Punishing them for their mistakes #RIANSH OS By Tanya K (Part 2)

Hi guys I’m back with 2nd part of this TS, hope you all will like it.


RIDDHIMA: YOUR MOTHER ANUPRIYA RAISINGHANIA KILLED MY PARENTS. And made me orphan just because you both wants my parents property and business.

She shouted with full power she had in herself. And Vansh supported her by her shoulders.

And everyone looked at her in disbelief.

Ishani came towards Riddhima with full anger on her face.

ISHANI: You cheap middle class orphan, how dare you to accuse my mom for the murder of your parents.

She was about to slap Riddhima but Riddhima holded her hand and twisted it with full force and ishani winced in pain. And Whispered in her ears still audible to all.

RIDDHIMA: You listen to me carefully and I will not repeat it. Agar baat kaa pata naa ho to apne haath aur pair ghusana mat, nhi to haath uthane layak nhi chhodungi.

She said with dangerous voice and everyone was shocked to see this side of Riddhima except Vansh.

She pushed ishani a bit and she was literally shocked to see Riddhima replying her back dangerously.

She without saying anything went towards Angre.

RIDDHIMA: Where were I kabir?? Haan i was telling you my past.

She signaled Angre with her eyes and he nodded.

He went towards Kabir silently without his notice and tied him with a rope and kabir shouted at him.

RIDDHIMA: Shhhh…. Kabir don’t shout if you don’t want yourself on death bed.

She said dangerously while he bowed his head down.

Riddhima went towards Vansh and says something in his ear and he nodded and went from there.

After sometime he came with a small girl around 7 years old and was holding her hand.

ROSHNI RAICHAND: daughter of Aarohi and Deep. Sister/ ROSHGULLA of Riddhima.

She sees Riddhima and ran towards her while Riddhu opened her arms for her. They hugged each other while Raisinghania family looked at them confused.

And Vansh was smiling. After some time they both got back and Riddhima started kissing all over her face.

And Roshni was smiling very much. She again hugged her, they both were having tears in their eyes.

Riddhima bent to her level and asked.

RIDDHIMA: How are you Roshgulla, they didn’t did anything with you naa, sorry baby your didu was not able to save you. I’m sorry.

She said and holded her ears. Roshni nodded in no and cleaned her tears.

Roshni looked towards kabir and started breathing heavily and hide behind Riddhima.

ROSHNI: Didu he will kill me he’s bad please save me.

RIDDHIMA: Roshni no one can dare to touch you until your didu is with you. Hmmm..

She nodded and Riddhima gave her water to drink.

Everyone was looking at them with questioning look. And finally siya asked.

SIYA: Bhabhi who is she and why are you saying that mom killed your parents?? Please continue the story.

Riddhima nodded and told roshni to sit there on sofa and asked a servant to bring juice for Roshni.

RIDDHIMA: Before starting please everyone sit on the sofa and if there is any question so ask later.

They all nodded and sat on the sofa. And she continued with the story.

RIDDHIMA: So its start from 5 years ago, Ajay dad was my dad’s childhood best friend and Uma ma was also my mom’s best friend. We were like family to each other. Vansh and I was 5 when we met with each other we were besties. We used to play with each other, and spend time with each other. We were inseparable, but it is said naa that destiny has its own plans for our life. After sometime Roshni came in our lives. I loved her like any thing, I was over protective and possessive for her. I never leave her side for once, mom dad when ask me to go school I used to give so much excuses ( she chuckled)

One day when I was playing in the garden, Vansh, mom, dad and roshni was inside in the house. Just then I heard a sound of blast when I turned around I was shocked to see that my…. my house is being burnt. That day I lost my everything my Vansh, my mom, dad and my 3 years old sister roshni my roshgulla.

She said while her new tears got mixed with her old ones.

And she looked at Kanupriya with hatred in her eyes for them.

She continued.

After sometime I got to know that it was a pre planned murder by Anupriya and Kabir. After sometime i also get to know that Anupriya killed Uma mom. I completed my  studies and came in Kabir’s life as an orphan who craved for the love in her whole life. And as I thought he started showering me with love. And one day I proposed him. That day he told me that he want me to spy on VANSH RAISINGHANIA. I researched about him and got to know that he is my Vansh!! My ANSHU. I pretend that I’m blind in kabir’s love and I agreed instantly. And then I came in VR mansion as Siya’s physiotherapist. Vansh started doubting me as want him to do. And then he asked me to marry him when I refused but actually I want to say yess. He told me that he will marry me in 3 days forcefully. I told kabir about this with fake cries and he told me to marry him.

And as I was pretending to love kabir crazily I agreed to marry Vansh. And before 1 night of our marriage. I told him that I’m his Riddhu and everything, we both were having happy tears in our eyes. We both vow to ourselves that we will give punishment to the culprits of our parents and will take revenge from them. After sometime I got to know that my roshgulla is alive and kabir has kept her in his house ( she goes towards roshni and caressed her head softly while roshni smiled widely ). And then I and Vansh planned to get roshgulla back and take revenge from them.

I told kabir that I have got proves against Vansh which can prove that he killed Ragini. And he came to home as we thought. Rest of the story you guys know.

She looked at everyone and all were in tears. While Vansh came towards Riddhima and hugged her tightly.

Dadi also came and blessed her, siya came and hugged her tightly.

ROSHNI: Didu is this Eiffel Tower is our Vanshu anshu.

Riddhima laughed and nodded softly while Roshni ran towards Vansh with full speed and hugged him tightly. And Whispered.

ROSHNI: Vanshu anshu you become so handsome. I missed you. Mr. Jiju.

She said with her childish voice. And Vansh smiled at her widely. And kissed all over her face.

He made her down from his arms and said dangerously.

VANSH: Now it’s time for the punishment for those who dared to harm my sweetheart.

He said while looking at his family members and Kanupriya dangerously. And all looked at him fearfully.

RIDDHIMA: Siya can you please took Roshni to My and Vansh’s room and make her sleep.

She nodded and Riddhima went towards roshni.

RIDDHIMA: Roshgulla go with Siya di and sleep, didu will come to you after some.

Roshni nodded cutely and kissed Riddhima’s cheek softly and ran from there with Siya. While Riansh chuckled at her cuteness.

VANSH: So let’s start with Anupriya and Ishani and then Chachi.

He said with smirk on his face, he signaled Angre something and he nodded and went.

Angre came with a bucket full of coals and a board of nails. Ishani, chachi and Anupriya looked at Riansh shocked.

RIDDHIMA: So ishani please do the honour of walking on this hot coal and then on this nails.

She said with smirk on her face.

ISHANI: Bhai, Angre please save me.

ANGRE: I’m not of your standard get someone who is of your standard and tell him to save you.

His this statement came as shock for ishani and riansh because they didn’t expect this from Angre.

Ishani looked at Vansh with hopefull eyes but he turned his face to other direction.

RIDDHIMA: Ishani you are pregnant that’s why I didn’t told you to do much, but if you will start your drama. I will surely give you more punishment.

Ishani being disheartened by her husband and bhai started walking on the coal.

Tears were continuously flowing from her eyes, everyone were showing pity on her but nobody dare to say anything.

After walking on the coal she started walking on the board of nails. Blood was continuously flowing from her feet. After completing her punishment she goes towards the sofa and sat their.

VANSH: Anupriya you will first walk on the coal and then board of nail and then you will put you hands on boiling oil for 10 minutes.

She looked at him shocked.

ANUPRIYA: Vansh I’m your mother how can you do this with me.

VANSH ( with anger ):I don’t want a mother who can kill a mother for her benefits and can make a child orphan. Do you know the meaning of a mother.

Just then they heard a voice of a gun, everyone looked at kabir’s direction and was shocked to see Riddhima was aiming a gun on him while blood was oozing from his leg.

Anupriya shouted at her to keep the gun aside.

Riddhima warned her.

RIDDHIMA: Silently do as Vansh said you to do, warna it will not talk one minute for me to kill your lovely son.

ANUPRIYA: I’ll do whatever you say, but plzz don’t do anything to Kabir.

RIDDHIMA: Good for you know start walking.

She nodded and started walking on coal. And then on nails.

After that she goes towards the boiling oil and dip her hands in it while her hands was shaking badly. After dipping her hand in it she shouted at the top of her voice.

After 10 minutes she took her hands back and got unconscious. Kabir shouted her name while RiVaNgre were smirking.

RIDDHIMA: Chachi please dip your hand in the boiling water and then walk on the nails, and do it fast warna get ready to do the last rites of your son.

She said and aimed her gun towards Aryan. Chanchal and everyone looked at her in disbelief. They were shocked to see this fierce Riddhima.

But to save Aryan she nodded and dipped her hands in boiling water and walked on the nails.

RIDDHIMA: Everyone’s punishment is done now but their is two who is left.

She said and looked at Aryan and Kabir. They looked at her fearfully.

She came towards Kabir and putted hot oil on him and shot three bullets in his legs. And he shouted in pain.

Then she went to Aryan and shot left three bullets in his arms making him shout in pain. Chanchal with Many difficulties went towards Aryan and supported him by his shoulders.

Just then police entered in the VR MANSION. And salute for Riddhima.

POLICE: Yes ma’am.

RIDDHIMA: Inspector arrest Kabir and Anupriya for murdering Miss. Mittal, Mr. Deep Raichand, and Mrs. Aarohi Raichand, Mrs. Uma RAISINGHANIA. And do torture more then death.

They nodded and took Kanupriya with them. While doctor came and treated Chanchal, Aryan and Ishani.

SIYA: Bhabhi why were the inspector was saluting you??

She asked with curiosity and Riddhima smiled at her and Vansh said.

VANSH: Siya because your bhabhi is senior CBI officer.

Siya smiled widely and hugged Riddhima tightly.

Everyone retired to their rooms.


It was 8 o clock and riansh were lying on their bed hugging each other listening to each other’s heart beat. Just then they heard a knock on the door.

Vansh kissed Riddhima’s forehead and went to open the door. When he opened the door a small hands encircled his legs. He and Riddhima smiled as they saw Roshni was hugging him.

She indicated him to bent down and he bent down to her level. And she kissed his cheeks softly.

ROSHNI: Vanshu anshu can I sleep with you and Didu. When mom dad left us I want to sleep with my didu but she was not with me. Now she is with me so I want to sleep with her hugging her tightly.

She said with tears in her eyes and Riansh was also having tears in their eyes. Vansh kissed her forehead and said.

VANSH: You need not ask for sleeping with your didu before me you has right on her, she is all yours.

ROSHNI: Sacchi.

Vansh nodded at her and again kissed her cheeks. And she ran towards Riddhima with full speed and jumped on her and hugged her tightly. Riddhima smiled with teary eyes and hugged her back.

Vansh was smiling seeing them happy. He went towards them and was about to off the lights. But Roshni stopped him and said with tears eyes.

ROSHNI: Vanshu ANSHU please don’t off the lights that uncle kabir keeps me in a dark room and shouts on me. From then I fear of dark and shouts.

Riansh looked at her with painful eyes. And Riddhima hugged her closed to her heart.

Riddhima: you need not to fear of anything Roshgulla. Why to fear when didu and vanshu anshu is here?? Hmmm..

Roshni nodded cutely. And slept between her didu and Vanshu jiju.

And Riansh started their new journey with Roshni and was waiting for their daughter or son to come in this world. ( Riddhima is pregnant don’t get confuse. )


End of this os also hope you all liked it will be waiting for your feedbacks.



Tanya K

Hi guys. I'm a big fan of RiAnsh from IMMJ2 & brand new couple SiRav from SSK2. Writing a fanfiction on them❤❤.

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