Categories: Pukaar Dil Se Dil Tak

Pukaar Dil Se Dil Tak 8th August 2024 Written Episode Update: Rageshwari accepts that Vedika is Jhanvi

Pukaar Dil Se Dil Tak 8th August 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Sagar says the thing about making Vedika the daughter in law of this house rather he meant Jhanvi, Rageshwari replies this is the planning and she felt that Sagar warned to make Vedika the daughter in law but this is what Vedika desires, Sagar says it was the decision of Dadi who made it twenty years ago and at that time Vedika was not in the picture at all. Rageshwari replies Sagar cannot talk to him in this manner, she is saying clearly that she will not believe in the photograph and needs solid proof, Sagar replies he has the solid proof that Vedika is Jhanvi who would be the daughter in law of this family. Sagar says Dadi would get the proof, Rageshwari furiously asks where is the proof when Kishori lal opening the door says they have the proof, Padma enters holding the thali covered with

the red cloth, Vedika smiles looking at them both standing at the entrance of Maheshwari Mansion. Padma and Kishori lal walk towards the Maheshwari family members, Padma places the thali on the table, Saraswathi wonders what it might be, Sagar goes to stand beside it and e removes the cloth, Saraswathi gets shocked along with Rageshwari and Degvijay seeing it is the same Kalesh that they gave to Jhanvi. Sagar says it is the same Kalesh which she gave to Jhanvi, he asks if she remembers it. Degvijay whispers to Rageshwari that Sagar is telling the truth and he clearly remembers she gave it to Jhanvi.

Padma apologizes to Saraswathi, Kishori lal says that they found the truth after talking to her in the pooja, Padma says that the girl stayed away from her family members for twenty years thinking they left her, Padma reveals they lied to Vedika as they feared, Saraswathi walks in front of Padma and hugs her tightly, Padma is not able to believe it, Sagar starts smiling. Saraswathi starts crying when Padma requests Saraswathi to forgive them, Saraswathi praises Padma asking for what is she apologizing for saying they both raised her daughter for so many years while giving her beautiful teachings so explains she cannot forget what they both have done for Vedika, Saraswathi once again hugs Padma who cannot believe it, Suphedra and Lali are also smiling. Saraswathi asks Padma if she saw another girl at the accident site meaning her Yamini, Kishori lal says they had just found one girl there, Suphedra says she is sure GhatuSham jee would even bring Yamini to her very soon. Degvijay says Maa was telling the truth that they are losing control over everything as Jhanvi returned today while even one day Yamini will come back.

Saraswathi goes to hug Jhanvi, she then turns to Rageshwari asking her to see the Kalesh which she had given with so much love to Jhanvi. Rageshwari asks Saraswathi to stop, Sagar questions how can Dadi refuse as she herself gave the Kalesh to Jhanvi after which the accident happened, Rageshwari replies she said that no one is going to say another word now, she pushes Saraswathi aside going to Vedika asking what sort of signals was she giving in the past few days that she meant Rageshwari should see what she does next. Jhanvi replies that it is the truth that she is actually Jhanvi, Lali also says they have the photo along with the Kalesh. Rageshwari replies she cannot believe that their Jhanvi has returned to this house, she hugs Jhanvi seeing which everyone is delighted while Degvijay cannot believe it. Rageshwari says that if the one whom they donot think about comes in front of them then the heart wants to believe it but their mind cannot do the same. Rageshwari says no one could be more happy for Saraswathi then her, hearing this Saraswathi comes near Rageshwari who turning to Jhanvi mentions she would have a lot of arguments as a lot has happened between them both, she holding the hand says she is not worried while apologizing as Jhanvi is the daughter of Gautham while Saraswathi is the daughter in law of this law while in reality she has been more of her daughter in the past twenty years, while today Jhanvi is standing in front of her. Rageshwari says twenty years ago she desired that the daughter of Gautham and Saraswathi should be the daughter in law of this house while she is saying it again today that Jhanvi will be the daughter in law of this house. Lali comes with the popcorn asking if she missed some big news, Sagar says she missed the most important news regarding his marriage with Jhanvi, Lali asks Maa if it is true, she questions if Jhanvi is not going to take her blessings, Rageshwari blesses her saying she should live a prosperous life, Rageshwari explains she never called her with the real name and when she thinks of it now then has realized she also felt that Vedika was not her real name and she is actually Jhanvi. Rageshwari holding her hands says she does not know how to apologizes to both Padma and Kishori lal, she then hugs Padma tightly while saying that she humiliated them both a lot that day and behaved in the wrong manner while even slapped Padma so she should forgive her. Rageshwari says that she is glad they both raised Jhanvi when in reality have taken care of two things of Maheshwari family. Lali asks if they also found Yamini, Rageshwari says she is not talking of Yamini but this Kalesh which belongs to the Maheshwari Mansion. Rageshwari picks it up in her hands and then tells Saraswathi that twenty years ago she gave this Kalesh to Jhanvi while today both Jhanvi and Kalesh have returned, she says it is up to Saraswathi to take care of this Kalesh as it has returned to its own house. Saraswathi asks maa to see that with the blessings of GhatuSham Jhanvi has returned and she feels even Yamini would return very soon. Rageshwari touches the Kalesh on her forehead when Lali tries to inform her and then Rageshwari is not able to pull her hands away from the Kalesh. The piece of the Kalesh falls.

Precap: Vedika taking the Kalesh says it is not the real one that was given to her, Rageshwari questions then where is the real Kalesh. Mauri is holding the Kalesh advising Koyal that she should prepare an attack on Vedika.

Update Credit to: Sona

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