ligt it, Mauri says she wanted a new phone on her birthday, and explains that she thinks this phone is chinease, Koyal asks her to wait and see what she would do with it, she then applies a code after which she takes out eight thousand rupees

from it before finally making the amount reach ten thousand, she is enjoying with Mauri while Vedika is also praying with the string.

Saraswathi has lit the Diya in the Mandir while praying and thinking that both Jhanvi and Yamini are by her side but then she realizes she is alone so she puts a knot on her saree wishing them both happy birthday, explaining it has been twenty years since they separated but she has still not forgotten their face, she explains her daughter Jhanvi was very strong willed and clever while Yamini was playful and so exclaims that her Aanagan is not the same without them, while everyone says if the fate of the daughters was with her then why would they separate, she says that on their birthday their mother gets a new hope and she feels they are so close that when she raises her hand forward they will come and hug her.

The parents are celebrating the birthday of Vedika who thanks them all asking f then can cut it but the boy says they made a mistake as what is written in the cake, Vedika says who knows when is her actual birthday but both her parents gave her a new life otherwise she does not know why her parents left her. Saraswathi says that today is the last day of her struggle and both her daughters are going to be in front of her. Vedika says she does not want to spoil the mood and celebrate this day with her parents.

Rageshwari comes to Saraswathi saying she is very sad today as it is the death anniversary of Gautham, Saraswathi replies that today she has gotten new hope as today is also the birthday of his daughters along with his death anniversary, Vedika is celebrating her birthday with the children when her mother says they did not try to find her parents but just left the city, her father says they did not have any other option at that time and needed to save her life but they still managed to save her.

Rageshwari calls Kamal towards her saying Saraswathi still forgot, Kamal takes out the Sindoor which he applies on the Mang of Saraswathi who is still quiet, Rageshwari says it has been twenty years and for how long will she just see this relation as an unwanted relation, Saraswathi leaves after apologizing to her, Rageshwari says that in the twenty years her tears have not stopped and it is her blessing that she did not let her live the life of a widow and married her to Kamal. Supatra says that certain injuries are not able to filled with time, Rageshwari is about to fall but Supatra helps her when Rageshwari says that things donot change but why is Saraswathi not able to accept it as they did not find her daughter in the past twenty years, Supatra leaves after being called.

Rageshwari then gets a call from Sagar seeing which she starts smiling and answers it, Sagar asks why did he not call him when she was so ill, Rageshwari starts performing the pooja telling Sagar she was taking medicines but is not well, Sagar says he is coming straight to her after leaving the airport, Rageshwari replies she actually wants to see him and what if she dies, Sagar says he has returned to India. Saraswathi asks if Maa lied to Sagar while performing pooja, Rageshwari says that Maheshwari Masala has made its mark in the top thirty business of India, while she knows that Sagar has to control the business when he desired to study abroad after studying Law to which she agreed but now it is time for him to know the rules of the business, Rageshwari says even Saraswathi would be waiting for his return, she explains she had asked for the hand of Jhanvi for Sagar but it was not accepted by fate and one cannot do anything, Saraswathi gets emotional.

Sagar is walking out of the airport while looking at the watch, he wonders why did the driver not reach on time. Sagar gets a hold of a balloon and turning remembers when he would give it to Jhanvi, the vendor comes running saying Sagar caused a loss, Sagar says he will give money for it, the person asks why is he giving so much money but Sagar apologizes to him. The driver greets Sagar but he says he is going to drive the car, the driver tries to argue but then agrees so goes to sit at the passenger seat.

Sagar starts driving towards the house thinking today is the birthday of Jhanvi and he wonders if he would be able to meet her again in this life.

Vedika is celebrating the birthday when one of the children says he felt she forgot her birthday which is why wrote thank you, Vedika asks if he thinks she does not have good memory, she starts running after him when he says he will give her chocolate but Vedika replies that he knows she does not like them, Koyal is enjoying the chocolate while walking on the foot path with Mauri, she says she wants to eat a lot but still cannot gain weight, Mauri suggests they would celebrate this day in a five star hotel when Koyal asks how can they eat with just ten thousand, Mauri reveals the plan.

Rageshwari is laughing with Saraswathi but then asks her to go and rest, she thinks Saraswathi has still not lost the habit of taunting them, Degvijay comes taking her blessing but asks why did she get Saraswathi married to Kamal when she could have let her leave the house, Rageshwari asks when will he understand the Rageshwari Neiti as had she let Saraswathi leave this house then her desire to take revenge would have risen again and she could not want it, this is why she kept her in this house as she cannot be a danger to them if she stays with them.

Sagar is talking to his mother saying she must not be worried as nothing would happen to Dadi. Suaptra goes to Rageshwari informing how Sagar seemed worried when she thinks that Rageshwari Neiti would work. Rageshwari tells pandit jee that he should tell her about the time when they can give the business to Sagar, Pandit jee says that twenty years have passed but they were not able to find the bodies of the daughters, Rageshwari says she was talking about the same thing to him, Pandit jee mentions Sagar is the one who will cause the daughters to Saraswathi to meet and this will surely happen, Vedika is running when her dupatta flies off from around her neck and gets stuck in the windscreen of Sagar, he comes out in anger. Koyal is standing while Mauri signals her to start the act, Vedika keeps running after the child.

Precap: Saraswathi says she has been coming here for twenty years and he should arrange her meeting with the daughters, Vedika says she does not know who has made the prayer but he should surely fulfill the prayers of that person, Saraswathi is about to fall when Vedika and Koyal both help her, she thinks how she felt that she found her daughters, Saraswathi performs the pooja with Koyal and Vedika.

Update Credit to: Sona

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