Categories: Pukaar Dil Se Dil Tak

Pukaar Dil Se Dil Tak 3rd July 2024 Written Episode Update: Saraswathi agrees to support Vedika

Pukaar Dil Se Dil Tak 3rd July 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Vedika says warm clothes are usually on the top shelves, Sagar says he looked there but could not find any, Vedika offers to help and is about to start looking when Sagar turns saying he found it, Kamal calls Sagar so he walks out of the room. Vedika and Koyal both cover Saraswathi with the warm sheet while after that Vedika remember when Saraswathi said she made the knot for Yamini and Jhanvi while will open them after they return, Koyal texts her momsi saying that it would take her some time to return, Vedika is thinking about how Dayal singh was killed, Vedika asks for a moment and she bumps into Sagar who talks about the post mortum report, Sagar asks Miss Sharma to come with him and they walk away.

Degvijay takes out the alcohol when Rageshwari praises him for the success as now they

would not be suspected for anything, Degvijay asks if he can even make a drink for her, but Rageshwari replies one should not be controlled by anything but they should be the one to control it as this is known as Rageshwari Neiti since even Saraswathi came back to their control once again and now that Vedika would not be able to do anything.

Sagar takes Vedika to the room who asks why did he bring her here, he replies so he could bring out the entire truth in her heart, he says that she wanted to make sure Dayal singh reveals the entire truth in front of Saraswathi while it was the first case of her career which she even won but Vedika replies she lost it, she starts getting emotional so Sagar hugs her tightly as she cannot control herself, Sagar does not embrace her at first but slowly Vedika says she promised to free Dayal singh and even assured that Sudha jee would get her husband but it is because of her that he is not alive, Sagar says he is sorry she has to go through it but he has learned to not hold their suffering and so she should clam down, Vedika replies she does not know what would happen to Sudha jee, Vedika realizes she is still hugging Sagar sit so she gets back apologizing explaining she must not cry like this for a client, Sagar asks what is she saying as it is very difficult to have a lawyer with such a big heart, he says people say being strong means to be cold hearted but one should understand the pain and suffering of other people as it is their strength, her aunt would teach this to him and Jhanvi. Sagar hands her a glass of water, Sagar informs it would calm her down and give her the strength to win the case, Sagar realizes that Koyal is with Chachi and he cannot leave her there much longer. Koyal is talking to her momsi assuring she will come very soon but Mauri takes the phone asking why can Koyal can not understand the people she is making friends with as they are very rich people, Koyal says that Saraswathi needs her help and she asks how did Momsi find out that Dayal singh was killed. Mauri demands Koyal come with her but she replies that Saraswathi aunt needs her help along with Vedika, Mauri says she should forget about them, Koyal replies that Vedika is like her sister, Mauri says they have become more important for her, Koyal says she cannot stay with her mother forever and she is tried of stealing she wants to become like Vedika who cares a lot about people. Koyal gets a text and then is glad Saraswathi aunti regained consciousness, Koyal asks momsi to go back home while she will come later, Mauri vows to teach a lesson to Vedika.

Saraswathi says Dayal was about to tell her about the person who was behind it all but he was killed by the car, Saraswathi asks if she remembers it so tries to get up, Rageshwari is about to reach to help her but then Koyal and Sagar help her sit up, Saraswathi says she was telling it twenty years ago that it was a murder and two hours ago Gautham was made chairman while then this accident, Rageshwari asks Saraswathi why did she go there and there is no need to think of it, Saraswathi replies Dayal himself accepted that he was given a hefty amount to do it. Rageshwari says that her heart has accepted Gautham is no more and Saraswathi must do the same, she will suffer the pain as long as she remember it, Sagar wonders where has Vedika gone to as she needs to be with Chachi, Vedika knocks on the door while everyone is shocked seeing her, Vedika asks if she can talk with Saraswathi alone, Rageshwari demands she should leave now but Vedika replies she wants to talk to Saraswathi aunti and once again requests her, Saraswathi is emotional while Rageshwari tries to warn her but Saraswathi asks Vedika to come inside and she goes to her saying Saraswathi is anger with her but then Saraswathi apologizes to her saying she understood the reason Vedika wanted her to meet Dayal as he wanted to tell her something, when no one believed her then Vedika trusted her and so she apologizes. Vedika asks if Saraswathi thinks Dayal was lying but Rageshwari says it is obvious then Vedika calls her Rageshwari mam telling that she is talking to Saraswathi so asks if she really thinks Dayal uncle was lying, Saraswathi relies she does not then Vedika suggests her to raise her voice as nothing would work if she stays quiet, it will be wrong with three people first her late husband Gautham and the second is Dayal who wanted to tell the truth to end the guilt while does she thinks that he wanted to play with her emotions, Vedika suggested that he desired to tell her the truth and it was not any accident as they could neither get to know of the car nor the driver, Vedika says the third person who would be hurt due to her quiet behavior is her, she knows she does not have any relation with her but she feels Saraswathi is like her own, a stranger believed in her and if she is not able to fight for her then would be restless so the person is Dayal jee who died due to her. Vedika asks if Saraswathi is going to fight for her so they can get justice for Dayal jee, Rageshwari asks Saraswathi to not listen to Vedika as they cannot even lose her so what wold she say to Gautham when she dies and he asks her why did she not take care of Saraswathi, Degvijay agrees with his mother, Vedika says Gautham can even ask her why did they not get justice for him and stayed quiet after finding out is is murder, Rageshwari says justice is necessary but on what conditions as they have to even think about it, Vedika says she is going to ask her the last time if she is going to support her, Saraswathi looks at her family and then Vedika is about to leave when Saraswathi holds her hand seeing which Vedika is relieve and she is smiling, Saraswathi says she is by her side.

Precap: Inspector asks if Saraswathi surely wants to reopen the case of her late husband, Rageshwari thinks they have to do something about this girl, Vedika calls Sagar telling him that she has the confession of Dayal in her office, Rageshwari holds the file saying that it is called as Rageshwari Neiti, Vedika mentions it is known as over confidence.

Update Credit to: Sona

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